Beyond Redemption – Happy Turkey Day, Lovelies! ^_^

Happy Turkey Day, Lovelies! ^_^

I know I haven’t been by to see the comments to my last couple of posts. Is sowwy! It’s been busy here and I’ve even done a bit of writing, but I’m going to catch up this weekend. 😀 I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving filled with fantastic food, family, and awesome friends!

And for the love of all things holy, stay home on “Black Friday” for your own safety! >.< human_inuyasha_by_mikokikyou105


    • avatarLindsay says:

      Happy Thanksgiving! Any plans? I’ve been busy making pie…actually..going crazy WHILE making pies haha. My husband said to me the other day “we are NOT going out on black friday” I didn’t answer so he kept repeating myself..I like making him sweat. bwahahaha. Hope you have a good one!

    • avatarkimakaanna says:

      Happy Thanksgiving to you too, grrrl!! Don’t worry, I never go out on Black Friday because those people are fucking insane!! Umm…be well…stay safe…and don’t over eat (heed my advice on that one!) lolz. Seriously though, thank you for your awesome work…it just makes my holidays so much better!!

    • avatarAm says:

      Stay home? On black Friday? That’s when I was planning to get my x-mas shopping done >.>

      HAPPY THANKSGIVING GRRRL 😀 Hope yours is a good one.

    • avatarSelina says:

      Happy Thanksgiving, Babes. *lethargic hugs ’cause I’m full o’ food* And I made a vow several years ago that I would never go shopping on Black Friday; I’m not about to break that now. 😛

    • avatarBrowneyedmami says:

      happy thanksgiving to you too bb! Hope youre was great and full of love and food lol :)

    • avatarsmurfette says:

      Popping in to say: Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
      *Huggles and Winks* 😉

    • avatarLiz says:

      Happy Belated Turkey Day, Sistah! I hope you had a great one. What did you do? I know you wasn’t cooking 😛 JK However, I was. Mom and Pops were up. We actually made it through the entire day with no arguments. That’s highly unusual. YAY! >.> No seriously, that usually DOES happen when all of us are in a room together. It was a nice day. I’m off today too. Another YAY! I’ve spent the morning catching up on your updates, as you will see, I’m sure. 😀 I have a little yelling for “Grammy” to come watch The Great Mouse Detective with her, so I betta get to it. Hit me up if you get the chance. I’m around.


      Love ya!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Happy T-Day, Linds! ^_^

      Mmmm… pie. lol. I didn’t make any -too lazy. But I did make the rest of stuff, though I traded in turkey for ham. I’m probably one of the few people around that doesn’t like turkey. >.> It just tastes so ew… I’m not going out today at all. AT ALL. People are insane and I don’t need to shop that much for anything!

      Enjoy the weekend! 😀

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Happy T-Day, Kimmy!

      Girl, you’re too late! I stuffed my face like it was the last meal I was gonna have in a month! 😛 Ham, stuffing, rice and gravy, candied yams -and I still have a lot left because I tend to overcook my the family comes over. I’ll be stuck eating this all weekend. lol.

      And thanks for checking out the new story -seriously. It means a lot since it’s not a Kagome fic. It’s such a simple story that I couldn’t help writing it up. The story has actually been written out for about 6 months. (I have a LOT of stories that are partially written, and have been, for ages. This one is completely finished, though. But it needs to be transferred to computer and embellished, so I’m doing that now. Chapter two will post tonight sometime. Yay!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Happy Thanksgiving, Am!!!

      Girl, you better stay out of them NY crowds -you know better! 😛 Next thing I know, we’ll be reading about you in the news after you beat somebody to death with an easy bake oven. 😛

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:



      Hope you had a fun Thanksgiving with the hubster! I still have food left. >.> I’ll be stuck with it all weekend, and how come the deep part of the ham never gets cooked as much as one would like? *Adds that to mysteries of the deep* 😛

      Enjoy the rest of the weekend, my girl! *HUUUUGS*

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Happy Turkey Day, No-No! 😀

      Hope it was fun and relaxing! I actually had a good time (and I cooked!), but I don’t know if I want to be stuck with leftovers all weekend! >.>

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Happy T-day, Ms. Smurfy! ^_^

      Hope it was fantastic -and the good vibes carry on through the weekend! 😛

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      SISTAH!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! (Belated?? You know people will be saying that shit all weekend!)


      How you doing, girl?! I’m glad there was a drama-free day at the house of Liz! And i did cook, so there! *sticks tongue out* I skipped turkey, though. >.> I don’t like the way it tastes. >.< Lina told me about injecting it with seasoning and deep frying, so I may try that one adventurous T-day, but the normal way? Nu uh. I no likey! And awwww, the parents came up. 😀 You’re so lucky; you still have both of them -I haz jealous! My cousins and I were talking about how grandma was like the glue of the family and we don’t get together for every holiday the way we used to. *sighs, but then shakes off the impending depression* I’ve been getting the writing on for a bit now and I’m so happy about that because it was gone too long. Now, if I can just apply that to my older stories it would be grand! *shakes fist* Squeeze lil’ Ki-Ki for me and tell her that <.< The Little Mermaid is better, lol. 😛 Love ya right back! *HUGS* And have you seen Nikkie? I’m gonna have to put out a search party!

    • avatarSayuriko says:

      Late to the party as usual… hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving, sweets! Been thinking of you and hope all is well!

      Glad to hear about the writing! I will have to get my butt over to Abi and read *tries to pry myself out of FB games* XD


    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      I owe you mail! It’s been busy around here -and with writing- for a change! I haven’t even been on FB, so you know it’s serious, lol. I’m going to get some mail to you this week and fill you in on all the happenings. And of course, I have to catch up with one of my favorite families! *HUUUUUGS*

      Hope your weekend was the awesome! ^_^
