Fuckin’ OUCH.
I figured it was time to update this thing. I haven’t really written in a couple of days, outside of a few lines here and there, for two reasons:
1) My carpal tunnel is acting up. Plenty.
2) I’m a bit blocky.
So, I’m not doing much at the moment story-wise. However, I have been improving things at my archives. Eternal Destiny’s gallery can now be viewed by non-members thanks to the addition of some decent captcha. I’ve tested it, and it works, so people are free to browse and leave comments without having to register and be approved. That was a big issue for us because bots were raping the fucking place daily. At my personal gallery, I turned ratings and comments off ages ago, so I was safe. Now, I can say the same for ED and TBR.
I also renamed some of the links on the main toolbar, updated my ban list, and added fields for twitter and facebook on profile pages. ED also has a twitter account now, which will be used for mini-announcements, alerts about contests, and so on. So, feel free to follow or visit if you want to keep up with what’s new.
4 weeks from now the Destined Awards start, and there will be a little surprise for the members when it kicks off. I’m not saying what it is yet, but I got great news about it last night so I’m giddy. Squee. Now, to execute. *waggles brows*
In IG news, like I’ve said, my carpal tunnel is bitching and I’m not getting as much done as I should. I’ll be attempting to make a dent today, though, because I want to update something. I’m also going to be working on a series of drabbles of all genres and ratings -whatever suits my fancy at the time. I always said I wanted to get more disciplined with word counts and drabbles do that for me. Plus, it helps manage block without creating new WIPS. I will be working on one today, or possibly tomorrow. Another installment to my “Traditions” arc. I started craeting series’ on Absolution under “Anthologies” and I’ll probably be adding that one to it later today.
Speaking of, yes, new fiction is in the works. But again, these won’t be full-on serials. I’m done with that after Fallen. I have what will probably be a 2-shot coming for my Kid Sissy who I promised to write for ages ago and I’m also doing something for a very good friend of mine. That will be a multi-chap, but not a full serial. 10 or less, most likely. No more hints. I won’t start posting that one for a while -until it’s at least half written (5 chapters). But I have a timeline for that anyway, so yeah. 😀
I also mapped out the next chapter of Knife of Romance. I know exactly what will go into this chapter (for a change) and just need to write it. But not until I pen Loved, and In His Eyes is about to get a shot in the arm, too, for Midoriko-sama who has so graciously given me virtual pizza, chocolate, and other snacks to inspire me. 😛
Then, there’s InuRinoa, who is the awesome. She did a little request art for me for my story, Loved. I’ll be posting it with the next chapter, and from what I understand, she’s doing another. So huzzah! She’s a talented chica, yesh she is!
Okay, I’m out of news for now. Chat at ya!
Friday, 31 July, 2009 at 0:26
Block is going around, it seems. I’m not suffering from it much anymore like I was, but the echos are still sounding off. That’s moreso because of being busy, I think, though….
And again, I’m really sorry to hear about your CT drama. I told you – whiskey cures everything! XD
All the website changes look fabulous, as they always do. I know I’m not the only one who appreciates fresh stuffs, and even if peeps don’t speak up more, you have to know they’re loving it. *squeezes* You’re far too good to your homies!
Yay on your new drabble series! \o/ I started one with “The Pepsi Challenge,” and I already have an idea for a second one I need to get down – one guess on how I get my inspiration, LOL – but I’m finishing my WIP chapter first. Speaking of word count discipline, “Pepsi” was supposed to be a drabble; I was shooting for about 500 words.
Discipline? Not in this house!
Good luck on your writing, but take it easy for now, girl. No falling out! I know how you do! *sharp glare*
Monday, 3 August, 2009 at 15:10
I haven’t been to my blog since I posted this. I swear, time ain’t what it used to be. I see why so many people “twitter”. I vowed to stay off that shit, but when you can shout out your friends all quick fast like that, it gets mighty addictive. I’m still not trying to post my “tweets” to LJ ’cause that shit is lame, but it’s way too easy way to say, “What up, yall?!” without writing an entire journal.
I’m glad you like the ED changes. *dances* There will be more as I mess with the code more, but it’s a process. I have a test site that i use to design skins and such, so I’ll be doing it there first before I mess with ED. I need to get on the ball and order new fanart for the fall skin, but I’ve been stuck on what I want. I’m not feeling canonish (when am I ever?), though I just may end up there. Ish still very happy that you like it. *hugs*
Though we talked out the pepsi challenge, I’m still in awe over the hoopla that followed. Grow up, folks. Anyone that looks to fanfic for anything other than entertainment is out of their heads. There are no “life lessons” to be learned there folks. *Sticks needle in their bubble* Keep doing you, girl, and the rest will follow.
My CT drama has lessened considerably. I don’t know why, but I’ll take what I can get! I’m even writing. I started the next chap of In His Eyes (thanks for the killer review! Over 300 people read that chap, but only 10 reviewed. Damn, it must have sucked!) and I’m pounding out Loved. With my being so close to the end, I don’t want that to linger and become Ever After -a year from the last chap. >.>
I started my mail to you, and now I really know what you mean by stop and start! I start, then something will blow up my quiet time,a nd then I stop. >.< I’ll get it out in a day or two, though, I swear. 😀
Monday, 3 August, 2009 at 18:13
Twitter is crazy addictive. I got on today and started following some of my favorite sports peeps, and I’m already going nuts over it! Though I noticed not many Steelers have active Twitter accounts. *sniffle* Don’t they know I wants to stalk them??!!
The Pepsi hoopla is no more, I believe. I almost want to just let it be, but my Voice of Reason agreed with you and said I should say something just to clear up the confusion. I’m still torn…I dunno. We’ll see.
(By the way, my VOR is the hubby, but damn – can’t say that out loud, now can I? God forbid we seek advice from each other! >.<)
Girl, I’m gonna hurt you! How dare you presume your latest chapter to In His Eyes sucked?!!
It’s so cute and fluffy, and I heartell (by way of your warnings) that there will be explicits. How can you possible go wrong with that? And the chapter itself was beautifully done, especially the little reunion scene. *sighs dreamily* You’re doing wonderfully with it, so no worries, chica.
And I’m glad “Loved” is wrapping up for you, too – finishing a WIP – no matter how recent – is a great accomplishment, and I’m sure you’ll be happy to tie another one under your belt. ^_^ Just as long as that CT is treating you a little better, and I’m so very glad it is!
No rush on the mail – I owe you, too, and free time is rare right now, just as I know it is for you. Big hugs, and I’ll holla at you in a bit! 😀
Tuesday, 11 August, 2009 at 8:54
Lina <33
Iz gonna kill wordpress. I’m getting mail slow, and even when I visit here, I’ll miss stuff if I’m not paying attention. Stupid dashboard.
*refuses to take blame*
I know I should be stalking more people on Twit. Hell, I just recently decided to check and see if some of my fave bands had one. They did. 😀 But some barely update. Grr… Two of my faves update like crazy, though (Hurt and Coheed & Cambria), so yay. Janet needs to use hers more and I wonder what yankees have a twitter… See what you started?!
That chapter ended up getting a lil more love, and the one after did, too, so I’m feeling better bout it. Shit, it obviously is a great fic since chicks wanna steal it. <.< I need to update it and finish it. Loved, too, but I hit a teeny rough patch with that. I’m trying to iron it out. I really HATE the way ending fics has become such a problem for me. *grumbles*
I should be asleep. I stayed up changing my skin/playlist on Abi, then I made the banners for CD, so I’m tired now. But, meh. I’m gonna call for breakfast first. 😛 My vertigo is really kicking my ass these days, too. I hate allergies!!!! So my body will rejoice when I lie down.