It’s hump day and I haven’t posted anything for public consumption in a while, so here -the fuck- we go! 😀
Okay, let’s start by not ignoring the 800 lb. elephant in the room. Some things have gone down at Eternal Destiny recently, and while I won’t get into the details, I’ll just say that my mods and I stand by our decision and the reasons behind it. At the end of the day, ED is my website. Michiko and I built it. I maintain it, I pay for it, and along with the help of a few awesome volunteers, I run it. All that I ask of the members is that they respect the staff and follow site rules. I don’t think that’s unreasonable, therefore, those that can’t seem to do that are not welcome there. It’s really that simple. The End.
Now, onto other stuff! 😀
My friend, Kau, just got back from Japan a few days ago and sent me a bunch of stuff -like a case of Hello Kitty miniature figurines. OMG. They’re so fucking cute! I need to get pics for you guys. Squee. I also got some InuYasha stuff (that I didn’t have!) and a couple of other things that I won’t mention here since it’s an inside joke between us. >.>
Did you know that they have all of these weird-flavored kit kats there? She sent me so many kinds. @_@ Strawberry (Tastes like strong strawberry quik), Soy Sauce (which tastes like maple), Espresso Coffee, Apple, Bean Paste (which tastes kind of nutty), Grape (Tastes like wine. Blech!), Cookie (Totally yummy), Green Tea -it’s wild. I haven’t tried them all yet, but I have plenty left. I wonder why they don’t sell them here. Maybe it’s because kit kats are not a big deal here. Anyway, it’s been interesting. Thanks, Kau! ^_^
I finally picked up my doujinshi that I ordered. They were $25 per book (I bought 5), and they’re all in Japanese, but the art is awfully cute. I’ve never bothered to buy them before, but I can see why people like them so much. And no, hentai. They’re not porn. 😛 I also put in another order to Notoes for a new doll that will represent one of my fictions. That woman, I tell you, she’s quite the awesome. Very talented, but more importantly, really nice and accommodating. It’s a pleasure buying stuff from her and that’s why I’m a repeat customer.
Work has been kicking my ass, and on top of that, my allergy meds are sucking the life out of me. I’m constantly tired when I take them and it’s been an energy zapper. It has affected my writing, which sucks since I was getting a lot done. I’m off today, so I’ll be here catching up on everything around me. My “aunt” is visiting, too, so that put me in rare form last night. I was far less patient and much bitchier than I normally am, and when you add how I get when I’m tired… Yeah. It was best to just leave me alone. For real. I’m better today, though, and look forward to working on new skins and ordering the prizes for ED’s contest.
Lawd. Kau just told me her car is dead on the side of the road. >.< I need to talk her out of kau-icide. Lata!
No idea who drew this, but it was too nice not to share.