Karma: It’s Not Just for Assholes Anymore!
So I like what I see when I’m looking at me
When I’m walking past the mirror
No stress through the night, at a time in my life
Ain’t worried about if you feel it
Got my head on straight, I got my mind right
I aint gonna let you kill it
You see, I wouldn’t change my life, my life’s just… fine!
-Mary J
Life is good. Wicked good. I lived through gram’s anniversary, got some hilarious e-mail from my friend pertaining to lube and checkout counters (the lulz were fantastic), and best of all, one of my favorite artists just gave me a ‘to die for’ present! According to her, because I’ve been so awesome to her, have done so much good for the fandom, and because she loves me (and I love her right back!), the art I wanted to commission from her will only get done if I accept it as a gift.
Words can’t express how humbled I am by that. Seriously. I’d pay a ransom for her work, but not only am I getting exactly what I wanted, but getting it as a gift and for those reasons? I’m stunned and really, really grateful. It kind of showed me that karma actually can work in the reverse. I’ve always tried to play fair out here. I don’t draw first blood. Ever. It’s not my style. We don’t have a problem until you create one, and I think some of the good vibes I do try to put out are making their way back. (So just imagine all the drama queens that put out endless globs of senselessness? 😛 )
I got a little more writing done on Onna’s giftfic, and I’m laying out what exactly what will go into the last chapter of Edge of Seventeen, and for pesky kid brothers ( 😀 ), a little Hanyou Kagome is in order. I owe him, though. I really do, so I’m on it, Danga, I promise a chapter very soon (s0me of it is already written). Same goes for “Everything You Want”, Tina’s ridiculously overdue fic. Ack. So much to get done! Plus, Neddi’s birthday is coming on Friday and she requested a lemon from me that made me just O.o Okay, I’ll admit, I can write a decent lemon, but what the hell, woman?! I won’t tell y’all what it is, but lawd. O.O I promise to try and nothing more! >.>
It’s Tuesday, but it feels like Friday. I had a good work day, booked a few new clients for June and July, and my dishes are done. Damn! Shit is looking up, lol. I may even make the world right and do my spring cleaning…. Aight, that’s stretching it. <.<Â Oh yeah, I did say that I’d show you guys my latest giftart from Kau, who commissioned my nee-chan, Ilsa. Okay, I’ll put up a small version since it’s watermarked now.
Human InuYasha in a hot spring. Can we say YUM?
Tuesday, 21 April, 2009 at 20:13
I’ve had a cold week here! *pouts* but supposed to have warm and sunny days for weekend!
*GLOMPAGE* Yes! Karma is real! What goes around, comes around!! Love was shown and it comes right back!
Am so thrilled that you got a great treat!!
I am raising eyebrows and wondering to the lube and checkout bit but I am just letting my imagination take it from there!
Had a wicked migraine all day today… lovely.
Why do I get the image of really tacky and overly Gaudy looking Drag Queens in full … dress whenever I think of Drama Queens? *shrugs while being puzzled*
You certainly have your Fic Plate full of Tastey and Steamy Goodness!!
Oh? And can Nikkie play with Inu in the hotspring for a while? …. I have….. RESEARCH!! That’s it Research I need to conduct for future Artist endeavors!
Tuesday, 21 April, 2009 at 22:50
can we say yummy… I would take him any day like that… she did a very good job on him…
Glad to hear that got a few more clients those are always good… and how Red is making your graphic for you… for free.. I would be so happy.. I would not have come down from cloud nine in days..
Can’t wait for the fics…I’m in for a good read.. can’t wait..
tootles!! (^_^)w
Wednesday, 22 April, 2009 at 0:46
It’s been kind of cold here, too, but we have the same forecast. It will finally get warmer, but sheesh. Hurry up! 😛
Yesh, karma always seems to pay back the assholes, but it’s nice to see that it works for good just as well. *glomps* It was a really awesome gesture and I’m so grateful. Gah! I’m giddy as fuck, too. *Does an end zone dance* I’ve got such yummy things in store that I can’t help but get ultra dorky and do air guitar!
Picture buying lube and getting the eye from the cashier while ‘not so subtlety’ putting it out there that you may use it for… LOL. I laughed my head off. Easily the joke of the day.
*Sends good migraine vibes* I’ve been avoiding those lately (vertigo and allergies took their place), but I remember the pain well. Try and get some rest and try Excedrin migraine. I swear, they’re miracle pills.
Why do I get the image of really tacky and overly Gaudy looking Drag Queens in full … dress whenever I think of Drama Queens? *shrugs while being puzzled*
LOL. Because that’s usually how it works.
And hey, stay outta that spring… unless you wanna share! *waggles brows* We’ll flip a coin for top and bottom!
You know, research is good. Verrrrry gooooood…… >.>
Wednesday, 22 April, 2009 at 0:54
Neo!! Yesh, I’m still on clouds, dammit! I just adore her art and covet every piece like the treasure it is! You should have seen the total back flips I did when Nikkie got me a commish from her for my birthday. I was like, OMG! NO WAY!!!! Then I ran around screaming, lol.
I never have an issue with clients; you know how the summer is. Everyone is getting a ring on their finger and the calls start coming in. The only thing I hate is all the travel, especially in the heat of August. Argh.
The fics will be a while yet, but I look forward to writing them. I always love starting new fics (hence the sheer size of my WIP library >.<). That’s why I’m holding off for a while, and I’m also messing around with different genres. However, they will still be AU and he will still be human, which are my trademarks. 😀
See ya at the home station. 😛
(I still love your smilies!)
Wednesday, 22 April, 2009 at 2:46
You know you like it when I harass you for updates.
Wednesday, 22 April, 2009 at 6:13
Of course I do! >.> Just don’t tell anyone! 😛
Wednesday, 22 April, 2009 at 17:48
“…and my dishes are done.”
*diez laughing*
But I’m happy your having a good…day? Week? and that it stays that way Daaaaaaaaayum, I guess I could see why life is good, though. The art is friggen’ GORGEOUS! And gift art? Amazing (and totally deserved) just as well.
And yes! It really DID feel like Friday, today! (except you posted this yesterday so……it was probably Saturday to you ;P) Anyway, hope life continues to treat ‘ya good.
Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 2:57
When you finish your cleaning, come do mine. 😛
Love the piccie!!! *drools* If anyone deserves the good karma, you do, babykakes!!!
Yeah, I’m backtracking on your entries. Been slacking. Lots to make up for.
*rushes off to next entry*
Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 9:21
Research so very very good… had to come back and… study…. him.
The next wankage outbreak… I am going to find that tampon line from Priscillia Queen of the Desert vid and post it!
Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 11:36
Hey bb! I was wondering where ya disappeared too! I was on your site looking through your fics, and found this as a link
I know I’m late, but my condolences about your grandmother. I know how hard it is to loose someone you care about. I go through it every August and October
I’m glad to hear things are looking up for you, and I’m lovin the fanart!!
Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 18:32
Hey Noelle! 😀
Yeah, I’ve been staying off of LJ. Too much drama for me. Plus, after all of the trouble it took to get this wordpress off and running, I want to devote as much time as a possible on it.
And thanks. <33 These anniversaries kick our butts, don’t they? I’ll be sending good thoughts your way -August is just too close.
Glad you like the art! There’s more on the way, too. ^_^
Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 18:34
I’m going to download that movie; you’ve had too many good quotes!
Oi! I’m watching ya over there by that spring! 😛
Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 20:01
Why, you… *shakes fist* I didn’t even do my cleaning. 😛
Isn’t the piccy fab? I told my friend that she he looks pissed off ‘n smexxy. Huzzah!
Can’t wait to see the next one. *leers*
Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 20:31
Hey Am!
<.< Dishes are important, girl! If I’m not careful, I can leave them there all week!
I actually posted this on Tuesday, so it was still a Friday feel, btw!
The art is hot, eh? I was all O.O and then I learned that more is coming on top of
the giftart from my friend. I’m just floored and giddy to the tenth! I need to get my
butt in gear and write something for them! 😛
Hope things are gravy for ya! <33
Saturday, 25 April, 2009 at 1:26
Woweee! That is seriously hot! *drools* Mind if I hop in there with him. *grins* Please! *puppy eyes*
Did you say updates? Gimme! LOL
Saturday, 25 April, 2009 at 19:32
Oi! No hopping in. 😛 I’m working on the last chappie of something semi-recent. That’s been my aim lately, to kill off the stragglers. Not easy, though, getting back into the mindset of older works. Sigh.
Sunday, 26 April, 2009 at 9:41
I know what you mean. It’s been so long since I touched some of mine, I don’t know how I’m going to pick ’em up again.
Monday, 27 April, 2009 at 4:17
And doesn’t that suck ass? I know ther are a couple I’m finding extremely hard to look at, let alone complete. >.<
Saturday, 2 May, 2009 at 0:41
Wednesday, 6 May, 2009 at 1:23
Wednesday, 6 May, 2009 at 6:56