Come Hump Me!
Happy Hump Day, Y’all! xD
I’m in a good fucking mood! I finished Kau’s torturous 16 drabbles last night >.> and I’m working on a new oneshot. I should be getting my slightly revised fanart soon, too, then I will immediately start on the new skin.
I’ve also reopened my LiveJournal. One of my mods, E, chewed on my arm a little and I gave in. I’m a damn pushover! So, if any of y’all use LJ, feel free to friend me (though, I require a lil heads up before I let you in. Too may dipshits in this fandom to have an open blog there, so it’s Friends Only).
That’s really it for now. I’m going to attempt some writing, though I vowed I was going to take the day off from that after all them damn drabbles, but…. we’ll see. And thanks again for the review luv. It was nice to have support, regardless of what it is that I’m writing. ^______^
But I’m a little ticked that my music player isn’t working at my site. Damn it, I like having it play for me in the background! And I watched the original “Wrong Turn” again to celebrate my KR victory -it’s still so good!