Beyond Redemption – Inu-Verse: The Alternate Universe

Inu-Verse: The Alternate Universe

Happy Heart Day, Y’all. 😀

In my last post, I mentioned a minor announcement and here it is:

Some of you may know, or you may not, but I created a new InuYasha fiction site about 2 weeks ago. I wanted to do something for Valentine’s Day, so I decided to take on a suggestion my kid brother gave me about 2 years ago. An archive specifically for the alternate universe genre.

Unlike Eternal Destiny, this site is not pairing specific. Any pairing is allowed (even the ones I hate! lol) so long as the story takes place in the alternate universe. Yup, that mean NO CANON WHATSOEVER. The only exception to that rule is if the story needs to begin in the canon universe in order to carry into the alternate universe. However, we’re only allowing a certain amount of chapters inw hich this needs to happen, or we’ll remove the fiction.

As an AU Grrrl myself, I definitely like the idea of a place that only caters to that genre because, in my opinion, it doesn’t get enough love, so why not make a little house of worship? 😛 Thus far, it’s been available by invitation only (just to test it out and get a feel for the atmosphere), but now that V-Day has arrived, I figured I’d say something about it here. Feel free to join and post, or join and read, or just stare at with your nose is pressed up against the glass. Whatever suits ya!


And…. that’s about it. My mom’s birthday is tomorrow, so I just don’t know what kind of mood I’ll be in. But for now, everything’s breezy. 😀

Oh, (and this is a maybe), I might be posting the little giftie Kau made for me at Absolution (or my gallery) later today. Not sure yet, but it will be awfully cute. lol.

Ciao bellas!

EDIT: Kau’s gift has been uploaded to my gallery. Squee!