Beyond Redemption – Family.

Category “Family.”

Like the Deserts Miss the Rain…

Tuesday, 7 September, 2010

Always for my Mom.

A Shiny New Week.

Monday, 30 August, 2010

It’s only after midnight, but I figured I’d get my blogging in before the week really kicked off in the morning.

What’s new?

My friend was released from the hospital and doing a lot better. He feels good, has already been out and about (though, only a short distance), and things seemed to be looking up. There is on worry, though. The doctor thinks they may have found symptoms of a potentially fatal condition. Now, they told him there was a 1% chance, but considering that this is a lethal condition with no cure, that single percent is scary. I won’t announce what it is, but it’s heart related and has me pretty antsy. There will be a follow up in Oct., so for now, we were told to sit tight and not give it too much worry. I’m banking that it’s not going to go anywhere, but still…

On to better news.

Now that I don’t have to get to the hospital everyday, I’m free to do other things -like write. I’ve actually been editing some fictions today (and refreshing on them with the hopes of adding new chapters). One of them is The Girlfriend Experience, which a few people have asked about recently. So you can probably tell that that one isn’t being cut. I’d like to do a new chapter for that one. I also need to get The Neighbor posted. I’ve gotten quite a few pokes about that one, too, recently. I know it seems like I’ll never update, but trust, it’s coming.

I’ve also been listening to new music (new to me, anyway) to get me in the mood to write and it’s working! One is the song playing now. It’s my girl, Hikkie, and it’s a pretty old song, but I only heard it for the first time last night. Fell in love with it immediately in both the Japanese and English versions (Both are on Absolution). I’ve also been listening to t.A.T.u. lately, so it’s been inspiring different stories. Inspiration is good.

I have an idea for a fic based on an RP I did. It screams InuYasha, but I don’t know if I want to start any more new stories -ever. I love the idea, and it’s short like All The Things You Never Say, so it would definitely be completed, but yeah, I don’t know. Plus, there’s an InuYasha/Sango I’d love to do for Ms. Goddess, and even if I stop posting new stuff on Abi, I still want to write it for her because she asked so long ago and I just never got my crap together long enough to do it. (Canon universe, too!) I was also supposed to do a little mini for Kid Sissy, and a chick named Bella on dA who asked me for a Touga/Izayoi fic ages ago. Argh. I hate that I get block so often! It really fucks up the program! (-_______-)

I’m gonna put up a new poll, regarding the old, unfinished stories. Make sure you vote if you stop by!

And Maria sent me the rough draft of the new Eternal Destiny art for the fall skin, and WOW. It’s gonna be pretty! It’s a new look for Inu & Kags, but it’s sensual in its own way (and yes, they’re clothed, tho >.> I toyed with that for a minute. :P) My Neighbor art will come after I get that one since I always get ED’s shit together before my personal stuff. You’re gonna love both, though (’cause I sure do!).

That’s about it for now. *waves*

Incredibly Rough Week -and it’s Still Not Over.

Friday, 27 August, 2010

I was getting into the swing of things, I really was. The block had loosened up a little, allowing me to nearly finish off a chapter of something I haven’t updated in a long time, and then something awful happens.

While my friend was over, he had what seems like a cardiac episode and I ended up calling the ambulance. It was frightening, to say the least. I don’t want to give away his personal business, but I’ll just say a heartbeat of 146 per minute is not a good thing. So, needless to say, he’s in the hospital and has been there for about 3 days now. He doesn’t have any family around right now, so I’m his family. I’ve been at the hospital everyday to bring food (hospital grub isn’t too great), talk to his doctors, and basically keep him company. The good news is that all of the tests so far have come back good. The bad news is they still don’t know what caused this episode. He has to take another test later today that’s a little invasive, so yup, I’ll be at the hospital again. The hope is that they’ll let him leave on Saturday, though.

*fingers crossed*

So, that’s what I’ve been up to. I’m pretty tired and having aunt flo show up an hour ago doesn’t help matters. >.> But I am still writing in bits and pieces (since I’m always kinda drained by the time I get home) and still plan to get that chapter finished and posted. The rest, I’ll get to when I can.

Enjoy the weekend.

Why My Friends Whip ASS!

Monday, 9 August, 2010

So, as I’ve blogged before, I’ve been down due to some personal situations and I’ve been feeling real alone as of late. (Not a new feeling. I am an only child, after all.) But this past week has been a week of supa-awesome, and I owe it all to my road dawgs!

So, this is a blog specifically designed to squish them! 😀

First, Danga.

Totally my kid brother and he’s been with me for years now. He always makes me laugh -even when he’s a pain in the butt, know it all, pesky kid bro! LOL. But what makes him awesome this week is that I’ve been looking HIGH AND LOW for this song, “Say You Love Me” by the Velvet Code. Now, if you know me, you know I know how to get my music. But I couldn’t get a specific mix of this song no matter what I did!

See, I heard it while watching Jersey Shore one bored day (I don’t normally watch it) and they played it. I loved it instantly, but that specific mix was completely MIA. And I wasn’t alone in my search because when I googled it, everybody else was looking for it, too. I had all but given up on finding it (there was only a 3 minute preview floating around), but kid bro came through with the full, correct version (since there are several remixes), thus making him FUCKING AWESOME PERSONIFIED.

*Glomps my Danga*

Then, there’s Lily. <33333 What makes her awesome this week (and every other week) is that she's always there. Always. No matter what's up my ass, she's there to listen with sound, rational advice. I leaned on her hard in the last week or two and she's nothing but true blue. I won't get into all our personal chats, but she helps me put -and keep- shit in perspective, and it's because of her that I feel so much better, or rather, renewed? She is priceless. Period. Thank you, Lily. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

One word. NEO.

Giiiirl, you’re da shyt. Know this. You keep my sites gorgeous, you’re my farm buddy (I’ve been locked outta that game for, like, 5 days now. I killed the FB account, or rather, I’m not using it. But I’m about to again so I can play that game, but a slew of people, including me, can’t get it to load. o.O And zynga >.> they’re not doing a whole lot about it. I heard I have a freakin JUNGLE on my land!), but most importantly, you’re just great to be around. Thanks for everything, really. You make shit FUN. 😀


What can I say about Am? She’s fucking awesomesauce. We vibe SO well, we both love Hoyt <3, we both love Coheed :fist pump:, and just in general, I love yakkin' with her. How can anyone not? She's the coolest of the cool and she really made my week. I got some chibi art done and she made the coolest fucking avatar (the one I'm using now) and she's made such pretty graphics for me and is always so supportive and encouraging with the fics, and she's a great mod at ED and.. and... SHE BANGS! (LOL. I had to do it. ). SO glad she found us at ED -she's fucking fantastic. My J!!!!!!!!!!

I’ll just say this about J. I fucking love him. Like, seriously. If there was anyone I was meant to know, it has to be J. He’s saved so many lives >.>, and he’s so wicked fucking bad. Gah. Plus, he downloaded a bunch of manga for me before OM closed down, thus not just making him awesome J!!!!!!, but super fucking awesome J!!!!! lol.

And, of course, my EX Factors. 😀

Thanks for making the forum so lively. I love that we’re a small, close knit group and have a good time together. That’s what it’s about, ne? Leaving negative, silly shit outside and having a place we can call home where everyone can chill and goof. Thanks for sticking around and bringing your great personalities to the mix; it wouldn’t be the same without y’all!

Last, but never least, my Kau.

You mah kau. Life wouldn’t be the same without you. I don’t have to say anything else. <3 Now that I've properly praised the clique ( 😛 ), I'm getting some writing done. I'm not close to posting yet. It's taking longer than I thought, mainly because I haven't written in so long. Y'all should expect chapters that aren't too explosive for now. I need to get into my groove, and that probably won't happen with the first chaps to hit the presses. But I am writing, so it’s not a case of me just reading manga (though, I’m still reading a lot of it. Heh.). The goal is to get something out this week -so let’s hope.

P.S. I just got some really cute art done of me. I’m gonna annoy Am into making a Dev ID for me with it and I already bugged Neo for a header. They’re probably gonna beat me…. o.o


My Pearl of the Stars…

Monday, 19 April, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mama.

Monday, 15 February, 2010


You’re Missed…

Wednesday, 16 December, 2009
Happy Birthday, Grandma.

Happy Birthday Grandma.

Nothing Compares to You.

Monday, 7 September, 2009


Where I am.

Sunday, 6 September, 2009

What’s going on with me?

I haven’t updated in several days, and I’m not holding out much hope for anything soon. My inspiration is fickle, and to be honest, the lukewarm response I got to my last few chaps have put me in a mindset that I don’t need to rush anything out. You either didn’t read it (Not), or didn’t like it (Probably), so what is the point of pushing myself? I’ll get to it when/if I feel like it. I doubt it will matter in the least.

Mhmm. Someone did piss in my cheerios. I always get like this at this time of the year. Tomorrow is the anniversary of my mother’s death and for about 2 weeks before and a week or so after, I’m a really different person. Not as nice, not as calm, and not as gracious. It’s my time of grief and reflection and it just puts me in a different space. I’m not really asking anyone to understand it, or even care. I am, however, saying that you’ll have to deal with it until it passes or just avoid me. *shrugs* Whatever works for you.

To combat my nastiness, I’ve sunk myself into facebook apps (games) and it’s awesome. I’m hooked on Castle Age and Vampire Wars and a few others that have helped me pass the time and not think about what’s coming. Yeah, finally gave in and got myself a Facebook. I always said I never would, but when I switched ED’s page, I kept the established account for myself. I chit chat with those I know, but mostly, I play games. It’s fun and it works. So, there ya go.

Speaking of ED, the awards there is going on and this is the schedule. When they end, the voting for the Eternal Legends will start. Visit the site -it’s pretty awesome. The premise? The ED Hall of Fame. Beginning retroactively, every eligible story that has ever placed first in their category will compete against each other for their own page on the site. Necessary? No. A gesture of kindness and acknowledgment? Yes. Like the Destined Awards, the only catch is that you need to be a member of the site.

I’m thinking about redecorating Absolution again, but I have no idea of what I want in the way of fanart except a Human InuYasha. It’s kinda like I pretty much have all of the neat pics I could ever want, but you know how I roll. There can never be enough Human InuYasha. I’d like another installment of “The Wicked Garden” skin, which would be a replica of the art Nikkie commissioned for my birthday. It’s from the fiction she gifted me and it was drawn by the sensational RighteousRed. I’ve gotten many commissions from her and she never disappoints. The wicked, Neo, created the background for it, and when the two images met, it was instant delicious -as you’ve seen. All very kind and gifted people.

InuRomp (my other IY comm on LJ) has started up and Salome suggested we try a new format where we have people pick a pairing and one of two sets of prompts. Then, they write 15 stories at 300 words each. This will go on until the end of Dec. (while I’m busy) and I’ve committed to InuYasha/Kagura. Did I mention it’s an alternative pairing comm? No traditional canon couples. Yeah, I’m stunned that I did it, too. But hey, it’s different and some of the stuff people come up with is great. Join if you want -just make sure you have your birthday in your profile. Now, here’s to hoping I can keep my word and write these ficlets. Argh.

Okay, I’m gone. Just wanted to pop in since I know I’ll be a little scarce. I can still be reached by e-mail and all, but otherwise, see ya later.


Writing, Writing, Writing…

Monday, 3 August, 2009

I don’t know if Selina sprinkled some fairy dust on me, or what, but my carpal flare up is in remission -woo hoo! My wrists are NOT 100%, but they feel good enough to write again, so I updated In His Eyes, which hasn’t been shown any love since 10/08. Yeah, it’s bad. >.< I'm making up for it with a second update that should post in about a day. Then, it's back to Loved, which is halfway written. I used to be one of the few that finished fics in a really timely fashion, but getting busy in other areas of the fandom, as well as a bit of waning interest thanks to some of the assholes that are also in this fandom, I’ve lost my eagerness for completion. Okay, a teeny bit of that could also be that saying goodbye to a story is hard to do…

However, I will do it. Besides, my interest is in oneshots, novellas, and drabbles these days. All of the fun and none of the commitment! 😛

Technically, I’m supposed to be “working” since I’m being paid to do “school hair” (I’m sure y’all know what I mean) for my cousin, but shit. She’s deep conditioning right now, so I have a few minutes. She’s got hair like you would not believe (sistahs, you feel me?) and between relaxing, washing, treatment, rinsing, detangling, then setting and styling, this shit is an ALL DAY AFFAIR.

Damn right I’m charging. Pfft. <.< Oh boy. The dryer stopped, that means my nightmare starts.

Later, babes!
