Beyond Redemption – OMG! Has it Been That Long?!

OMG! Has it Been That Long?!

Two days ago I had THE biggest WTF moment. I actually deleted one of my stories by accident. The panic that followed wasn’t a pretty sight. >.> I went to edit it, hit the wrong button, and voila. All gone. The story was A Treasure on the Tide, so that was a double WTF because that’s a fave and I was soooo o.O. But I’m pretty meticulous when it comes to my sites, so I was able to replace it right away, save for the very latest review from 2 days ago. So, if you read this blog, Brit, sorry about that. But I did get to read it before it was lost and I plan to hook ya up soon. Thanks for liking that one so much; it’s really flattering. <3 Which brings me to the subject of this entry. In the Fuckinghellbbq files, I’m completely floored by the ‘last updated’ dates I’m seeing on my fictions. Geez, are you kidding me? Tide hasn’t been updated since 2009?? Why doesn’t it feel that long? Maybe because I’m the author and all my stories are all pretty fresh in my mind? I dunno, but damn. >.< I feel awful about that. Some of it is laziness, but a lot more of the delay belongs to block. I’ll get inspired, hammer out a ton of chaps, then I’ll get stuck or get block and it will be ages before it comes back to me. Like Loved. Urgh. Not fun at all, and really, you guys need to review the oldies every once in a while and remind me that it’s been a long time since I’ve updated. Because I have a tendency to just tune shit out…

In any case, as I rifle through stories that haven’t gotten any attention in eons, I start realizing that I may need more than a year to finish them. My plan was retirement by next summer, but that’s in a tailspin at the moment. There are some stories I really like that I personally want to complete, and then there are a couple of “fan faves” that I feel like I must complete. Yeah, I know. I don’t have to do anything, but I was on Fanworks a few days ago (I had an acct in 2006) and saw that many of the same people come to Absolution now, and it’s like, how can I fix my face to not finish any of the stuff they’ve enjoyed? I know there are plenty of ff writers that would be like, “Pfft. Fuck ’em. If I’m not into it, I’m not into it.” but my brain doesn’t work that way. I think if someone invested their time in you, you owe them something more than a kiss off. There are some fics that I won’t complete because I can’t get myself back into the mode I need to finish them, so I’ll update what I can for as long as I can. How’s that?