Beyond Redemption – Hell Yes!

Category “Hell Yes!”


Saturday, 19 October, 2013

The Placebo concert was absolutely awesome. Hands down. They didn’t just play songs from the new CD (which sounded so great live that I ended up enjoying them), but they played a lot of my faves and I genuinely had a ball. I went with my friend who got us into the seated VIP area, which gave us a great view and allowed us to get some great fancams.

Not sure if any of you like Placebo, but if you do, here are the cams.

^That was the encore.

If you want to see all of them, here are the links:

For What it’s Worth -Too Many Friends
Twenty Years
Begin the End
Every Me, Every You
Meds – Special K – The Bitter End

UGH. I love Placebo. (⊙◡ु⊙。)

In other news, the very next day, my friend was hospitalized again. He was able to come home on Friday, but chances are that Sunday or Monday he’ll be readmitted. It’s not anything super serious; they want to try new meds on him and would prefer to do so at the hospital so they can see how his body reacts to them before sending him home. It was a surprise, though, and kinda threw things out of wack for me.

My arms are better. I’m taking those supplements that deal with nerves (Carpal and cubital is all nerve pain) and I do see some improvement. I’m hoping in coming weeks the pain dwindles down enough to where it doesn’t hurt daily like it does now.

Anyway, I’ll be writing tonight now that I have a little more mobility (and painkillers). Don’t expect greatness. With so much going on, my mind hasn’t been on the words like it should be, but I’ll see what I can do. 0.~

Coheed on Saturday!

Thursday, 14 March, 2013

I’m going to see Coheed & Cambria on Saturday. Yay. \o/

That is all.

God is Good!

Saturday, 22 December, 2012

I got some good news today. My friend’s doctors have finally taken the life-threatening diagnosis off the table. He’s still sick, but they’re now confident that he isn’t as bad off as they first thought he was and the main illness (There are several things wrong with him) has been reduced from worst case scenario, to “can be halted/corrected with medicine”, so I’m pretty happy and relieved. Chances are, like me, he’ll have to take medication for the rest of his life, but dammit, at least there will be a life to live! Wooden Guitar

I’m going back to the hospital to see him tomorrow. They say that he could be released on Christmas Day, but that would be the best case scenario. Which means he’ll most likely be stuck in there for the holiday, which blows. But that’s okay; I’ll be there with him. He won’t be alone. No way. And since my spirits are up and things are staring to look much better, I’ll be trying to get something typed up for you guys by the new year (Oi, that’s not even 2 weeks from now!). I have a lot going on between real life, ED’s 6th anniversary (On New Year’s Day), their Secret Santa at deviantART (On Xmas Eve), and their Legend Awards (all going on within this holiday), but I’ll work something out. You know the drill -especially right now- don’t expect anything long. The chapters WILL be far less than what you’re used to because I’m pressed for time in every possible way, but I don’t want the new year to start without giving y’all something -you’ve waited long enough! Love & Kisses

I Was Given an Early Xmas Present….

Friday, 26 October, 2012



Monday, 7 November, 2011

The bastard that killed Michael is going to jail. Finally, some justice for the king.

Now maybe his soul can have a bit of peace.
Rest well, Mike.

Finally All the Way back!

Tuesday, 4 January, 2011

Well, if you didn’t know, the LCD screen on my computer went blewy, trapping all of my files and stuff on that computer. NIGHTMARE does not begin to cover it because it happened at 9pm on New Year’s Eve. Just hours before I was supposed to do Eternal Destiny’s goodie bags and anniversary stuff. I was fucking DISTRAUGHT, because while I have 2 more computers, that was the one I used the most and it had all of my files on it. >.< With the help of Kau and Amber, I was able to still get everything done on time, but I spent a harrowing 4 days with no access to any of the stuff on my HD, thus making several things late. >.< But I got lucky. I was able to get a new computer yesterday, and because Macs rock, I was able to connect this one to my old one through firewire and transfer all of my files off there, so I'm back in business. I have all my fic notes now, and all the stuff that's really important (like my 5000 music files :D) and I can get back to doing my thang. But again, harrowing experience. I’m addicted to my computer and the thought of losing it for any reason… *shudders*

So I’ll be taking the old one to the shop (the HD and superdrive work fine, so if I can get the monitor fixed, I’ll have a 4th computer loaded with software) and using this one for the duration. I’ll also stop screwing around and buy an external HD so shit like this can’t phase me if it ever happens again. *prays that it doesn’t happen again*

And I want to give a quick thank you to all of the new people that have been at the site leaving reviews (well, you may have been around all along, but I just didn’t know who you were because you never said anything). It was nice to come back to so many kind words, especially when my mood is all spiked off getting another comp. I definitely plan to start writing soon, so just bear with me while I get situated in my new house. ^_^


Wednesday, 21 July, 2010

For those that give a shit -the result I was waiting for came back negative, which means hereditary shit is still bad, but not bad enough to affect me! 😀 However, the trick is to make sure it never does by taking better care of myself, which I haven’t really been doing. But seriously, this is such a load off my mind; I really feel like I can LIVE again.

Right now, I’ve been gobbled up by that FB game >.> but I’m ready to pick up my pen again and do a little writing. There are going to be several “short” chapters, really short, as in less than 3000 words. Maybe even 2500, just to get back into the swing of things and find my footing again. Once I’m comfy, they’ll be longer. I especially plan to have short ones for old fics that I want to update because I haven’t messed with them in so long that I really need to ‘find my way back”, but I will. Shit, if I can finish a Sess/Kag that I started 3 years ago and couldn’t finish because I loathe the pairing, I think I can handle a few old I/K stories, ne? Either way, it’s time I treat myself to some closure for a few fics and finally make the announcement about the ones that will never be completed. Sad, but true.

Stay tuned…


Tuesday, 30 March, 2010

I’m gonna get in here to reply to everyone later tonight -I gotta run to Kinko’s because my printer is being cunty, but WOO HOO! Kau got me ANOTHER ticket to see Coheed & Cambria.


Did I say that I loved Kau? Oh yes -the fuck- I do!!!!!!!!!!

This week is coming up fucking ROSES and it’s only Tuesday!

(Trust me, if you knew how shitty things have been for me lately you’d know why I’m besides myself.)
First I get my feudal kiss, and now I get to see CoCa at both shows.


Best Band Ever.

…And I Was Born For Her.

Monday, 29 March, 2010


If you haven’t seen the final episode of InuYasha, I advise that you watch it RIGHT NOW. Yes, people, we finally got what we fucking wanted. Would you like a little visual proof?!


I’m so happy I’m dancing a fucking JIG while I type this. Vindication, it’s sweet as FUCK. I’m in such a good mood I’m fucking beside myself, lol.

I LOVE INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yes, he has said it loud and proud. He was born for KAGOME. Fucking VINDICATION.

…And Then a Grrrl Was Born!

Tuesday, 2 March, 2010


Okay, now that I got that out of my system… lol. It’s also my Onna-mom’s birthday (You know her as Inuyashaloverr) and I’m in a great mood! I used to write something for my birthday when it came around, but for the past few years I haven’t. You know, the usual. No inspiration, no time, but this year I pulled something together. It’s called Silk Stalking. I started it almost a year ago as a giftfic, then I got stuck two paragraphs in and SPLAT. It laid dead, never to be touched again. (I’m sure Danga recalls when I started this thing. Remember the “manacles”? lol.)

Then, while tossing out old drafts from finished fictions, I came across it and started reading what I had, and for whatever reason, the original idea that I wanted came back to me. And gasp! It actually flowed! The most shocking thing about this is that it’s canon, post manga to be exact, and y’all know I don’t hardly go there. However, I’m happy with the way it turned out, and it was nice to write something for myself again (and Onna!).

Today is a lazy day. I’m gonna make Spanish food for dinner (Yep, I’m cooking today! O.O) and I’m gonna eat buttercream cake (drool!), and play loud music, and I may even write something else. (Pumps fist!) In other words, I’m gonna be happy today. 😀

I also finished the new skin a few days ago and it’s up and waiting for some love! Neo did a heavenly job with the header (can you imagine how fucking awesome the wallie was?! She had “Inugrrrl” done in fireworks!) and I’m simply in love with the font that I found for it. *squees* I’m 100% happy that I stopped being a brat and let Kagome come out and play!

Now go read mah shit and get your freak-a deek on, but first, check out a small version of the wallpaper! xD

EDIT: OHMYGAWD!!!!!!!!! Look what my Lily made for me! SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!!!