Beyond Redemption – Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

Hope everyone has been enjoying the long weekend. 😀

I totally had to play that old Van Halen song, “Dreams”, because not only is it a fave, but I absolutely LOVE the video for it. If you’ve never seen it, the band doesn’t appear in this version (the best version). Instead, they show footage of the legendary Blue Angels, and if you’ve never seen them, I’m gonna fix that right now!

Yeah, this video is grainy and taped off television, but that’s the only kind I can find! I even tried to buy it on iTunes and nada. Grrr. But anyway, it was a must that I play it on Memorial Day.

This weekend I was epically sick and got next to no writing done, so I wasn’t able to toss anything up for y’all. However, I’ll be working on chapters this week. Yay! With any luck, you’ll see The Neighbor and Hikari, but if I end up doing just one, it will probably be the former, but both are past the halfway point.

And speaking of those two stories, I got an e-mail yesterday alerting me that they both won awards. Pretty unexpected, so I’ll just say thanks to whoever nominated/seconded/whatever other hoops one must go through over there. I don’t put much stock in awards, but I invest loads into where they came from -you guys. <3 And make room for new skins! The drop-dead talented Neo finished up my header for The Neighbor. HUZZAH!! She also made a header for my vector chibis. *dances* I cannot begin to explain her awesome. I also received the draft for my Love Like Winter art from Ayamegusa. It’s SO cute. *squee* It will be a perfect addition to that fiction.

If you were thinking about entering the art contest at ED’s Deviant Art group, the deadline is midnight tonight. We got some cute entries, too! Also, both the Destined Awards and Challenge Destiny open tomorrow, so don’t forget to nominate your faves (we don’t do seconding there. Your nomination gets them on the ballot, period) and make some drabbles. We’re doing a new format at the Community this summer -more like “free” writing with no weekly deadline- so come check it out and pick your prompt lists. ^^ Oh, and after midnight ED will have a new summer skin courtesy of Neo and I. Woot!


Aight, I’m ghost! Enjoy what’s left of your 3 day weekend!


    • avatarlonelydusk says:

      Hi Grrrl! Congrats on the winnings :) I hope you feel better this week. And yay for updated chapters! It’s been quite humid in NYC lately, ne? I dread the summer days of sweaty people on the subway… *shiver*

      Anywho, love the smexy human-Inuyasha pictures ;D

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Thanks, LD 😀

      I don’t pay a lot of mind to that stuff because of what we discussed, but I wanted to at least thank people for nomming/voting for the stories. It’s nice to know they considered them award-worthy. ^^

      It went from sweaty to chilly lately. >.< My house was seriously hot, now I'm a little cold. Gotta love NYC.