Beyond Redemption – Big Changes All Around.

Big Changes All Around.

This week has been interesting, to say the least, and I’ve come to a few decisions.

Lately, people around me have been trippin’ and I have no idea why. I stay out of people’s shit, period. I try not to take sides, or get involved in any way because I’ve got problems of my own. Plus, I’m really a “live and let live” person. If you didn’t do anything to me personally, I have no reason to hate on you. It’s just too bad that some will look at that stance like I’m being intentionally distant, or whatever, when the truth is that I just don’t want to be in any shit storms that have jackbone to do with me. Really, who does?

That said, as just about everyone knows, I all but left LiveJournal around March of 2009. My last real post there was on my birthday when I thanked everyone for the wonderful gifts and for remembering a Grrrl. Right after that, I opened this wordpress and I haven’t been there since other than to wish happy birthdays. I haven’t seen my f-list in about 6 months, and when I do show up there, it’s to deal with InuRomp and Challenge Destiny. In fact, I think y’all know that I purged my LJ some time ago. At least No-No knows because she asked me about it on here. I did that because I have an aversion to LJ and I always have.

The shit that goes on there is epically stupid, and I’m not in high school. Grown women trippin’ isn’t fun for me, and since I only wrote for one community for a short time and haven’t posted anything there since, my only reason for keeping that account is for the comms I run. And in case y’all didn’t know (prolly not), I’m leaving InuRomp when this fall challenge I started with Salome is over next month. She’s leaving as well and we’re passing it to a couple of great members who are happy and excited about running it. This decision was made about 2 months ago, because like I said, I don’t have a reason to be on LJ.

As for ED’s community, that, I plan to keep, provided there is interest within the membership come June. However, I can run that with my mods from the ED LiveJournal account. InuGrrrl does not have to have an LJ in order to do her duties there, so she won’t.

Yes, I’m closing my LiveJournal account as soon as I comfortably can. I want absolutely nothing to do with that place or anything that happens there anymore. It’s not worth it. And know this, when I close it I’m going to say so and if anyone EVER tries to friends you as me, DO NOT FRIEND THEM BACK BECAUSE IT WILL NOT BE ME.

And there will be other changes. As some of you know, I’ve been trying to inch out of the Feudal Association for a while now, which is why there is a mod’s group in place -to take over. I have since told them that they need a new webmistress/master. It doesn’t look like any effort has been made to find one, and that’s going to be sad, because I’m not doing it this term. I’m too busy and I made it known that I was stepping down from the site 2 months ago. So, I can only hope that someone will be interested in building a new site for them.

Then, there is The Boiler Room (my yaoi site). I’ve been mulling it over, and I think I’m going to close it. I built it with someone specific in mind, and through no fault of her own, she all but had to leave fandom/writing and, for me, it hasn’t been the same since. I mean, it’s a pretty little site with a few members, but overall, I don’t see a real reason to keep it open. It’s not nearly as busy as ED, and with the domain needing renewing in a few months, it may be the opportune time to send out the warning letters to the authors and close up shop.

I’m also closing my account at Y! Gallery. I’m never there, and ever since I had a little incident there some months back over the STUPIDEST SHIT EVER, it was just another nail in the coffin for this fandom. People are just… yeah. So, I’m closing that account today. I’m also closing my account at that hentai site, and paper demon, and loads of other places. I have no need of them, and at this point, I’m withdrawing and retreating into my own shit, anyway. I own a slew of websites; I don’t need to be anywhere else. Everyone I care about, and who cares about me, knows how to find me when they need me. All this other shit is just that -shit- and I’m done with it.

EDIT: Apparently, Y Gal doesn’t let you delete an account. So I just deleted all my fics from there and removed all my personal stuff. I also contacted the owner of Paper Demon -after deleting all my stuff- and asked her to close my account there. I just closed my Hentai Foundry account. Squee! I’m on a fucking roll.

I’m serious about withdrawing from fandom, in an overall sense, and just keeping with my own sites and the people that still want to read my fics on MY site. I may even close my account. I’m deliberating that one, though, because I try to stay conscious of the feelings of the people that have taken the time to read and review my work there. It’s a shitty site, no question, that has provided a safe haven for plagiarists (I know because I was plagiarized there 4 times). But I try really hard not to sweep everyone with a broad stroke. So, I may finish updating whatever I started there, but I won’t be submitting any brand new stories.

And last but not least, I know y’all have seen me mention it a few times, but I really am deliberating closing Absolution to the general public and pretty much giving house keys to my friends, and the lovelies that take the time to review.

Why? Because honestly, I don’t like the idea of having 400 people read a chapter in 2 days time and not review or let me know who they are in any way. I don’t think it would kill anyone to say what they may have enjoyed about the chap, but more to the point, I don’t like the idea of nameless, faceless masses being inside my personal archive.

One of the fictions that was stolen -twice- is Rebound, and the second time it happened, it was only posted on Absolution. That means that someone came directly into my house and stole from me, and I’m sorry, but that fucking infuriated me. If someone can’t refrain from stealing, or even better, leave a review just to set my mind at ease about who was in my house, then why am I letting them in?

That said, like I mentioned a minute ago, I try to stay conscious of the feelings of people that read my work. That’s why this new poll is up. If you visit this blog, then vote and give me an idea of what you’re thinking. Trust me, I’m taking it all into consideration.

Last, I’m writing again (as y’all have seen) and I’m doing as much as I can while my brain is being nice to me. I haven’t even been to facebook in the last few days, so I can tell that I’m getting my shit together and getting back into finishing my fics. That’s why it’s important that I start seeing something from my readers. I really don’t want to lock the castle doors and have people miss out on updates for fics they’ve invested their time in. However, I will, if it’s a question of protecting my house.

I guess New Year’s resolutions are coming early.

EDIT: My LiveJournal has been deleted. Y’all know how to find me when you need me! πŸ˜›


    • avatarLiz (Da Sistah) says:

      Okay girl. This poll is difficult for me, and I’ma gonna tell you why. Why? Cause I kinda agree with all three choices. In some ways yeah, you should close it off to those that you know are reading and reviewing, thus keeping out the asshats and wank whores. However, as you said in choice number two (you know I’m one who is not the best reviewer in the world, although I have gotten much better at it :P), there are those people who love to read your work but are simply not reviewers and therefore don’t. Lastly, hey, I’m all for you doing what you gotta do so long as you don’t kick a sistah to da curb πŸ˜› So, you see my voting dilemma. *sigh*

    • avatarSelina says:

      First off, this:

      *serious hugs*

      Second of all, LJ. Pfft. You know how I feel about that, especially now.

      Third, closing Absolution. On that, you gotta do what you gotta do. That’s your site, and honestly, you should do with it whatever you want to. If the read-w/o-review people grate on you, then by all means, shut them out. I will say that when I first started reading fanfiction, I never reviewed. I guess I was too shy or something. *shrugs* But I obviously came out of my shell eventually and was able to say a few words and hit a button. So, yeah, it’s not hard, but there are a lot of people who just don’t do it. *shrugs again* Considering your dilemma, though (with the theft and everything), I can understand your frustration. So like I said, do what makes you feel right. πŸ˜€

      *glomps wif luv* Mail comin’ atcha! πŸ˜›

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      *squeezes ya*

      And I know just how you feel about LJ. I’ve been feeling it for ages, and after what happened a few days ago with the impostor, I knew it was really time to go. So, I thought about the best way to carry on with CD (should it open again in June), and then started taking steps. The other sites, I left those instantaneously.

      Absolution. Lack of reviews are irksome, but I’m more concerned about who is coming in and out. Like I said, that bitch actually came into my house to steal and just made shit 50 times worse than it would normally be. I tried to forget about it since then, but it never left me, and the more I saw people coming in recently without telling me who they were, the more irked I became. So, it’s up in the air. But everyone that should get a key and all my regular lovelies at the site will still be able to get in.

      *Glomps n’ rolls -steals yer boneless wings- then luvs ya up real good* πŸ˜€

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Sistah, you iz stoopid. πŸ˜›

      It’s a hard pick for me, too. I can’t tell you how many people have ended up at the site through recommendations that ended up liking the fics and staying. If I lock up, they won’t have a way to get in unless they can come across my e-mail some kinda way. That’s part of my hesitance. But having a parade of people that I may not know come in and out bugs me, too. I’m not so hard up for readers that I need to deal with *anything* to get them. I’ve accomplished a lot since I came on the scene and it will never be that kinda desperate party for me.

      So I’m going to see what happens between now and January. If there’s no change, then I’ll just get the padlocks. πŸ˜›

    • avatarCassie says:


      Just got your note that you closed your LJ. After reading this entry, I have a couple questions.

      Will you at least save your yaoi stories and archive them somewhere?

      Do what you want but I’d hate to see your hard work taken down because a people don’t review. I will admit that I feel awkward leaving more than one review per story because I feel like I have nothing better to contribute each chapter other than to say “Still love it!” I have a hard time properly conveying myself πŸ˜›

      That said, kudos to you for cleaning house so to speak and doing what’s best for you!

      I know what you mean about LJ too. I’m in a few other communities that the drama just gets ridiculous. And some of them have mods that are on high horses and play favorites with some members that should have been banned long ago, etc, etc.

    • avatarLindsay says:

      Well, I hope everything works out for everyone. I agree with you about, they aren’t that great. However, if your thinking about closing off Absolution to the general public, do you think I could pretty pleaseeeeeee (puppy dog face) have access? I might actually cry if I don’t get to finish your fics that I’ve started reading (Ok, maybe not cry, but I would be really melancholy about it!). OH! And this reminds me…I need to go review Ch. 2 of Fallen..ooopsy…. πŸ˜€ I swear I try to remember to review! Scouts Honor! ^-^;;;;;

    • avatarAm says:

      Hey, a Grrrls gotta do what a Grrrls gotta do. It would suck for new readers if you closed, but maybe for a month or so you can leave an email up and have people tell you why they wanna come in (this way, the people who aren’t reviewers or who just don’t know how to say what they feel about a story don’t completely get shut out too). And this way, if someone plagiarizes you have a log of exactly who enters your site, which would make it easier to pick out the culprit(s).

    • avatarsmurfette says:

      *Takes a deep sigh…and ponders.* Ok truthfully, whatever you have to do; you gotta do what’s best for you. And I mean that cause, you’re someone and is somebody that works hard in creating what you do best.

      I’ve also seen that you have a new pole and I’m a little scared to make a vote… What I’m trying to say as well, when I saw your thoughts on what’s needed to be done about situations like these, I hope you won’t kick m, *Sniffles* out cause I try my best in reviewing your work (and I think I do most, some, or all the time: review) when stories are updated or just read a fic that catches my eye.

      I can guess how you must feel. I wouldn’t want a poem or story of mine being taken on a site. (I am a memeber on, but I’m kinda iffy on posting something there and *if* someone stole it when I know that I worked hard for.) So what that said, I totally understand.
      If I wanted something to be posted, I would post it on one of your sites. With your permission, of course. The reason to that is, I have the most trust in you! Yes, I do. And I would know that my stuff,that I would post in your site, would be taken care of.

      So, with that said, just do what you have to do. *But do it for yourself* That’s where it all starts!

      Hope you have a good day and take care!

      *Huggles* and *Winks* πŸ˜‰

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Hey Ms. Smurfy! πŸ˜€

      Let me say this now so that you know. You were never in any danger of not getting into Absolution. None of my regular reviewers are because I know who you are. Even if you only reviewed a few times, you would not be in danger of a cut. I’m only thinking about all of the people that never review, people whom I don’t know and won’t introduce themselves to me.

      I like reviews; they encourage me to continue writing when I feel like there is no point. But that’s not my main reason for locking the house. I want to know who’s there. I want to know their identities in some shape or form because (as silly as it may seem to some) it sets my mind at ease. Absolution is not a public website. It’s private, which means that it’s my personal queendom. πŸ˜› I want to know who’s part of my “court”.

      As for Urg. I’m so irritated with that site and its complete lack of action when it comes to plagiarism. My 4th Plagiarist was just a couple of weeks ago. She was adult enough to acknowledge what she did and apologize, but its till happened and I was still pissed off. That’s why I’m not posting any more new work there. Why give them more to steal?

      And if you should ever decide to write, by all means, feel free to post on ED or TBR (if it’s open) or any of my public sites. I welcome it! πŸ˜€ I have an idea for another site that could be right up your alley, too, but I don’t want to say too much about it yet. πŸ˜€

      *hugs* Thanks for sounding off; I appreciate it! <3

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Hey Am!

      You’re right; a Grrrl gotta do what she gotta do! πŸ˜› And it would suck for people that happen upon the site by chance, but I want to know who’s in my house. It isn’t just about reviews. I’ve had Abi open for 3 years. It’s not overflowing with reviews and it’s still open to everyone. This is about being sick of people entering my house without the courtesy of a hello. Even if a person doesn’t review frequently, would it kill them to say something a couple of times just so that I know who they are?

      The idea of having people e-mail me might work, but I’d feel awfully presumptuous asking someone to tell me why they want to get into my archive. That isn’t me at all. >.< I’d just like those that do come over to say hi sometimes so that I know who they are. There is no possible way that I know of all the people that enter Absolution, but if they left a review, or even sent me a note, I’d feel more comfy about letting them in, ya know?

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Hey Linds!

      I don’t know of anyone that doesn’t roll their eyes at It’s not a horrible site because of content and stuff. What makes it shitty is all the blatant plagiarism that the admins do next to nothing about. It has pretty much become a place that let’s thieves thrive and that sucks.

      I’m not going to make a definite decision about Absolution until January, but worry not. You’re not on the chopping block. πŸ˜› I know who you are, even if you don’t review all the time, and that’s what makes you safe!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Hey Cass! ^^

      I was hoping you’d still get the note. I wasn’t sure if they’d still send it since the acct is dead. (Had to shed that shit, girl. It was beyond time.) I was only a member of a few comms, and honestly, what is the point? There is a lot of favoritism in them, unnecessary drama, and what good does it do me when I’m not big on contest writing or awards? I’d rather just stick to my own sites.

      Absolution isn’t being taken down. Noooooo. I’m just thinking about disallowing visits from people who are not friends or regular reviewers (people I don’t know and are not familiar with). No decision on that yet, but you’re going to have access, so don’t even sweat that. πŸ˜€ I just don’t want a slew of people in and out of there anymore who can’t take a minute to tell me who they are. I had some of my work stolen from my site and posted on and I’ve been pissed off ever since. So, as part of my changes for the new year, I’m going to start getting strict about my personal house.

      The yaoi site, well, I only have a few things posted there and they’re all on my personal site. The other stories belong to their respective writers. I haven’t decided on that, either, but it’s not a site with much activity. That’s why I was going to just shut it down. We have a few people posting, but, to me, it’s not active enough to continue it. I won’t be deciding on that until January, though, so we’ll see if anything changes.

    • avatarInu Hanyou Nikkie says:

      Get ready for it… >. >


      Big changes that have finally freed unpleasant weights of your shoulders and the mind. I totally understand about LJ as the phrase “OOOH! Just you wait til I write about this on my ONLINE JOURNAL!” (yes, I have an Avie of this) comes to mind.

      LJ seems to get off on encouraging and breeding Wank. They do nothing about Comms that are blatantly dedicated to Wanking of people and people who are dedicated to Wanking those Comms right back.

      They need to change from LJ to WJ: Wank-Journal

      The tripping it has to be something they come in contact with in real life, at least it seems like that… *shivers*

      Oh goodness, that is a very scary concept of Live and Let Live. Many people can’t survive unless they are digging and groping around for dirt to fling about then stand back and watch the show. Double that if it has absolutely nothing to do with them in the first place.

      Still Celebrating the freedom? *giggles*

      Oh.. I will laugh so much at the person who tries that idiotic stunt! Laugh as I go ‘DENIED!’

      With Absolution, do what you need to do – one that will ease the tension and remove the weight off your shoulders. It’s about you and what will be best for you in the long run. On one hand by making Abi protected, your works can be protected from plagiarism (at least I am praying that)


      WOOOOOTRTTT!!! On the writing front! Take it nice and relaxed and have a great time with writing! I am curious and a little nosy to see if you will start writing some original fics.


      YOU GO GRRRL!!

    • avatarBrowneyedmami says:

      LOL, I saw that you shut down LJ and immediately came here XD

      I had a feeling you would to be honest. There is quite a bit of drama over there, even now. I’m not personally involved in any, but still. You will be missed, especially @ inuromp! Sensei’s leaving too?! Unless someone else reeaaallly good comes along I dunno if it will be as great as it is now.

      As for closing the other accounts, I completely understand. It’s too much to have so many accounts on places you hardly ever even use. I’m considering taking down my Twitter.

      I hope if you close off Absolution to certain people that I’m one of them! I’d certainly miss my IG!!

      As for closing TBR and….As for TBR, I understand. I’m not downing the site, because the concept you had in mind I’m sure was great, but if it’s not getting much traffic, it may be time to shut down.….well….There’s ups and downs to that. Ultimately, it’s up to you, but I don’t think you should. Because think about it. If you want your stories to be well known or at least recognized, if you close off Absolution, the only people who would be reading your stuff would be your friends. Now, if that’s what you really wanted, then that’s a good idea. But I know that people who are not your friends and follow your stories would be disappointed. I know it can be disheartening to write and now get many reviews. We’ve all been there as writers. But like for instance, me. I’m horrible at leaving reviews. It’s not that I don’t appreciate what you’re writing, it’s because I’m scared of writing something so horribly cliche’ like “OMG THAT WAS GREAT.” Even though that may be true, getting that same response for 10 reviews gets old. certainly has it’s issues, I won’t even sugar coat that. But it’s definitely also a great tool to get your work out there. *shrugs*

      Hope I didn’t talk to much or say anything outta line

      ♥No-no (you know, youre the only one who can call me that lol)

    • avatarCassie says:


      Glad I’ll have access πŸ˜› I love your stories. So, you have so many dang websites πŸ˜› Absolution is your main one? What about ED? Just making sure I get everything straight, and I want to get my bookmarks straight.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      No-no! πŸ˜›
      (Nicknames are a must!)

      I know LJ is ridiculous, and yeah, I’m sure you knew my ax was going to swing soon. It’s not worth the silly shit that goes on in there, not when you can sever the issue with a mouse click. *shakes head in disgust*

      TBR, yeah, I only made it because I wanted to house a friend’s fics, and I still can since I have permission to post them as much as I want, but everything boils down to work. There are skins to make, stuff to monitor, back ups to do and this is PER website. I can let TBR sit and say, well, whoever uses it uses it, but I know me. I won’t be happy if I’m not keeping it looking good with new skins, art, and so on. There are people that post there, but my laziness combined with slow traffic is what makes me eye it a little harder. >.>

      With Absolution (Of course you’d still get in!), I want to know who’s in my house. It’s that simple, honestly. I’ve had someone come in there and steal one of my fictions and I’ve always been mad about that. However, people were reviewing and/or dropping me a line, which made me feel a bit easier because I had an idea of who was in there on a regular basis. Now, I get as many as 400 hits in 2 days on a new chapter (which always stuns me since this is a private site that’s known through word of mouth) with only a few reviews and my head says, okay, who the hell was in here?

      I’m known in this fandom, good or bad, so I’m not worried about people not knowing my name or fictions. I’m irked with the plagiarism. About a month ago on I was plagiarized for the 4th time. It infuriated me, of course, which is why I hate that site, but it got me thinking about pulling my stuff and closing my house doors to everyone but those I’m familiar with. Now, that’s not to say I don’t like reviews. I sure as hell do! πŸ˜› But that isn’t my main motivation. I have people that review me and spend most of the time just hollerin’ at me about how they’re doing or whatever. I’m personal like that with my lovelies; it’s not just about the fics. Reviews allow me to know them on some level.

      So, we’ll see. I don’t plan on making any decisions until after the new year. If I think things are feeling better around there, I’m not going to close it off. But if I still feel uncomfy, then I will, and I’ll be sending out usernames and passwords to those that will get access. πŸ˜€

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Coolies πŸ˜›

      Absolution is InuGrrrl’s fiction site, exclusively. Only my stories and gift fics go on there. Eternal Destiny is my public fic site where anyone can post stories (as long as they’re I/K). Best way to bookmark:

      Anything on InuGrrrl [dot] Net is me.
      Eternal Destiny is IK-Eternal [dot] net.
      The Boiler Room is Inu-yaoi [dot] net
      When I host websites for other people, they are attached to the Feudal-pulpfiction [dot] net domain.

      Have I confused you enough yet?? LOL.

    • avatarkimakaanna says:

      You know what? I agree with you about closing the doors to Absolution. If people can’t take the time to review, fuck ’em! Then the thing with plagiarizing? I read a story a few months ago (the story was 2-3 years old) and imagine my surprise when I saw the same story duplicated just 2 and a half weeks ago. They just tweaked the summary a little. I was pissed–and it wasn’t even my story! Now that I write and contribute to the fanfiction world, I know how infuriating it would be to find out that your hard work was stolen. I’m sorry that some low-life assholes did that to you.

      So that’s why I’m all for the locks on your home….as long as I can get a key lolz! Seriously, even if I can’t get in if you shut off Absolution, I still think it’s the best thing for you to do. You have to be happy first, then you worry about the fans. No, fuck that! Just make sure you’re happy! If the fans don’t like it-most likely the people who don’t review-fuck them to the lowest level of hell!

      I’m actually kind of glad that you shut down all of the other site stuff you were doing. I didn’t even know that you were involved in all that. But I do know that that has to be some major stress placed on you to keep all that up and running. Not to mention, update-craving fans wanting you to…well, update. Maybe now, things will be just a little bit easier instead of feeling like you’re carrying the weight of the world.

      I have a quote for you: ‘Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.’

      It’s your choice where to draw that line but know that I back you 100%

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Nik-doll! πŸ˜€

      I have to admit, cutting off these accounts, LJ in particular, makes me feel freer. I didn’t realize how that place brings you down -even when you’re barely participating there. And then after what happened a few days ago with the impostor -pfft- I was more than ready to get the fuck out of dodge.

      And yes, “Live and let live” is scary for these people because they don’t feel relevant if they’re not making others miserable. It’s fucking sad and I pity them. But I don’t pity them enough to continue to be around them. Fuck that.

      With Abi, we’ll see how it goes in the next few weeks. I don’t want to close her to general populace, but I want to know who’s in my house. Even if they review once and say that they don’t review often, but wanted to make me aware of them, I’d be fine with that. Because, let’s be honest, people don’t review that much anywhere. But this is my house and the rules are different here, period.

      And you gave me that avatar! LOL. I love it and have been looking for an excuse to use it. πŸ˜› I swear, though, there is nothing worse than people that use things like journals, especially when they have a built-in audience, to terrorize, mistreat, and generally shit all over other people. That shit ain’t right, which is why WankJournal is on my forever shit list. And you’re absolutely right. They do jackshit to put a stop to these “hate comms”. They know they exist, but they don’t care. They just want people to keep using them and buying subs. *eyeroll*

      But you know what? Fuck ’em! πŸ˜›


    • avatarMeanha aka LadyWolf says:

      Hmmm Well here’s how I see it. Some people just have a hard time reviewing. For me at one time I like emailing you better. Why you may ask? Well first I would always get a email back from you and that at the time let me know that you cared for what I had on my mind. 2. If I had song or just a idea for something about a fiction of yours. I could post that and not take up so much room(we’re talking back in the days sis). 3. I’m Dyslexic so sometime I would mess up on my comments and I didn’t like that so email was better.

      Now some people may find it hard to review when you take a long time on fics. Like ‘Ever After, SMC (2005 lol), M.P.R,(That Tanisha thing….was so sad. I mean she was pregnant! My poor Inu. ) And for me when it takes a long time I have to start from the 2 to 4th chapter. So I know don’t know if should be a invite only site just on that. Maybe it should be more like ED.

      Now as for the sealing thing well that could still take place even then (really the people you do that have no life) At least if it’s just like ED you can have a better way of knowing who’s doing. Fans of yours would join your are the best. Others may not cuz let’s be real some people don’t like joining site that aren’t like MM or AFF if they don’t know the person. You just have to ask yourself what do you really want to do? I mean I love your work I go back to Breaking The Girl when it only had 8 chapers on MM. So sis I’m down for the ride I want to see all you story to the end.

    • avatarNeo says:

      Well late as always *stupid life (<__<)
      Just like you said we can find you if we want you… and visa versa !! tootles IG

    • avatarNeo says:

      this silly thing didn’t even post all my comment.. so sorry for the double post job… here is what I said..

      Well late as always *stupid life (<__<)
      Just like you said we can find you if we want you… and visa versa !! tootles IG

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      LOL. It did post, Neo! πŸ˜›

      I figured that, too. As long as people know where I am, it’s all good. I just needed to drop the baggage that is all the rest of fandom. >.> I also need to send you some mail. *puts on today’s “to do” list. πŸ˜€

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Kid Sissy! ^_^

      Sorry this took a while. Ran into buku crap to do with T-day coming up and having the family over. (Hope yours was a good one!)

      Now, on Absolution. The one thing I will never do is make it like ED. I don’t want people registering there because it kills the privacy of the site for me. Once people have accounts, they have access to be able to post and things like that -I can’t have that, and I know for a fact that many a dolt will post stories there, regardless of the warnings not to. I just banned someone from Eternal Destiny for doing that at websites I created for friends of mine. She registered -after repeat e-mails telling her no to, and then she posted fiction -5 stories- to Lucient’s website, and then stupidly told me she should be allowed to -despite ALL the warnings of what would happen to people who did that. o.O It infuriated me, so I gave her an all out ban from every site that I own/run. I don’t play with stuff like that -I really don’t.

      Now, the reviewing. I like knowing who is there, and is it nice to know if someone enjoyed the chapter? Sure. If they don’t think they can review because a story hasn’t been updated in X amount of time, why read the chapter at all? If someone doesn’t think they can follow the story anymore because it’s been too long, they shouldn’t. I’m not even talking to them, lol. I’m talking to the couple of hundred people that are reading, and obviously following, each update but never say anything. Even if they signed their name and said, “Good update, hope you post more soon.” At least I know they enjoyed it and who came into the site to visit. I’m not saying, “Hey, leave me a novel for every update I post.” I’m just saying, you can say something so I know the effort wasn’t in vain, feel me? Because, at this point, writing is an effort. I run a lot of sites, I have a job, and I do other leisure-type things that don’t involve writing. 85% of the time, I only update for my readers. I can write fiction forever, but I can stop posting it publicly tomorrow, know what I mean? And yeah, stealing does happen, but when people visit the site and at least leave a name I feel slightly better about letting them in because they don’t feel like complete strangers. So, we’ll see. I won’t decide on closing the site publicly until after the new year. πŸ˜€

      And thanks, Kid Sissy, for sticking around and reminding me that I need to update my old stories, lol. I will do that eventually, and funny you should mention Ever After because I was writing that about 2 nights ago! So, yup, it’s finally getting its ending and so is The Edge of Seventeen. I kinda regret re-opening that one, though, because it was complete and I made more work for myself, lol. But my girl, Axel, wanted to see another epilogue and I obliged. I just wish I was better with updating it! I didn’t forget your story, either. I have the plot written out and everything. I just need to find the time and proper inspiration to make it decent. <33

    • avatarMeanha aka LadyWolf says:

      Well aslong as I can’t see and read your work it’s all good!

      Now I think you mess took what I said on the reviewing. I’m not saying they can’t do it “if they don’t think they can review because a story hasn’t been updated in X amount of time” lol I’m saying for one takes a long time most will read it all over again and most aren’t going to just review every chapter again. So you may see readers but by the time that new chaps up they been on something else or a few chapters back. Shit for we know the others are thinking you know you’re the best so they don’t need to say it and everyone after that is just lazy lol.

      Yes I fellow along well. Ever after pops up in my head all time, can’t wait to see it end. Alright I’ll see it when it’s done!! You know I love my inu-kun!!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Ah, I see what you’re saying. Yup, definitely mistook it. But again, no one is saying they should review every chapter. I never expect that -nor do I get it. But even if it took them a few days to refresh, a few weeks even, if they reviewed at some point I’d still know that the work was enjoyed, thus making the effort worth the time it took. But these are people that don’t review at any point, ever. So why should I really consider their feelings? For all intents and purposes, I don’t know they exist because they’ve never made their presence felt. Everyone else that has ever left a review of any kind will be allowed access to the site, so the invisibles are the only ones that may not get to finish the stories they started.

      I’m about halfway done with ever after, so with some luck it will post soon. *crosses fingers* It’s part of my effort to complete the fics I really like before I go the way of the dodo bird. πŸ˜›