Beyond Redemption – U-KISS

Category “U-KISS”


Sunday, 21 April, 2013

I haven’t been writing. I was supposed to, but I didn’t. I was down. You know why. No need to rehash. The plan is to do some writing today -and the rest of the week. I need something other than RL to occupy my mind. As usual, don’t expect greatness. I had to take an unexpected detour with writing due to being sick, so I feel rusty again. But it’s better than nothing, right?

Kau treated me to some UKISS fanart and I got one finished commission today. I love it. It’s fucking adorable. I’ll post it to my gallery when I get the others so they can go up as a block. I’m very happy with the result thus far. Yay. I’m waiting for two IY arts as well, but one of my artists went MIA on me. Dunno what’s up -this is totally unlike her- but I need to hear from her soon…

UKISS created their first sub-unit (A group within a group) called uBEAT and their first mini album drops tomorrow (Well, today in Korea). Totally excited to hear it because Kevin is being featured as a guest singer and they’re doing some remixes of a few songs from their latest CD, Collage. As usual, I’ll buy the digital copy then a physical one from overseas (I don’t do that for any other group and I never will). I just wish they had gone with a cooler image for this since this CD involves the English speaking members and ‘rappers’ of the group. But… nope. They’re doing the usual Korean, colorful, dorky thing they do. Sigh. But I adore them anyway.

^ Love him.

In other news, came across another art thief on dA. It never ceases to amaze me at how bold these talentless pricks are. But more than that, I just don’t get the stealing and plagiarizing. To me, it sends a simple message:

“I’m a fucking zero, I know it, so this is the only way I can seem like more than a talentless slug in the eyes of people who don’t know any better.”

Seriously, it’s a brand of pathetic that I just can’t relate to. What good is praise that you didn’t earn? In what universe will anyone respect a thief? As someone who has had her fanworks stolen a number of times, it’s a really disgusting, lowlife practice. It shows me that the cunts who stole my work are too stupid and lacking to do something as simple as string a few words together. I have a thousand times more respect for someone who writes a shitty story or makes crappy fanart than the douche-canoe who copies and posts someone else’s shit. Why? Because bad can improve to good and dicks will always be dicks.

Anyway, I’m out.

Kevin Squee~

Friday, 12 April, 2013

Forgot to share my awesome little Kevin giftie that my Rhye-bread made for mah birfday! She knows how much I spaz over him and gave me goodeez!

She’s the bestest! (。´ ‿`♡)

And She’s Back!

Wednesday, 10 April, 2013

Okay, so I guess its time for an update.

First, a “Shankies!” goes out to those who shot me some mail to see how I’ve been doing. I was sick, really sick, sicker than I’ve ever been in my life and I probably should have been in the hospital. I refused to go. I’m not 100%, but I’m light years better than I was earlier in the week. There’s still some pain and weakness, recurring headaches and sore/achy muscles, but still, way better than I was (That should give you an idea of just how bad it was). I haven’t been using mail much and stuff, so if you didn’t hear back from me yet, you will, eventually, but know that I appreciate it. Sweet Kiss

So, let’s fill y’all in, shall we?

I had started writing the next chapter of  In His Eyes  when I fell ill. Not sure if I’ll be picking it back up right away, but I do plan to get back to writing. I also got back the latest art for If I Want To, and whoa. It’s fucking amazing. It’s a ‘couple’ pose and that’s all I want to say because I want you guys to see it and heart it. Yeah... Sure One art down, two to go!

Went k-pop shopping and got some new U-KISS merch (Japanese CDs and a spiffy bag). I really fucking love that group. Would give just about anything to see them live. I also managed to snag tickets to see B.A.P. (A really popular Korean rookie group) and Depeche Mode in May and September, respectively. K-pop rarely comes stateside, so this is a big deal for us ‘fanatics’. The craziness that went into acquiring these tickets -OMG! They both went on sale on the same day within 2 hours of each other, so Kau and I were tag-teaming Ticketmaster to make sure that we got both sets. It was actually kinda fun. Big Smile

This is my favorite song and video from BAP.

Watched some Netflix while I was sick and stumbled across two yaoi flicks. One was called “Schoolboy Crush” (also known as “Boys Love”), inspired by boy love manga.

The actors were cute, but one in particular, Kazunori Tani, was just so completely adorable to me (Even though he was sorta the bad guy…).  If you have Netflix, it’s worth seeing at least once (If you like BL. There’s no smut in this). Here are the movie posters from America and Japan.

(Kazunari is in the second frame, leaning over the main protagonist)

The second movie I saw was “Bangkok Love Story”. It was good, but tragic (So is Schoolboy Crush, really), and the ‘uke’ was sooooo cute! Have a peek!

Now, for the nummy uke…

Yeah… being sick wasn’t so bad! Yeah... Sure

But, of course, no Asian boy is prettier than my Asian boy…

From gorgeous baby…

To gorgeous adult~

That’s all for now. Hopefully, I’ll have something written soon and I’ll respond to mail when I can. Adore

U-KISS! KYAAAAA~ (And IY Stuffs)

Friday, 8 March, 2013

So, I’m here to fangirl again! U-KISS’ new video came out last night, and fuck me, it’s so good. I hated the concept pics for the album, Collage, but they made up for it with the video. That dance. WAH! I’m such a fanatic about them. Can you tell?  Adore

Kevin is gorgeous. (Yes, yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that jazz, but I think he’s  beautiful and I don’t say that about many guys -unless he’s InuYasha XD). I go into a fangirl-fucking-frenzy when I watch them perform, so trust, I downloaded that video immediately and have been raping it ever since!

Needless to say, your Grrrl is in a great mood! Big Smile

God, I love them.

Okay, in other news…

There may be a few times when you visit Absolution and it will be closed. Don’t worry; I’m not punishing anyone! I’m working on some techie stuff. I wanted to finish it yesterday (You may have noticed a few times when it was shutdown), but that didn’t happen, so I’ll be doing more today. Probably. Maybe.

Also, I’ll be doing some writing today. I don’t know if I’ll update this weekend, but that is the goal. (With a little luck, that will be the reality as well!) There will be new art soon, too. I ordered a birthday gift for myself from the awesomely talented Sarah-Belle, and I’ve already approved the sketch. It’s fucking amazing. I loved it immediately. She hit the mark so well; I didn’t even need to ask for adjustments. I’m so happy! \o/ I also updated the gallery with some stuff from my birthday and the original art from Fanasy of the Human and the Hanyou (“As One”). Speaking of, I should be doing some art with her and one other special person very soon, so expect more IY goodies at the site shortly! Still Dreaming


Wednesday, 6 March, 2013

U-KISS just posted their new album to their Facebook store (Goes on sale tomorrow) and I just bought my copy. God, I fucking love them. It’s ridic how much I fangirl these guys. Saw them perform on Show Champion, and as usual, Kevin is the prettiest thing in all of k-pop. *Happy Sighs*


Sunday, 17 February, 2013

So, your Grrrl is happy. I got my iTunes copy of U-KISS’ new Japanese single, ALONE, and it’s awesome, as usual. I love the shit out of those guys. They’re my next biggest addiction next to InuYasha.   Still Dreaming  I fucking adore Kevin Woo; his voice makes me swoon like a little kid!  It’s been a blast dancing around in my socks today. Squee!


EDIT: My Rhyeleeeeeeeeeeee made a Kevin Woo painting for me for Valentine’s Day! Sweet Kiss
It’s at the gallery!

You Are ALONE.

Monday, 14 January, 2013


Happy Birthday, Kevin!

Sunday, 25 November, 2012

Today is my sweetie’s 21st birthday!! Finally legal! Propose
(It’s my aunt’s birthday, too!)

Taken last night with a plate of goodies made by his bandmates.

Moar Writing

Thursday, 20 September, 2012

So, are you guys following the fics? Depending on the reviews, I may keep updating, but we’ll see. Right now, pure force and the desire to give you guys something is my sole motivation. So, if you’re not all that happy with what you’ve seen thus far, it’s because I’m rusty as fuck and doing the best I can do for a person who doesn’t really feel like writing.

I updated In His Eyes, and yes, that chapter will have your feelz up in arms by the end, but I think the key here is that you got an update at all. That story is not that fun for me because I took it in a far too fluffy direction (and it’s a tad canon-ish) and I basically dislike that stuff. But hey, at least I’m not abandoning it like I can do so easily…

Dunno what’s coming next. We’ll see what happens when I look at my notes. And for those on my lovelie list who listen to U-KISS, the new album is awesome. They even have the title track in English and I’m really impressed. The harmonies on Stop Girl are some of the tightest I’ve ever heard from them. I’m really hoping they manage a #1 this time. Anywayz….

I still owe several people e-mail. I hope you guys realize it’s because I’ve been trying tow rite and not just from total neglect. Besides, you’d rather see a chapter than a BS mail from me anyway! Grimace


Wednesday, 19 September, 2012

And I already bought my copy of the album. SUPER SQUEE!