Beyond Redemption – Hump Day Confessional: Rapid Fire Randomity

Hump Day Confessional: Rapid Fire Randomity

I haven’t done this a bit. Been busy/sick and whatnot, so let’s toss some shit out there, shall we?

Today’s Confession…

1. When I’m in deep concentration, I unknowingly clench or grind my teeth.

2. I spend most of my spare cash buying InuYasha fanart and kpop merchandise.

3. I’m probably 20 times nicer than most people think I am, but fandom taught me not to show it.

4. I’m not good at keeping in touch with people other than Kau and Rhyebread. Sorry. It’s not on purpose…

5. My trust is not easily earned, and once lost, can never be recovered.

6. I hate when people bug/ask/hint about/hound me to write lemons.

7. I don’t hate writing as much as I did a few months ago. But I still don’t love it.

8. I’m getting a root canal on Friday. Yay. >.>

9. I’m very shy and introverted. (No, really.)

10. Overall, I found Coheed & Cambria’s latest double CD a disappointment. And, for me, saying something like that is huge.

11. I hate ugly feet more than any other body part that’s capable of being ugly.

12. I hate aloof, sarcastic people who think they’re the smartest fuckers in the room. Especially when they’re not.

13. I think salad and salad dressing is disgusting. Along with potato salad, macaroni salad, chicken salad, pasta salad, tuna salad -the list goes on.

14. Because of my eye issues (surgery, etc), I need eyedrops several times a day.

15. Unlike people who are just faking it, I really do enjoy being single.

/End Round One.