Beyond Redemption – Pollen, Insomnia, and Other Things That Annoy a Grrrl.

Pollen, Insomnia, and Other Things That Annoy a Grrrl.

I have seasonal allergies. They’re adult onset and they suck. I usually get itchy eyes, sneezing, that kind of thing. We had a really mild winter in NYC, so a lot of stuff that should have died didn’t, thus making this abnormally hot summer feel like the farthest corner of Hades. I haven’t had a lot of eye issues, but the sneezing, and the fucking stuffy nose is doing me in. I can barely breathe and I’m miserable as FUCK.

I have bouts of insomnia from time to time. When it comes, it’s bad. I’ve had about 9 hours of sleep in the last 72 hours and it hasn’t ebbed yet. I’m gonna drop if I’m not careful, so I’m going to cheat and buy some sleep aids later today. I need a full night’s fucking sleep already, cause needless to say, I’m a fucking BITCH when I’m tired and I have no energy.

I haven’t done much writing. I’ve been RL busy and just not feeling like it even though I do feel like it. Weird, huh? Certain stories have been bugging me to be written, but I don’t know… I’m not good at making myself actually do it. >.> Gonna work on that today, though. Oddly, I write at my best when I’m tired (no idea why), but not too tired, which is why I need sleep. I won’t promise an update this weekend, but I do promise to get some writing done and to post as soon as possible.

Ordered myself some new art (aside from the stuff that I recently received), but I won’t be getting it for a couple of weeks, so nothing to report. But I’ll drop a hint: One will be for Absolution and full of bishie goodness! Well Done I also bought my Neo some art for her birthday. I’d like to post it to my gallery, but I don’t think I will mainly because it’s hers and it was a private commission (all of my comms are. I don’t want my works shared unless I share them) and I want her to do what she wants with it. So I’ll just say that it’s Inu and Sess looking yummy! Evil Idea

And my Kau sent another box from Louisiana! I collect Hello Kitty stuff, so she sent me the coolest HK luncbox with collectible pez dispensers and a cute lil HK toothbrush, and HK ramune (Japanese soda). WAH! \o/ Chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, 200 migraine pills (Excedrin seems to have gone out of business and they were the only pills that would calm my migraines, but this stuff she sent me works, too!) and other goodies. Kau rocks. Blush

Okay, I’m gonna make my caramel iced coffee (with whipped cream!) and write a little. I have someplace to go this afternoon, so I want to get a bit of prose in before that. Wish me luck! Love & Kisses

Kevin in the mirror after his shower. Mmmm….