The “Thank You” Post
So, I always do a ‘day after’ post to thank everyone for remembering my birthday -and here it is!
Big, fat, glomp-y thank yous go out to all my friends and readers who wished me a happy birthday by mail, on Facebook, on deviantART, and at Absolution. I had a good, laid back day and I appreciate the lurve!
Extra special thanks goes out to:
Amber (Am-ski)
And, of course, my Onna-Mom who was also born on March 2nd!
Thank you all so much for the lovely, thoughtful gifts. I appreciate them, but more than that, I appreciate you for being so kind to me through the years and thinking enough of me to give/create so many lovely presents. <33333333333333
For y blog visitors, if you’d like to see some of those gifts, go HERE.
One of my lovely wallpapers (from Neo) are missing, but that’s because you guys haven’t seen that art yet. It will post eventually. 😀