Friday, 8 March, 2013
So, I’m here to fangirl again! U-KISS’ new video came out last night, and fuck me, it’s so good. I hated the concept pics for the album, Collage, but they made up for it with the video. That dance. WAH! I’m such a fanatic about them. Can you tell?
Kevin is gorgeous. (Yes, yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that jazz, but I think he’s beautiful and I don’t say that about many guys -unless he’s InuYasha XD). I go into a fangirl-fucking-frenzy when I watch them perform, so trust, I downloaded that video immediately and have been raping it ever since!
Needless to say, your Grrrl is in a great mood!
God, I love them.
Okay, in other news…
There may be a few times when you visit Absolution and it will be closed. Don’t worry; I’m not punishing anyone! I’m working on some techie stuff. I wanted to finish it yesterday (You may have noticed a few times when it was shutdown), but that didn’t happen, so I’ll be doing more today. Probably. Maybe.
Also, I’ll be doing some writing today. I don’t know if I’ll update this weekend, but that is the goal. (With a little luck, that will be the reality as well!) There will be new art soon, too. I ordered a birthday gift for myself from the awesomely talented Sarah-Belle, and I’ve already approved the sketch. It’s fucking amazing. I loved it immediately. She hit the mark so well; I didn’t even need to ask for adjustments. I’m so happy! \o/ I also updated the gallery with some stuff from my birthday and the original art from Fanasy of the Human and the Hanyou (“As One”). Speaking of, I should be doing some art with her and one other special person very soon, so expect more IY goodies at the site shortly!
Wednesday, 6 March, 2013
U-KISS just posted their new album to their Facebook store (Goes on sale tomorrow) and I just bought my copy. God, I fucking love them. It’s ridic how much I fangirl these guys. Saw them perform on Show Champion, and as usual, Kevin is the prettiest thing in all of k-pop. *Happy Sighs*
Saturday, 12 January, 2013
First, thanks to everyone who has wished my friend well, either by e-mail or in reviews. I appreciate it a lot. Things are not really better. He’s experiencing swelling and a lot of lightheaded-ness that makes doing just everyday, routine stuff very difficult. He had an appt on Friday and that turned into a mess and we’ll be getting another doctor as soon as possible. (This is NOT the doc who treated hm at the hospital. This is an outpatient doc). He got NO answers, and chances are, we’ll be in the ER again sometime soon. He acts sicker now than he did when he was severely ill and that doesn’t make fucking sense to me. It’s difficult here around here because this is consuming a big hunk of my time, which means I’m neglecting other things. So when I see a doctor’s office like that, it just pisses me –the fuck– off when I see this lax, bullshit care…
Anyway, I’m home today and trying to write, and I swear, I hate writing. At this point, if I never see another fucking fanfic I wouldn’t give a shit. I spent an hour on 3 paragraphs (Yes, seriously). I don’t know how I even devoted so much time to this shit in the past. My friend’s birthday is today and I really wanted to update a story she likes (Because I’m definitely not starting another new one) and I’m so fucking irritated by my lack of inspiration. This story, especially. There are some fics that almost never get updated because, secretly, I hate them. I don’t tell you guys that >.> but I’ve fallen completely out of love with them and just want them to go away forever. However, so many people have devoted time to them I’d feel like a total heel if I didn’t try my best to finish. But God, I’m in HELL. I start to feel physically ill when I push and stress myself to update certain stories and I already feel it happening this morning.
All I want to do today is relax with some manga and hot tea, and even that isn’t possible since I’m constantly in near crisis with my friend (already started a little while ago). So having that on my plate, plus the stress of trying to write this story that I don’t want to touch is just… URGH.
Neo finished the header for the new “Neighbor” art. It’s one of the most gorgeous headers she has EVER done. You guy will be pleased. I just wish the internet wasn’t full of fucking thieves and idiots who don’t understand the concept of “Publicly posted doesn’t mean free to use however you like without consent or even credit.” because this really should be seen in all its glory without my massive watermark… but it is what it is.
Oh, and meet Haewon of X-5.
Only in k-pop can boys where eyeliner and still get my phone number.
However, Zin is actually my favorite.
(and he’s 6’2!!)
Okay, I’m done.
Sunday, 25 November, 2012
Today is my sweetie’s 21st birthday!! Finally legal!
(It’s my aunt’s birthday, too!)
Taken last night with a plate of goodies made by his bandmates.
Wednesday, 19 September, 2012
And I already bought my copy of the album. SUPER SQUEE!
Sunday, 29 July, 2012
Just a few things…
Yes, I’m writing G.F.E.
No, the update is not ready and it won’t be that long.
(Remember the new 4000 words or under rule? Yeah, it still applies).
Got sidetracked by some really fantastic gay teen cinema. If you like BL, I highly rec The Love of Siam. Highly.
I’m slowly catching up on e-mail, so don’t think you’re being ignored indefinitely.
Thanks for the continued love on my fics. I appreciate how so many of you are checking out the older works. <3
My allergies are making my ears ache. Ouch.
That is all.
Mew and Tong in character
Pchy and Mario as themselves.
I think I might have to develop a taste for Thai….
Saturday, 9 June, 2012
Increasingly becoming obsessed with this guy….
Wednesday, 23 May, 2012
I’m not a huge Big Bang fan. In fact, I pretty much ignored them until very recently and it’s all because of THIS guy.
Taeyang is one of the cutest guys in all of K-pop. Definitely worthy of me saying, “Wow. Fantastic, baby.”