Beyond Redemption – Happy Belated Turkey Day!

Happy Belated Turkey Day!

Spent the last two days cooking, slightly eating, but mostly trying to recover from stomach trauma.

Bestie sent me a ton of liquor right before the holiday and I made the mistake of drinking coco-creme liquor (mixed with vanilla ice cream and milk — the Kiki mudslide) 3 days in a row and paid for it dearly. I guess I burned through the lining of my tummy (and we’re only talking about one drink each day), so now my days are filled with warm milk and nibbles of food afterward. Apparently, the rumors are true. Warm milk really does “coat” the stomach, allowing the acidic burn and pain to calm down for a few hours. Plus, hot milk with a bit of Splenda tastes delish. So, not super terrible.

I’m feeling a little chipper today, so I’m going to tackle some stories. I have nerve pain on the right side of my body, which likes to play on my ability to type, but I’ve got Vicodin and new compression gloves, so we gon do it anywaaaay~!

And though I’m not sure what will see an update first, I can say that I have several pieces of fanart for the site that have never been posted in all these years (I was waiting for when I create accompanying chapters). So, as updates finally come together, you can look forward to some new IK masterpieces. Nostalgic, huh?

Last, but not least, since 2021 will be Eternal Destiny’s final year, I’m going to be hosting various writing challenges. The first one, “Reindeer Games” has already been posted and I’ll be giving away a funko pop from the IY Universe at the end, so go check it out! Everyone is welcome, even if you think writing isn’t your forte.

Happy Weekend!