Beyond Redemption – Eternal Destiny

Category “Eternal Destiny”

Been Pretty Busy.

Friday, 18 November, 2011

If you don’t already know, my IK group at deviantART, Eternally Destined, is holding a Secret Santa event. I just announced it 3 days ago, and as the main organizer, it’s been pretty hectic. However, I love how it’s progressing. Thus far, we have 16 requests and almost all of them have been filled.

The long and short of it is that anyone is free to request something IK-oriented: Fanfic, art, graphics, but in exchange, they also have to volunteer to be a santa. Heck, some people volunteered and didn’t even ask for anything in return, which is so fucking nice of them. Because you have others that were quick to ask, but have yet to volunteer. Very frowned upon. The point is to spread the cheer, not make any greedy grabs. So, hopefully, they’ll claim a request without having to be reminded of it by me. >.>

If you want to participate, just visit the group and check out the latest posted journal. That’s where all the request info is.

And just to update, I know FA month is supposed to start soon, but I’ll be honest. I’m not ready yet, so bear with me until I get there. It’s been a bad month in RL and my mind hasn’t been on writing. I refuse to force anything, so this may not get fully underway until December. It depends on how the rest of this month plays out. But I haven’t forgotten, nor am I reneging.

That’s about it for now. <3

Happy Memorial Day!

Monday, 31 May, 2010

Hope everyone has been enjoying the long weekend. 😀

I totally had to play that old Van Halen song, “Dreams”, because not only is it a fave, but I absolutely LOVE the video for it. If you’ve never seen it, the band doesn’t appear in this version (the best version). Instead, they show footage of the legendary Blue Angels, and if you’ve never seen them, I’m gonna fix that right now!

Yeah, this video is grainy and taped off television, but that’s the only kind I can find! I even tried to buy it on iTunes and nada. Grrr. But anyway, it was a must that I play it on Memorial Day.

This weekend I was epically sick and got next to no writing done, so I wasn’t able to toss anything up for y’all. However, I’ll be working on chapters this week. Yay! With any luck, you’ll see The Neighbor and Hikari, but if I end up doing just one, it will probably be the former, but both are past the halfway point.

And speaking of those two stories, I got an e-mail yesterday alerting me that they both won awards. Pretty unexpected, so I’ll just say thanks to whoever nominated/seconded/whatever other hoops one must go through over there. I don’t put much stock in awards, but I invest loads into where they came from -you guys. <3 And make room for new skins! The drop-dead talented Neo finished up my header for The Neighbor. HUZZAH!! She also made a header for my vector chibis. *dances* I cannot begin to explain her awesome. I also received the draft for my Love Like Winter art from Ayamegusa. It’s SO cute. *squee* It will be a perfect addition to that fiction.

If you were thinking about entering the art contest at ED’s Deviant Art group, the deadline is midnight tonight. We got some cute entries, too! Also, both the Destined Awards and Challenge Destiny open tomorrow, so don’t forget to nominate your faves (we don’t do seconding there. Your nomination gets them on the ballot, period) and make some drabbles. We’re doing a new format at the Community this summer -more like “free” writing with no weekly deadline- so come check it out and pick your prompt lists. ^^ Oh, and after midnight ED will have a new summer skin courtesy of Neo and I. Woot!


Aight, I’m ghost! Enjoy what’s left of your 3 day weekend!

Slight Update

Tuesday, 18 May, 2010

So, I’ve been busy this week with work (real work), but I managed to finish that half a chapter of In His Eyes that was sitting on my desktop for ages. I don’t know if I would have bothered if it wasn’t for Linds’ request. I wasn’t really feeling it and wasn’t too happy with the chapter. So because of that, lots of <3 goes to those that left reviews. I appreciate that you show all my stories some love and not just the The Neighbor.

I don’t know what I’ll be updating again. The Neighbor was supposed to be next, but I may just hold off on that and show my other stories some love. Some people don’t even read that one (and I totally understand why), so they should get to see other stories and not just that one. So, we’ll see. It’s in the air. I may update that next, I may not.

In any case, writing is going to take a backseat this week while I finish some skins for my personal dot net and Eternal Destiny. Plus, I need to get stuff ready for their awards and the opening of their LJ community. Don’t know how much participation they’ll get, but it’s there if they want it, and if they don’t, they don’t have to.

I also commissioned some art for Love Like Winter. My first-ever commission of InuYasha/Kagome art. (I do not commission Kagome. Ever.) I asked Ayamegusa to do the honors for that one and gave her exactly what I wanted along with references. If all goes according to plan, it will be a really cute piccy and the first artwork done for that story. I’m also working on the next chapter of that. I’m considering condensing stuff and making this next one the last one. At this point, I really just want to close stories out. You can tack Loved onto that list as well. It’s already longer than it was supposed to be, so I want to wrap it up.

Nikkie sent me some Vampire stuff -her way of giving me a poke for Fallen- and I must say, the poke worked. 😛 I definitely have plans to get off my ass with that story and pound it out. It was a gift to myself for my writing anniversary (was supposed to happen in 2007, but I didn’t start it until a year or two later >.<), so I do want to finish it. And I'm not sure when, but I'll be commissioning my neechan, Maria, to create new art for it. And I think y'all know by now that she rocks it. *squee* Her artwork of InuYasha for The Neighbor is WOW -nipple rings and all (heh). Y’all haven’t really seen the full shot of that yet, but it’s HOT.

So, there ya have it. A slight update.

On Writing, My Sites, & Other Shit.

Tuesday, 11 May, 2010

I still haven’t done much writing, much to my own chagrin. I wanted to, but got sidetracked with site work. I’ve been improving things at my dot net and Eternal Destiny and making some techie changes that I’ve been wanting to implement for a while.

I finally added a watermarking system to my gallery and I’ll probably be adding that to ED’s gallery as well, just as extra protection for the people that do use that gallery. I also added a new skin to my gallery that I truly love because it has the look of a wordpress blog rather than a gallery. Neat, neat stuff. I also plan to skin ED for the summer as well as a new one for Absolution. I’m just waiting for Neo to work her magic and then it’s a go.

And while we’re on site stuff, ED’s LiveJournal comm will be starting on June 1st with a new format. Most of the details are already on the profile, and prompt lists will post to the comm in a few days. The hope is that it will be a relaxing summer activity people will enjoy. Then, of course on the same day, the Destined Awards start. I’m supposed to do Legends again this term, since it’s retroactive and this would make term 3, but we’ll see. That’s a lot more work for me… and we’ll see. >.>

Okay, back to the writing, I’m trying to get something posted this week. I can’t guarantee that it will be The Neighbor, though. I’m not happy with the chapter I have for that and I don’t know if I want to finish it and post it. I probably will -not very chap will be a good one- but I need to at least feel like it’s passable and I don’t feel that yet. So, there’s the heads up in the event that it feels a tad off to you. I also want tow rite a couple of old, neglected stories, but we’ll see. I don’t want to overwhelm myself because I’ll end up not writing anything.

Those that have been visiting the site lately and leaving some love, even though I haven’t updated in a bit, thanks so much! It’s a nice reminder that people do enjoy my work and want to see more of it. <3 Okies, I'm out!