Beyond Redemption – THRILLER by LEGO!


Kau just sent this to me and it’s entirely too cute not to share. This is the video, Thriller, done shot by shot, and all with legos. Amazing, and definitely time consuming!


    • avatarSmurfette says:

      This was well done if I may say. And with Lego’s even! Thanks for sharing this with us. :)
      It’s sad that he passed. I was at work when I heard the news and I was like “No way…what…this can’t be true!”
      So of course, I called my mom and told her and she checked it out for me.
      I was speechless.

      ‘Billie Jean’s’ my fave songs, and Thriller is one of the best videos, which scared me (I was a little when I first watched it).

      He will be missed, but his legacy will continue on.

      Till then, hope you’re doing alright and Happy Independence Day!

      *Winks* 😉

    • avatarneo says:

      now that was too good.. I can see where time consuming it would be, but very well done…

      Thriller was one of his greats…and I always like to see what people can do with it.. may his legacy of music live on…

      Take it easy… and have a good weekend…

    • avatarInu Hanyou Nikkie says:

      *chuckles* That was so cute! The camera being out of focus made it creepy-fun! I had some shivers with the monsters.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Wasn’t it cute, Nik?!

      My friend sent it to me and I just had to share. I can’t even imagine the amount of time that went into that. But Mike knew of it -it was on his official youtube channel. 😛 He must have died laughing!