A Lazy Saturday in NY.
I haven’t updated my WP in a bit, so I figured I’d post a little something.
Things on this end are okay. I’ve been doing a lot of working, but I’m off this weekend so I’m going to relax a bit and tackle another chapter. Loved is coming along well. I’m nearly finished with it, and while it took longer than I would have liked, I’m not bitching. It will be nice to complete a chapter fic, even if it is a short one. I have so many to work on -it’s overwhelming! @.@
I didn’t sleep or rest much this week, so I’m feeling it now. I’m tired and have so many e-mails and posts to respond to; it’s not even funny. Not having a lot of time let’s shit pile up and then I pay for it later. Again, no complaints. It just means that I have a lot of friends and that’s a good thing. 😀
I’m better on MJ’s death. I guess I made my peace with it -even if I do get sad when I see one of his videos. Smooth Criminal, Remember the Time, and the dance sequence in You Rock My World are my favorites, so when I watch them and see him happy and smiling, it’s just a reminder that he’s gone and we’ll never see him dance again. Sigh. But, he’s in a greater place than this cesspool of a world, and I’m glad for that. <33
Again, not tons to say. I'm really tired, but not sleepy. I guess we can call it fatigue -and the hot weather doesn't help. I hate that draggy, shitty feeling I always get in summer. Ungh.
Hope y'all are having a good weekend. Enjoy a little Sakuban.
Tuesday, 21 July, 2009 at 21:05
I’m glad to see you are feeling better. I hate that I’ve been so swamped and haven’t responded to earlier post but I’ve been untangling myself from bad LJ relationships. *shakes head* But I can understand how this summer heat can make you draggy, especially when you are already tired. I did love the update on “Loved” and you know I just patiently wait until you get around to whatever sparks your muse!
Get some rest and thanks to Selina, I may have FINALLY figured out how to get posted on ED without all that crappy code! LOL
Friday, 24 July, 2009 at 9:08
Hey Momma. Wut up? Other than what you’ve already told us here. 😛 I finally got my puter back up, but now my speakers won’t work. WTF? Can’t win for losing. I hear static when I try the different ports, but nothing else is coming out. And these bitches are Bose and only 2 1/2 years old. Again I ask, WTF? *shakes head* At any rate, speakers or no speakers, now I can read those updates. Seems like July has been the update month. Everybody has been updating. I’m in update heaven right now. LOL Anyway girl, I am glad to hear that you’re doing okay. Hit me up when you get the chance on either email or IM. I’m here now. Loves ya!
Friday, 24 July, 2009 at 10:39
Hey Karen!
I hadn’t checked here in a while, so it was nice to see a friendly face! 😀
I feel you on bad LJ relationships, lol. There’s a reason why I’m hardly there. Too much wank and immaturity for me. I’ve been writing 4 years, and some of the shit I’ve seen makes me feel like I’m in grade school again, dealing with bullies and he said/she said. *sighs* I just stayed away altogether, ya know? I can get in touch with my peeps in other ways. I did make a post today after goodness knows how long. Probably won’t make another for months. 😛
Selina is awesome, ne? 😛 The code thing -well, I’ve recently stopped being a stickler for it. I don’t really care for the way the chapters look when the font is out of wack, but I’m not going to press it anymore. The effin site software is just too damned sensitive and MS Word is too damned sloppy. Did you know that when you make wordpress they tell you not to use word as a text editor for the very same reason? Lots of inserted code you never asked for.
However, changing the color of the font is still a TOS violation. I don’t want the skins looking sloppy with rainbow hues everywhere, lol.
Now to share something that I know you can sympathize. Girl, I worked out yesterday on the stairs. My knees feel like they wanna break! Why the hell is this shit so hard? o.O I don’t wanna do it again (though I have to)!
I hope you’re getting some form of relaxation during your school break!
Friday, 24 July, 2009 at 10:48
Damn, she’s finally back with us! But the sound thing sucks.
I’d freak is I was stuck with a soundless comp. When I first got this one, I had the speakers hooked up wrong and couldn’t get sound. Girl, I had a fit in this house, lol. I’ll be online today cause I’m doing some ED stuffs and writing. I hardly read anymore, so I don’t really have any updates to look for, but hooray for more writing and less wanky bullshit!
Break me off a piece when you get on. xD
Friday, 24 July, 2009 at 23:12
Oh! Hurt! I went and snagged their newest album off iTunes.
Excited about the latest story! I really gotta get my butt into gear and start reviewing!! >.< been so lax on it!
Still feeling the pain of his loss and the disgust of the tabloids still in their feeding frenzy of asshattery!
LOVES!! *giggles* We are kicking good at CD!
Friday, 24 July, 2009 at 23:24
Hey Sweets! Just got back into town and drop’n in to say ‘hi’ . Hope you had an awesome week! Will write ya soon. <333
Saturday, 25 July, 2009 at 13:58
OMG, the stairs! You are so right, I can feel your pain. I’ve been slacking lately and I really need to get back on it. I know I’m going to pay seriously for the slacker but I guess I need that whipping! LOL It seems I actually exercise better when I’m doing a million things at once (work, school, gym) than when i am just free and can go to the gym whenever. Makes no sense, right?
Monday, 3 August, 2009 at 15:13
I lost 6lbs. Not sure how, but I did, and since I wanted lose a few anyway, it all works out. HOWEVER, me and stairs are not friends. I already have “weak” knees, so when I’m walking long distances (I usually do 50 blocks when I do my “walks”), by the time I reach my house, they’re like, “You know we’re gonna pay you back for that, right?” LOL. But at least you do the gym -that I won’t do. I’m too lazy to make the trek. >.>
Monday, 3 August, 2009 at 15:14
I got your mail and you’ll be hearing from me soon. It’s just a little tight around here at the moment, but you know how that is. I have SO many things to tell ya! Expect to hear from me in the next day or two. *HUUUUUUGS* I’m so glad you had a good time on vaca. Squee!!
Monday, 3 August, 2009 at 15:40
Nik! Aww, I have both Hurt CDs (Unless they made a new one??). I bought them at their concert at the Bowery in Manhattan. I would have sent you the songs. 😛 They’re fantastic -i highly recommend going to see them if they come to town.
I’m still missing MJ. I mean, he wasn’t someone I listened to every single day, but I did often, and I was a huge fan. It hurts, even more than a month later, but all we can do is hold on to his memory and the legacy of music he left behind. The tabloids, well, they’re junk papers, so I don’t even look at them. Never have.
And don’t worry about being lax in reviews. As long as you like the wares, that’s good enough for me. 😀