Beyond Redemption – I Haz Back From Net Hell!

I Haz Back From Net Hell!

OMFG. What a shitty birthday! (-____-)

So, my net went down on the night of March 1st, leaving me with what I call “watered down” internet. There was some shit gone wrong in my area and everyone, or most people, were subjected to this weak-as-all-hell service that would only let us get on certain low-traffic sites. I was basically locked out of everything that mattered until yesterday. URG. But Kau kept me sane (what would I do without kau???)

However, it was REALLY nice to come back to so much birthday love. I got tons of messages from Facebook and Deviant Art, a ticket to see Janet Jackson this month from kau, gift art and cute lil doodles, and a killer wallpaper from my girl, Am, and the art I bought for myself was finished right on the big day. I was able to access my e-mail, so it was awesome to get to see it. And it is GORGEOUS.

It’s for All The Things You Never Say, and I must admit, Sarah drew my OC perfectly. She’s truly an amazing artist and SO sweet! If you haven’t visited Absolution yet, you should. I made a skin with the characters, but the true beauty is in the finished art with the original background. That, you can find at my gallery. It is LOVELY!

In other news, I have a gang of e-mail to catch up on. So if I owe you (and you all know who you are) expect it soon. I’ms till catching up on everything. 4 days without net is like a lifetime! Gah!

In fanfic news, I’m going to attempt some writing later on, so you may see something soon. Other than the old skool fic I’m doing, I’m not sure what else will get touched. I still have to take care of Nutella (I’ve been drawing HARD blanks on her plot and I feel awful because this was a contest win >.<). I'm also thinking about closing my account. I hate that site. I always have. It looks and runs crappy too much of the time, it's a safe haven for plagiarists, and there are assholes there by the boatload. I've long stopped fucking with public sites for my fiction ever since I learned that many moderators and site owners are unprofessional, irresponsible, and classless. However, I stayed on FFN, and even added more stories to my account there, when I started getting plagiarized so that I'd have a more of a presence. It didn't help. I still got plagiarized, and the mods there still didn't do anything about it. (There are plagiarized stories there from years back that have hundreds of complaints and reports, and guess what? They're still there!) So, yeah, kinda done. I’ve already discontinued many WIP updates there, but now, I’m thinking about deading the whole thing.

Anyway, that’s it for now. ^_^


    • avatarAm says:

      I say go for it over at I’ve been meaning to pull off of there and mediaminer, too for the LONGEST time. I’ve just been too lazy to sign in or even bother…xD Upkeep on both sites is just horrible and not worth the headaches.

      Glad to have you back and that the birthday wasn’t a total bust. And Isis looks INCREDIBLE on Abi’s header.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      AMMMMM! <3

      Thanks so much (again) for the awesome wallie *glomps* And for keeping an eye on everything for me. Much appreciated!

      I think I'm with you. FFN is terrible, and after that interesting lil "anon" review (see it on EX), I was like, I'm so SICK of dealing with children. It was cute for them about 3 or 4 years ago, but at this point, I really mean it when I say I don’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks of my content and subject matter. Just don’t read it, asshat. Lawd.

      And I’m so happy you like how the header turned out. It’s coming along very SLOWLY, but I’m figuring out ways how to make them bad boys! The art is just so… WOW. I wasn’t going to get anything done for it, but I figured, why not? I have a slew of IY art, even IY/K art, so Isis deserved her moment. 😛

      Wait until I tell you what old skool fic is getting some art next…

    • avatarLindsay says:

      OMG! Happy Be-lated birthday!!!!!!!!! Glad to see you’re back on the net! Internetlessness sucks hardcore, trust me, I know -.-;;; hope you’re carpel tunnel doesn’t start flaring up or anything while you attempt to write us some more of your awesome fics! (I meant to comment on “GFE” but considering I haven’t read the whole fic, which I need to do, I decided to do so once the WHOLE fic was read).
      And, this is just my opinion, and I know you’re not asking for it, but if I were you, I would definitely just close your FF account. I know how much they aggravate the ever living hell outta you, not to mention that all your hardcore fans know where your ‘house’ is and know where to find the fanfiction. Just saying 😉 Hope you’re well grrrl! ::HUGS::

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Hey Linds! <3

      Yeah, no net on my birthday stunk. It was worse when the rest of the week came and I still didn't have any! *grumble* But it's back to normal.

      As for FFN, I still haven't gone over there (laziness), but I probably will. There are a million writers there. My disappearance won't matter in the slightest. TBH, I'm considering just an all around departure. I don't write as much anymore, and those that do read it barely ever review, and I don't see myself putting in much more work. The public sites will stay open because people use them, but Abi will shut down when I'm done. I heard a lot of other writers that were around when I started have been vanishing and I think it might be time to be in that number.