Beyond Redemption – Tired of So Many Things…

Tired of So Many Things…

It’s warm outside, but inside my apartment is cold. I haven’t slept like a normal person in a while, either. I have block, and it’s fucking up everything. Life has been sucking for quite some time, too. The things that were once so much fun just feel like work. Maybe I’m just burned out, i don’t know. I don’t necessarily feel it, but I won’t rule it out. Won’t even mention the almost daily migraines… Oops. I guess I mentioned them.

I’m sick of people. Okay, people is too broad a stroke. I’ll say “certain” kinds of people instead. I hate people that grin in your face while they’re making moves. I hate how fucking fake people are, so I’m a fan of giving what I fucking get. I hate how people who are supposed to be your friends have really closed ranks then want to act shocked when they’re called out on it. I hate identity theft; be yourself because it’s fucking transparent. We know you’re waiting to see what we do next so you can copy it. *hard eyeroll* I hate plagiarists who steal someone’s original work, change a few things, then pretend they didn’t gank it. I see that all the time and it infuriates me, especially when I can name the source of their thievery. Talk about admiring someone to death.

And before conclusions are found and jumped to, very little of that pertains to me. Some does, but the majority of that is my opinion on shit that’s going on with friends.

But then, there are the cool people, like BrokenRose who surprised me with a slew of reviews for Knife of Romance. lol. I love hearing how someone was ready to shy away from that fic due to the subject matter, but then gave it a chance and loved it. That seems to be the story of that fanfic’s life. It’s one of my favorites, I admit, so it’s always gumdrops when someone else enjoys it, too. Then, there’s my kau who made me that sweet video! But that’s my road dawg for life, so she don’t really count. The cool folks I know from various sites, the IG Lovelies who always leave some comment luv that cheers me up, and, of course, “The Fam”, who can do no wrong, (not even my bratty kid brother)…

Rambling now.

Anyway, I guess it’s one of those days when the glaring, ridiculous actions of others are magnified, making me wish they’d fucking go away, or better yet, never showed up in the first place. Wishful thinking, I know, but let me have my dreams, aight?

New poll up. Seriously.