Beyond Redemption – Lovelies

Category “Lovelies”

One Down

Sunday, 15 January, 2012

…and this many to go (In no particular order)

The Neighbor
Money. Power. Respect.
The Knife of Romance
If I Want To
Last Exit to Eden
The Girlfriend Experience
Love Like Winter
In His Eyes

The Edge of Seventeen (Possibly)

These are the stories that are on the “Fan Appreciation Month” roster and I’ll be trying my best to get them posted in a timely fashion. (Though it make take a bit longer than a month >.<). Hikari was a fluke at 8,000 words. NONE of the other stories will be that long, so don’t expect that. To those who have left reviews for Hikkie, thanks so much! (and if you didn’t review, do so!) <3333 I’m not answering them right now (I have to save my hands for the fics), but I’m definitely reading them and appreciating the encouragement. (You guys are my sole motivation right now, otherwise, I honestly wouldn’t bother with any updates.) I’m happy that it didn’t turn out too bad since I’m, admittedly, not very inspired. Hope you liked the new skin, too (I’ve had it for ages, but I was waiting for us to get there in the story). I don’t know what’s going to be updated next, but I’ll get out what I can as soon as I can. Ciao bellas!

Writing (Srsly!)

Thursday, 12 January, 2012

Just dropping a quickie to say that I’m writing (For real, for real this time). My head has been all over the place lately and I haven’t been able to nail down any inspiration or concentration. I’m literally forcing chapters at this point because I haven’t updated in 6 months, and I know that if I don’t do so soon, I never will again. I’ve had hiatuses on stories, but I’ve always written others in their stead. This is a hiatus that I’ve never experienced before, and for the sake of those who are really looking forward to the fiction and have supported me tirelessly, I have to get something done. (Don’t y’all feel important now?! I’m literally writing only for you. <3) I can't stress enough that these chapters won't be my best stuff... and they will be horribly short and riddled with cliffies. I'm drained from real life and my head just hasn't been in fanfiction, but I promised a fan month and you're gonna get a fan month (Though >.> I may need an extra week or two. Writing right now is like pulling teeth -no joke- and I’m not all that happy with the results). But I shall compensate with new art to ogle!

**Special thanks to Kat for showing my work so much review luv. I so appreciate that you won’t let me forget what I’m capable of. <3

And The Winners Are…

Friday, 16 September, 2011

The Neighbor
Money. Power. Respect.
The Knife of Romance
If I Want To
Last Exit to Eden
The Edge of Seventeen
The Girlfriend Experience (Honorary)

Well, these are the ones who got the most votes with the lowest counts being 3 and a “honorary” spot for GFE since I forgot to add it to the damn poll list. (-___-) I haven’t decided when FA month will officially kick off, but that’s the roster. However, I reserve the right to swap a fic or two in the event that I get block and nothing is coming to me. I’ve learned that if I dawdle too much trying to get blood from a turnip, it kills my creativity in general and nothing will get updated.

Things have been interesting for me this week, but I consider most of it dead now, so I won’t bring it up here. But I’ll say this >.> there’s never a dull moment and kinda wish there would be… I also had more health scares. Yay.

In shweeeet news, the sketch for my next art is almost done and I’m LOVING IT. WAAAAAH! Can’t wait for it to be all done and bootiful so you guys can see it! 😀

Love Your Weekend! ^____________^

Happy Birthday…

Tuesday, 7 June, 2011

Happy Birthday, Abby! <3 (hope I got the day right)

Let’s Go Back. WAY Back. Back Into Time!

Monday, 23 May, 2011

Short entry, lovelies! 😀

Just wanted to say that I should be posting a chapter later on today from a story that hasn’t been updated in so long I’m pretty sure you all think it’s in a casket by now. And in the process of writing it, I cleared a lot of cobwebs plot wise and made some changes that, I dare say, will make it a bit better than originally intended. It’s nowhere near complete, but I think it will end up being an “epic” as far as length and plot twists. I still want this shit wrapped up in no more than 25 chapters, though! >.>

Working on several others as well, so the hope is that I’ll have at least 2 more chapters posted this week after this one. But keep what I said before in mind. I’m still blocky -particularly with old fics- so they may not be that fantastic… but the won’t suck. Be happy for that much, at least! xD

This story is getting new art, too, that is guaranteed to be badass. I’ll be posting it the second it’s done. \o/

And I just saw the poll. You bunch of hentai, you! LOL!

Apologies for the Past

Tuesday, 10 May, 2011

Though this may be too little and way too late, I want to apologize to all of the people that read my works on and left so many reviews with their contact information. I’m (along with secretary Kau) in the process of adding all of my fictions’ past reviews on Absolution to complete the archive (like I should have done in 2006 but was far too lazy) and I keep seeing comments from people asking me to mail them or IM them and such. I doubt that I ever did, and some of these reviews I don’t even remember getting, but it wasn’t a case of me just me ignoring you guys.

Late 2005 and early 2006 was a very tumultuous time. I had only been writing a few months, gotten a lot of success fast, and with it, a lot of idiots fucking with me. I was being attacked all over the place by different people I didn’t know from other writers to mods to friends of friends and their collective goal was to kill my pen. Of course, that didn’t work, but like I said, it was a crazy time, especially since I was juggling my real life responsibilities along with writing (Had to keep writing; that wasn’t a battle I had any intention of losing) and dodging a mountain of bullshit on a daily basis.

So a lot of things just blew right past me, and when I was forced to create Absolution, I really lost track because even though the feedback was saved, there was so much of it that I was a little too overwhelmed to post it all myself (hence why I have secretary Kau). That’s why I’m only getting a good look at this stuff now.

Yes, yes, bad excuse, but very true. Therefore, if you think I just ignored you or had the impression that I felt like I was too “good” to contact you, it wasn’t that by a LONG shot. I always answer, even if I’m a little late.

Okay, even if I’m years late. lol. <3

Something was written
They tried to erase us
Now that they govern, here to contain us
Bodies were lifted
Well past the stages
And like the virus, we’re too contagious…

Feelin’ Da Lurve.

Wednesday, 18 August, 2010

I know… I know… I didn’t update this weekend, but I have a good excuse! I’m actually sick and I may be going to the doc this week if it doesn’t clear up. I won’t go into details, but it’s not serious. However, I will continue to be in pain if I don’t get it handled. There’s also the fact that I’ve been blocky and I have relatives over. Don’t fret, though, updates are coming. I have to admit that they’re going to be pretty short simply because I need get them out, but y’all don’t care, right? 😀

Now, on to the point of this quick entry. I just wanted to say thanks. I had to do some server work and came across my website stats. In 2008 I created InuGrrrl [dot] Net, and according to the stats, from 2008 to 2010, my domain (that would be the main site, absolution, my gallery, and this blog) has accumulated 8,836,105 hits. From January 2010 until now, it’s had 2,332,536 hits.

Wow. O.O

At first, I thought it was kind of unreal, like maybe a mistake was made. But then I checked my individual stats this morning just for Absolution alone and there were 449 hits and I haven’t even updated anything. So I guess it’s entirely possible to have hit counts that big. Again, wow.

Once, when I was feeling low, someone came to this blog -a normally silent reader- and told me that I had a lot of people that liked the stories and enjoyed coming to the site -more than I knew. I can finally say I think she’s right. Just the array of countries that visit alone was jarring enough to make my mouth gape. From India to Italy to Japan to Germany to France -how? How did they even find me since I kinda go out of my way to keep my site out of the “public eye”? It’s pretty incredible and humbling to realize that people outside of my own country knows who I am and what I do.

So, that was the point of this blog, to thank you guys for reminding me that what I consider a fading hobby still matters to so many. <3 That said, I also want to mention that I'm about to break my own word. Remember in the last post when I said I don't really let Kagome onto Absolution? Well, that's about to change. My nee-chan, Maria, just sent me the rough sketch of the latest "Neighbor" art, and believe me, you guys are gonna LOVE this. It shouldn't be long before it's finished, then I'm going to whisk it off to Neo for a touch of her magic. But like I said, it's gonna some sweet shit that will make you see why I had to make it the exception to my rule. 😀

Happy Hump Day!