Beyond Redemption – HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Just had to stop by to wish my peeps a HNY! Hopefully, we’ll all have a great one free of drama, headaches, and health scares (that turn out to be real >.>).

I started my first day of the new year by taking care of myself like I said I would. I don’t like all the changes I have to make, but I want to live so I’m gonna do them. It’s not so awful, I’m realizing, as I get used to things, but it’s necessary.

I’ve also decided to end some ‘friendships’ for good, if you can even call them that. You pretty much know when someone is full of shit, and I’ve known this about several people, so I’m cutting ties in their entirety. Yes, this includes online people. I’m a bit sick of people who think they’re something important or who act shady when I don’t bend to their will. They’re not worth knowing because I’m not going to change the way I think for anybody. Fuck them with a fork. I’ve been civil and avoiding drama, but I’m at a point that I don’t care about that. I don’t want to know them, so I’m not going to.

I’ve also made a resolution to write more. I know I don’t feel that bright spark that I once did for fanfiction, but that doesn’t mean it’s lost forever. I let myself get hurt along the way, I let my inspiration die out, and I’ve been hard on myself -all for no good reason. Fanfic is supposed to be fun, not “serious business”, and I want to find the fun again so I can finish what I’ve started for the ones who matter: My supporters. I also have my original to bang out, so I gotta get off my lazy ass! (Oi, no agreeing with me! >.>)

Today is also Eternal Destiny’s 5th birthday. Yay! \o/ It started out as just a little gift to my friends and lovelies, but it grew into that cute little house on the end of the street. lol. It was never meant to be a big place, and it never will be, but it’s home to many and that’s something to be proud of, ne? Make sure you visit and grab your anniversary gift.

Anyway, I hope you guys have a great, prosperous, and truly happy new year. Don’t let people bring you down over silly shit, don’t forget about the things you love and why you love them, and don’t let anyone, FRIEND OR FOE, tell you “NO”. Don’t ever give away that power, and thanks for brightening my days with great reviews and encouragement. <3