Beyond Redemption – HAPPY FIREWORKS DAY!


Just popped in to wish you guys a happy 4th of July (that will only matter if you are American or residing in America :P). It’s hot as FUCK outside, so no BBQing for me. I’m more than happy to lounge in front of my fan and write while I drink iced tea by the bucket! Mmm Mmm!

On the writing front, I’m at the home stretch with my giftfic. It’s already at 9,000 words and I still have one last big scene. But I will hopefully execute this by tonight (’cause it must post by tomorrow) and then it’s back to the rest of my fic arsenal. I also will be working on one more oneshot for Nutella. It’s way, way late, but it’s gonna happen no matter what. Then, I’ll chip away at the rest. I’ll probably be working on Money. Power. Respect (mainly cause y’all must see the art for it) and Hikari (Nice header coming foir that, too) along with The Neighbor (No, I didn’t forget about that one). But it will take some time with the carpal and all. Just hang in there.

Enjoy the holiday!