ED’s Contest Has Kicked Off! Yay!
Eternal Destiny’s contest has finally jumped of and I’m hoping people will enter so I can give them some prizes! I may even do a participation banner for everyone that enters -a sort of keepsake.
Anyway, things are okay on this end. I was in the ER for about 6 hours on Monday, so that was a lovely slice of fun. 😀 I was having all of these horrible dizzy spells, and on Saturday they got so bad that I couldn’t sit down or lie down without the entire universe spinning before my eyes. Turns out that I have vertigo brought on by fluid in my ear, which was brought on by allergies.
So, I’m taking zyrtec and vertigo meds, which help, but also make me very sleepy. I feel like I’m dragging through the day. @_@ But while I’m coherent, I’ll catch up on everything that I can like posting my contest and doing a teeny bit of writing.
Cheers! 😀
Thursday, 16 April, 2009 at 18:16
Oh my… you a disaster waiting to happen! Your health is killing you… :sigh: glad, they found out what was happening thou. My poor girl with ATB, and the strong ones. At least you take them once a day, did they give you the three days treatment or the seven days? And what did they give you for allergies that you are sleepy? Benadryl? Can’t believe they are still giving such a sleepy drug! (LOL, I can’t deny that I work in the Pharmaceutical industry and that for eight years worked at Schering Corp!!LOL)
But, sweetie, take good care of yourself. Do not drive!!!
PS: Glad about all the feisty mood at ED, as a reader will enjoy it very much!!! :D:D:D:D
Friday, 17 April, 2009 at 9:30
I hope you’re feeling better, sis. *hugs* I’m sending you good vibes.