The Deal on Reader Accounts
This is an update on the reader accounts.
1. Reader accounts can only be issued by me. There won’t be a “register” link available on the site. Names will be taken from reviews, mostly recent ones (as in the last year or so -with a few exceptions), because those are the people who are still regularly visiting the site.
2. Many reviewers have been registered over the weekend with more to come. However, some reviewers will not be registered due to their username, or lack thereof. For example, I get a lot of reviews from “Anon and Anonymous”. I can’t register that to my site; it could be anyone. I have some who only review using a one letter name like “S”, but the site will not allow names that are less than 3 letters. So, if you’ve been doing either one, I advise that you review with a real name or you won’t get in.
3. Reader accounts have a new Terms of Service (on the main toolbar). Familiarize yourselves because they’re important.
4. The member list will go public 1-2 week before the actual locking of the site. That will give people time to collect their passwords from me, or in the case of a reviewer who was forgotten, contact me for registration. I’m doing my best to get the names of all my regulars, but Absolution is almost 6 years old -she’s made a lot of friends! So don’t take offense if you weren’t included; it could just be a simple case of overlooking. However, if you’re a reviewer who has left comments or ratings I wasn’t fond of… heh.
5. Those who find their name on the list have to e-mail me with their e-mail address and username. Then, you’ll get a password you can use to log into the site.
6. Absolution will be locked to the general public, but not locked as a whole. That means, if you’re not a regular reviewer, or you’re new to the site, but are willing to become a regular reviewer, you can inquire about an account.
And yes, every story on my site will be locked (ratings don’t matter). So even if you access the site itself, it will be useless because without an account, you can’t access the fiction.
To those who could never be bothered with reviewing, what can I say? It’s not hard to leave a positive comment on a story you like (Otherwise, why come to my site at all?), but that choice is, and has always been, yours to make. No regrets or apologies from me; I want to write for people that give a shit about what I’m doing and show it.
To everyone else, thanks for the support. I have noticed an upswing in reviews lately, undoubtedly because of the impending reader accounts, but I still appreciate you guys taking a minute to make up for all the times you didn’t review. Either way, it means a lot and they’re appreciated.
I’m still lazing around today, but tomorrow I begin work on the last 2 chapters of Fan Month. Yay! \o/