Beyond Redemption – Sick, But Present.

Sick, But Present.

I was really sick on Friday. The kind of sick that keeps you in bed all day long and contemplating a visit to the ER. I’m feeling a bit better now, but not 100%. I’m so sick of this shit, for real. I want one day where something isn’t fucking haywire.

Thursday night I actually got a tiny bit of writing done. I’m hoping to do a bit more tonight, but it probably won’t be much since I’m still recovering. Sigh. I wasn’t happy with what I had, either, but I’m not going to complain too much. The words don’t want to come at all, so beggars can’t be choosy! For a while, chapters may be kind of uneventful, or even dry, but that’s because I’m forcing it now ’cause I have no choice. >.> Yay.

I also popped in at one of my favorite Industrial artist’s website, Assemblage23, and bought a bunch of music. Apparently, he had his own label and had some good acts signed to it. Two of which are, Lost Signal and Espermachine. They’re both fucking awesome (If you like stuff like VNV Nation or Seabound, or Covenent, you’ll like these guys), so expect to hear them on Absolution shortly. Assemblage23 also covered one of my favorite 80’s songs, “Love My Way” by the Psychedelic Furs and it sounds so neat! Embarrassed The digital albums were super cheap, too, and it was nice to support some of my indie groups, especially Assemblage23, whom I love!

Oh, and kau bought me a new computer chair and a back massage thingy that fits into the chair. How awesome is she??? We don’t like the chair much, so I’m debating sending it back. The site wasn’t that forthcoming about the thing and we’re a little unhappy with it in person. The massage thingy, I’ll keep and see how it works out.

Okay, gonna try a bit of writing and see how it goes.

P.S. Wanna read the translation of the new InuYasha drama CD?
It’s actually cute… even if they did make InuYasha look like an idiot. Again.