Beyond Redemption – Star Trek is the Awesome.

Star Trek is the Awesome.

So, I went to see Star Trek on Friday, and let me just say that I’m now a Spock fan for life. I mean, I liked him already, but now I fucking L O V E him. Oh man, Zachary Quinto looks HOT as Spock. So cute it’s fucking ridiculous. I don’t want to give up spoilers… but I will, so…


Okay, so let’s start with the fact that the evil guy part of the plot is rice-paper thin. I like “Hector” (he played him in Troy), but there’s no plot there, to be honest. None. This film is designed to show us how the crew came together, trust me.

Kirk took a bit of time to grow on me. He was slightly douchebaggy, at first, but so were the star fleet cadets (asshole-ish for sure), but, of course, he ends up being a smart little shit. He’s also cocky as fuck and there are squee moments when you clearly see our beloved Cappie in him. Like when he says “Kirk out.” or “At ease, men.” By the time I left, I had accepted him as Kirk, and for me, that’s very hard because I’m a hardcore Shatner fan.

Keith Urban did a fantastic McCoy. Aside from looking like him in his younger years, he just had the personality down. It was awesome. Hats off!

Sulu was okay -he doesn’t look like the real deal. There’s a part where he gets into a fencing thing with one of the bad guys and the way his sword opens -awesome, lol.

Chekov looks nothing like him and his accent was so thick that it was silly and unrealistic feeling. However, it didn’t bug me enough to steal any enjoyment.

Uhura, well, she could have been prettier. The real Uhura was gorgeous and curvy. This one is tall and beanpole-ish, but she’s not a dog or anything. I still like her with Spock regardless.

Scotty -aka- Shaun of the Dead was funny, and he spouts off a few “Scotty” lines that made me smile.

There was no Nurse Chapel, but that’s not to say that they won’t bring her into it if they want to create any kind of love triangle with Spock in the next one.

Spock. Good gravy! I accepted him the moment I saw him weeks ago, but even more so now. Not only does he look like Spock, but he acts like him with a slight touch more emotion than we’re used to, and for me, that enhanced his character. Best of all? Oh yeah, Uhura is his woman and when they kissed in the elevator (fine, it’s not an elevator. I’m not that much of a trekkie, so I don’t know the name of the thing!) the fangirl in me went fucking apeshit. That’s not the only kiss, either. πŸ˜€

Severe Spoiler Coming Up

The reason why we saw that first kiss is because she was comforting him. The bad guy, Nero, destroyed Vulcan and when Spock went to the planet to save his family, his mother was killed before they could transport her. So he was in a bad place. Uhura stopped the elevator thingy and kissed and hugged him and was telling him how sorry she was and asking him what he needed. In his Spock way, he told her he wanted everyone to do their best and she nodded in a way meant to assure him that they would, and then they kissed again. Squee.

The next time they kiss is when Spock and Kirk are about to beam onto Nero’s ship to destroy it and save the cap of the enterprise (Christopher Pike). They’re at the transport thingy and they’re, like, making out in front of everyone and Kirk walks up and he’s staring at them a little -hilarious shit- and Spock says Uhura’s first name, which is Nyota. Now, all through the movie, she won’t tell Kirk her first name. So a few more kisses in, Uhura walks away, promising that she’ll be watching Spock every moment he’s down there and Kirk goes, “Her name is Nyota?” and Spock looks at him and says, “I have nothing to say on the matter.” (or something like that, but it’s funny as fuck because it’s rapid fire. The whole theater cracked up.)

We also got to see Old Spock, which was such a treat! He meets Young Kirk after Young Spock had him kicked off the ship for trying to start a mutiny. (That’s the part of the trailer when he’s on an ice planet). Spock ends up telling him that Young Spock is emotionally compromised, so he needs to make him lose it because it’s HIS destiny to be the cap of the ship, not Spock. (He also tells him the whole deal about Nero and why he’s buggin’ out)

That’s when we meet Scotty who’s at some abandoned federation post there and Spock tells him how to get back on the ship while it’s traveling at warp (something Scotty will discover years later. Did I mention that there are all of these time travel aspects?) and when they make it onto the ship, Kirk pushed Spock’s buttons, telling him he didn’t care that his mom died and Spock beat the shit out of him. >.> But then he realizes that he isn’t fit for duty. It’s kinda sad.

Anyway, long story short, they get over their differences, end up working together to kill Nero (who is responsible for the death of Papa Kirk and Mama Spock, something that he actually went into time to achieve, thus changing some futures), and it ends with them being a real crew and Kirk being given the Enterprise as his own.

Out of 5 possible Tessaigas, I give this one FIVE! πŸ˜€

This is a GREAT movie. So good, that I’m going to see it again tomorrow! I’m absolutely in love with Spock! There’s this one scene where he’s before this vulcan council who pretty much insults him and calls his being half human a disadvantage, and I love the way Spock handles it. I tell you, “Live Long and Prosper” took on a new fucking meaning! LOL.

If you’re a hardcore trekkie looking for the second coming of Shatner and Nimoy, don’t bother. This isn’t that Star Trek. They behave like that, but this movie definitely gives them a new spin. If you’re new to ST, or don’t mind a fresh semi-departure from what you’re used to, then give it a shot.

Now, a pretty!



    • avatarBrowneyedmami says:

      Star Trek! Sean and I are going to see it tomorrow, and seeing as how so far Ive only heard positive reviews, I’m pretty excited!!!

      Is everything ok? I saw all of your old lj posts are deleted, and noticed you made several protected entries here. I’m not asking for the password (unless you want) but I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.

      Big hugs!

      And I know youre not a momma, but tell your momma happy mothers day!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Hey Noelle ^_^

      Star Trek is amazing. I’m getting ready to see it again today at the IMAX theater, so I’m pretty amped. I think you’ll enjoy it a lot, and Spock is the AWESOME. If you’re a Trek fan already, you’ll like seeing this version of how they came to be a crew. πŸ˜€

      LJ >.> well, I’m hardly there anymore. There’s too much mud-slinging and wank and BS for me, ya know? I still have my acct, and I may post occasionally, but I’m keeping a really low profile. I’m not so obsessed with fandom that I will let other people’s nonsense make an impact on my life. So, I junked what I didn’t need and became a shadow.

      The pw-protected entries here began because I found out that an author in IY fandom posted a link to my blog in an f-locked journal. Since we aren’t friends or even acquaintances, I decided that she, and whomever else I really don’t know, won’t be reading anything else that wasn’t meant for their eyes. Snooping around the blogs of virtual strangers doesn’t make sense to me; I just don’t care enough about what they have to say. But apparently, she did, so I nipped that in the bud.

      Happy Mama Day to your family, and thanks, but my mama has been gone for years. :)

    • avatarBrowneyedmami says:

      Yeah, I’m pretty excited for seeing it!

      I know what you mean about lj. Once you turn around, there’s more and it gets quite tiring.

      And OMG, I know you spoke on that once, and I am so so sorry about bring that up :/ May she RIP. I know wherever she is, she is looking down on you and is proud *hugs*

    • avatarneo says:

      I keep seeing the previews… but sadly I won’t be making it to the theater unless I want to spend a fortune.. so hubby has been looking for a good copy for me viva the net…

      I will have to say I look forward to seeing it… I seen on a interview on Stars that the old spock and new spock were meeting and that the old spock said to hire the guy for the spock role because he did look like him and stated that he never told the kid to act a certain way, because the kid was one hell of a actor already..

      but i’m glad you are getting your fill… you sound like a kid in a candy store… (^_^)b

    • avatarmidnightwhispers says:

      Sounds awesome! :) I discovered that the sci-fi channel shows the series late at night, so I’ve been half-watching it while I’m on the computer. I know what you mean about Uhura. She’s one of those girls with a plain face, but a hot body. Seeing new Spock, new Kirk and new everybody else is going to be an adjustment. I’m a big fan of Shatner and Nimoy. But you make it sound so cool. :)

    • avatarInu Hanyou Nikkie says:

      Star Trek! Spock with all his boyish cuteness and those ears!!

      Still have yet to see it! *grumbles*

      Okays! I went and read the spoilers only I’m still going to be hyper when I go!!

      This got me: Spock looks at him and says, β€œI have nothing to say on the matter.” Sounds like Spock for real! *bounces hyperly*

      OH MY GOD!!! YES!! Thanks for that!! Spock/Uhura kisses!!

      I’m so hyped to know that it’s a Prequel movie for Star Trek!!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      I have a bootleg if you want to see it. I actually have 2, and one is better than the other, so I’m going to upload it today and send you a link. The movie is AMAZING and Spock is absolutely gorgeous. I think after so many years of InuYasha, I’m more than ready for more ears! πŸ˜› But I was always a trek fan (The original series. I hate all the stuff that followed) just not to this extent. I’ve seen it 6 times now and counting and I still love it.

      Spock/Uhura is my Inu/Kags, I swear, lol. I absolutely love them together and he very much acts like the real Spock, or what we’d imagine as the real Spock in his younger years. The plot is clever, too, in the way they explain why their lives are the way they are. After seeing it so many times, I finally completely understand what they did along with the whys and hows. Fantastic stuff, Nik. You’re going to love it!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Sis!! Trust me, it is cool. Young Spock and Kirk are darling. I’m a massive Shatner fan, so Chris Pine still can’t replace him, but I’m apeshit for Young Spock. I can’t say he replaces Nimoy, but I will say that he’s close to what I’d imagine a young Spock to be with a little more of his humanity present. You have to see it. I can send you a bootleg if you want? Can you believe I’m going to watch this thing in a theater for the 3rd time this weekend? I’ve never been this absorbed in anything!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      you sound like a kid in a candy store…

      I AM!!! πŸ˜€ I never thought I’d love this movie as much as I do. I was VERY skeptical about it, particularly with Kirk. I’m a huge Shatner fan, so I’m not quick to accept anyone in his place. But I’ll admit that the new Kirk is cool. Not awesome, but cool. Spock? How I love thee! Zachary Quinto is fantastic and so so cute as Spock! Old and new do actually meet and it’s sweet because old is telling new to lighten up and have more faith in what feels right and not just what’s logical. I could watch Spock all day -haha- and with Uhura?? Totally heaven. LOL. I’m such a fangirl right now. Pay me no mind…

      I found a slightly better copy than the one I sent you, so I’m uploading it now. The same link will work and it should be set up in an hour or two. Grab that one -it’s more in letterbox format.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Thanks. *hugs* It was a good day despite missing her. πŸ˜€ Hope yours went well, too.

      Have you seen the movie yet? I’m on 6 times here, and wow, I still love it! Spock is the awesome. *fangirls hard*

      LJ will always be bred for drama and wank -two things I’ve really had my fill of. I’m more than happy not having to go there unless it’s absolutely necessary!

    • avatarInu Hanyou Nikkie says:

      *Spider Monkey Glompage with Feet!!* Thanks!! Yes Please! Love to have a copy of it! I’m so going to enjoy it!! *starts panting for it*

      No, they didn’t capture the Joys of Star Trek after the original crew. *sighs* No Spock and his ears, and Kirk and his Cock Rock! *giggles*

      *waggles brow* going to post a list of recommended ficcage to read over?

      *races around in excitement*

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Nik!!!!!!! πŸ˜€

      I’m going to mail you right now with the links. Wait until you see it -total awesomeness. πŸ˜€
      I haven’t read everything yet (not even close), but I do have a few authors that I bookmarked. They don’t write slash, but I’ll send them anyway.

      If only I can get this excited about IY again! >.< Ah well. I’ll take what I can get!