Beyond Redemption – Sups, My Homies?!

Sups, My Homies?!

I haven’t updated for a while and figured I’d throw up a quickie. Not much going on. I’m working on some older fictions that haven’t seen updates in ages and trying to keep my hands from going nuts. My gram’s birthday is coming up, so I’m on that melancholy train right now, which is why I’m throwing myself into fics. Not an easy task between my hands and the struggle to get over block, but it beats moping, right?

I had a little commission done of my anime self that made me smile. It’s at my gallery, but I’ll share it here, too.

In sad news, one of my all-time faves, Blackmamba07, deleted all of her stories from both mediaminer and I have no idea why, but what a loss! :( If you never got to read any of her works, I feel a little bad for you because she smokes all these so called “Big Name Fan” writers. Her story, Mirrors, alone makes 80% of IY fanfics look like shit. lol. My hope is that she’ll reconsider one day and re-post because, as I said, the deletion of her work is a great loss to IY fanfic community.

In Deviant Art news, I had a kiriban contest that yielded 2 winners. I actually didn’t promote it after the initial blog post (thinking it would skim beneath the radar -and it almost did!). So now I have 3 stories to get off the ground (the 3rd is for Ms. Goddess, who has been patiently waiting for her fic since 2008, or so). I just hope my chronic block won’t be too much of a factor. I also updated my yaoi after a 3-year absence. Whoa. I just hope I can get another out there before 3 years comes around again. >.> Also, Eternal Destiny’s dA group is having a contest for our 4th anniversary, so check it out if you draw (you know my prizes are always good. lol.)

And the question of the day? How do you totally adore a manga character, yet refuse to read said manga? That is my dilemma whenever I look at Zero from Vampire Knight. My Lily turned me on to that one, but <.< I have a reason for not reading it (I don't want to give any spoilers). I'm totally FANGIRLING on Zero, but I don't wanna touch that manga. DAMN.
