Mudshovel Monday.
Haven’t updated anywhere in a few days, so why not here?
Not a lot going on. My sleep patterns are all fucked up –again– and I’m tired and out of it. I’ve been editing some fics/re-reading them to try to get my head back into writing. The plan is to update randomly. No lists and no forcing it. Wherever the words come is what will get the update. Again, I’ve cut a bunch of stories with more cuts coming depending on “lovelie” response. Some stories will see an ending whether y’all are into them or not because either, A) They’re gifts or personal faves of friends or B) They’re a personal fave of mine. Others, well, I guess they just won’t work out. lol.
I ordered more fanart from Jake (He did my latest “anime self” art, and it already looks super cute from the sketch, so that should be fun. I also commissioned a couple of gifts for friends, but they’re not ready yet. I recently commissioned some art for Nikkie from Rootslove on dA and it came out really well, so I’ll have to share.
It’s for her Dr. Who story at Eternal Destiny. So go check it out. And by the way, Rootslove also did the “Bloody Cinderella” that displays at ED right now (along with graphics work from the phenom that is Neo), and it’s cool as hell. If you haven’t seen it, go. Now.
My beloved Yankees made the playoffs, but like a bunch of scrubs, they let the mathematically eliminated Blosux beat them, and thus, lost the division to the Tampax Rays. Urg. I mean, hooray that they made it in, but after holding on to the #1 spot most of the season and then losing it to this flash in the pan of a team… ah well. At least they’re in the post season, unlike Bahston who just suck.
And that’s it for today. Hopefully, I’ll shake off the “blahs” and update a story.