God is Good!
I got some good news today. My friend’s doctors have finally taken the life-threatening diagnosis off the table. He’s still sick, but they’re now confident that he isn’t as bad off as they first thought he was and the main illness (There are several things wrong with him) has been reduced from worst case scenario, to “can be halted/corrected with medicine”, so I’m pretty happy and relieved. Chances are, like me, he’ll have to take medication for the rest of his life, but dammit, at least there will be a life to live!
I’m going back to the hospital to see him tomorrow. They say that he could be released on Christmas Day, but that would be the best case scenario. Which means he’ll most likely be stuck in there for the holiday, which blows. But that’s okay; I’ll be there with him. He won’t be alone. No way. And since my spirits are up and things are staring to look much better, I’ll be trying to get something typed up for you guys by the new year (Oi, that’s not even 2 weeks from now!). I have a lot going on between real life, ED’s 6th anniversary (On New Year’s Day), their Secret Santa at deviantART (On Xmas Eve), and their Legend Awards (all going on within this holiday), but I’ll work something out. You know the drill -especially right now- don’t expect anything long. The chapters WILL be far less than what you’re used to because I’m pressed for time in every possible way, but I don’t want the new year to start without giving y’all something -you’ve waited long enough!