Beyond Redemption – Fanart, Fanfic, and Personal Shit.

Fanart, Fanfic, and Personal Shit.

I just got 4 commissions back and they’re just AWESOME. 3 of them are chibis -one for Eternal Destiny, one for Absolution, and one for my Kau. I won’t be showing Abi’s or ED’s yet, but you can see Kau’s giftie at Decadence, my art gallery. The others will “debut” at some point, though ED’s wait may be a bit longer. But it’s so darn cute that it will be worth it. ^___^

My “Belle” finished the art for IG [dot] Net, so it’s just a matter of getting it on the domain (courtesy of the fantabulous Neo). But wait until you guys see the full art. HOLY SHIT. To say she nailed it nicely is a complete understatement. Every time she makes me something new I end up having a new favorite art! But wait until you see the goodies you haven’t seen yet. Yeah, visiting Absolution will become a LOT more fun. xD

And in stressful news, I have this plant. I’ve had this plant since my mother died. It was a little stem in a jar of water and she said she was going to plant it. That day never came, so in tribute of her, I planted it and for all these years it has grown until it’s almost like a palm tree. But in the last couple of years I’ve had trouble with it. Leaves dying, bad roots -so I replanted with premium soil, a much bigger pot, the works. Well, that made it worse. It was practically dying, then it got better, started to stand, then took several turns for the worse. So, Kau and I are trying to find ways to save it, but it’s stressful as hell.

I’ve had this plant for many years, so seeing it die will really break me up. It’s part of my mom, you know? So, I’m stressed, upset, a lotta shit. It’s part of why I haven’t really dug into writing lately. It’s not the sole reason, I haven’t felt like picking up my pen since, well… I have almost no inspiration to write these days and I hate that. I really do because it used to be a form of release. Now, it’s not, and when I felt the bug to write again and I was excited about it, the enthusiasm died a bad death. Sigh.

Point is, I’ll do my best to get this show on the road post haste, but no guarantees that it will be any good.

EDIT: We found out the name/species of the plant (It was a mystery), and got sound advice on how to nurse it. Keep your fingers crossed that I can make it feel better, and thus, make myself feel better…