Beyond Redemption – Incredibly Upset.

Incredibly Upset.

In my quest to find an array of horror movies for Halloween (and collecting many Asian ones \o/), I almost clicked on a link that I know would have changed my life. I don’t know if you ever heard of “3 guys, 1 hammer”, but I was unaware of what it really is. I thought it was a horror film, as it was mentioned in a horror list I was looking at. There was a link, and I nearly clicked it when a random comment on the list caught my eye.

“That’s a snuff movie.”

Talk about freezing in place. My throat felt like it was going to close as my hand inched away from the mouse. But to be sure, I talked to Kau and we found evidence that it was indeed a snuff film. Two, nineteen-year-old pieces of shit in the Ukraine killed 21 random people. Some of the murders were filmed with one being a man who was tortured with a hammer, screwdriver, and other things. All over Youtube there are “reaction” videos, and most begging others to never watch it. Keh. I don’t need a stranger to tell me that watching a snuff film will ruin my life and steal what little innocence is left in this jaded New Yorker. What I don’t get are the sick fucks who will watch it anyway or laugh about it.

For those who don’t know, a “snuff” film is a movie in which a real person gets murdered in front of a camera. It’s one of the most depraved acts a human being can do to another and I would never, ever engage in watching such a thing. I was sickened by the fact that I almost let that shit onto my hard drive, thinking it was a horror film.

So why am I upset? (Other than the fact that I nearly watched a murder?) Why is that shit on the internet where it can be downloaded and watched by anyone? One of those reaction videos I mentioned was done by a thirteen-year-old boy! Why the FUCK are things like that available to him with just a few clicks of a mouse?! I don’t like censorship, but my God there has to be a line! Who are the whack jobs passing that shit out like it’s Halloween candy for unsuspecting people like me?

I’m horrified and I thank God for sparing me from something that would have haunted me forever.