Beyond Redemption – So… Did I Forget I have a Blog?

So… Did I Forget I have a Blog?

Damn, I haven’t updated in ages, have I? Well, there hasn’t been a whole lot to say, but I’ll put up the latest.

First off, Kau rocks. My birthday is coming (March 2) and I’ve developed this new taste for Zero Kiryu from Vampire Knight. Well, she’s sending me the DVD box set that just came out, a Zero plushie, and the VK artbook. I’m SO excited. (Like a kid in a candy store!) I love Zero; he’s so fucking cute! My Lily, who is a huge VK fan, will probably squeal with me. lol.

I have moar art coming. Well, this one is actually for Fallen and I’m getting it from an artist I’ve never worked with before. It’s always an adventure when there’s a language barrier. >.> I like her work a lot, but I don’t think I’m going to be super happy with it. I know this because what I asked for wasn’t completely what was drawn. It goes back to artists doing what they want on your commission, ya know? I just don’t get that.

If you’re being paid to create something, shouldn’t you make it to the customer’s specifications and not decide what you want to do on your own, especially when you were given complete references and instructions (I asked for InuYasha one way, and she made him a completely different way)? Or how about approving a lineart, then having the artist take it upon themselves to redraw it because they weren’t happy with the result. Then they go ahead and color version two that you did not approve, then act a little put off because you put your foot down and said you want the version you did approve.

Yeah. <.< It happened twice with this pic, thus making the wait for it take even longer and I'm still not completely happy. The only good thing is that the art is very cheap, and even if it's not exactly what I want, she is very good at drawing. But lawd. My queendom for an artist that will NOT take liberties with the work I’m PAYING for! If you give me something for free, make it any way you wish and I’ll be happy and very appreciative. Charge me and I want it my way. Period.

But there is some good news. I’m getting new art done for my new site, and I think I know who I’m going to ask. Not only is she a great artist, but she will make it the way I want it without question. *sighs happily*

I know you’re all waiting for updates. Welp, I don’t know when you’re going to get one. I need to finish what I’m doing for my site first, then I’ll start writing again. I mean, I’ll probably chip away at it in between, but don’t expect any full on chapters for a bit. And thanks for the reviews as of late. It’s nice to know that people are patiently waiting for updates, even if almost ALL of those updates inquiries are for The Neighbor. >.> Who knew this fic would practically overshadow everything else I’m doing? But seriously, don’t take that story to heart.

Some of y’all are really into it to the degree that you’re analyzing every single thing that goes on, and I have to say, that’s a bit much. It’s just a fanfic, ya know? It’s written for fun with no hidden meaning about life and no lessons on human behavior tucked within its folds. It’s not even going to be that long, so loosen the grip, okay? And it’s not that I don’t appreciate the love you guys have for it. I do, but if it doesn’t sum up to whatever you want/think/hope it should be, you’re going to be disappointed and I really don’t want that. So read it for the same reason I write it: Twisted pleasure and nothing more. :)

Aight, I’m ghost. I’ll check in again soon. 😀