Beyond Redemption – The Fate of Absolution.

The Fate of Absolution.

You know, it wasn’t my intention to come in here and vent today. I was actually having a pretty good day and spent last night looking at older stories, as well as writing some newer ones. The goal: To re-familiarize myself with past works in order to update, or in some cases, finish them. But then, I get some mail from a wonderful friend alerting me that someone came to one of my sites and lifted some art of mine to use as their avatar, or whatever. Now, that in of itself is annoying because I pay for my art for a reason -to keep it exclusive to me for use on my websites.

But what makes something more annoying is when it’s my actual likeness being used. Yup. Someone used a piece I received as a gift, a pic based on what I actually look like, and posted it as their own. But what makes it insidious is that it was taken directly from one of my headers and cropped without so much as credit to where it actually came from or who it actually was. I’m not pissed, really, but it was some real tool shit to do, particularly when they had me faved as an author. If it was a “fan” thing with no maliciousness meant, why not just ask? I’ve had people do that before, but the complete disregard just wasn’t cool, especially when that image, in that particular background, is exclusive to my site. (I know because I created the background myself.)

It got me thinking about Absolution and all of the headaches I can avoid if I password protect it, thus cutting off general access. If I do that, no one can even look at the pages of my sites (I can do it to each one) without going through me. It would narrow down the guest list and give me a better idea of who is coming into my house. And I realize that doing that won’t completely safeguard me from nonsense, but it would certainly give me more control over who comes into my home. I’m also aware of the poll numbers, but shit like this fucking annoys me.

I don’t know if y’all have noticed or not, but I’m pretty far away from the rest of the fandom. Only a small portion of my stories are posted outside of my personal sites, and that’s at because I was (and still am) getting plagiarized there. So I started posting to establish more of a presence. I also post a few things at Deviant Art, mostly short stuff (i.e. oneshots and novellas), but Absolution and IG.Net as a whole, is my fucking HOME and I don’t appreciate people feeling like they can, and should, violate that.

I don’t fuck with anyone. I mind my own business and it’s rare when I come outside of my bubble. I have severed my ties with 90% of the IY fandom, going as far as to remove my stories from nomination contention at the Feudal Association (I didn’t bother with the IYFG; they make sure a win with them is a rarity, and after the way I’ve been spit on there for no reason, I wouldn’t waste my time even sending a note) because winning art or a banner simply isn’t worth the dramatics that follow.

(That doesn’t mean you should stop participating in ED’s awards, though. That’s a community thing based on what the ED community enjoys. It’s closed off and doesn’t involve the entire fandom, thus making it a much more pleasant experience. /Plug. lol.)

I don’t even read much fanfic anymore because it’s a bit disheartening when you end up enjoying someone’s work then find out through the vine that she’s been badmouthing you. Never mind that you don’t know her and never did shit to her. But that’s what this fandom is. It’s full of petty jealousies and immature children disguised as women in their 30’s, 40’s, and yes, 50’s. I fought against that kind of shit since “GO”, and I know I’ve encouraged many to ignore their critics and write for the fun of it, but my activist days are pretty much over. I’m happy and content in my own little world without the “frills”.

I’ve got a great set of regulars that check out the stories and leave nice reviews. They appreciate the work and they kick it with me and we have a good time. That’s all I care about now. These hags can keep the rest of the bullshit to themselves -they’re so welcome to it.

Anyway, back on topic. I’m probably going to close Abi to the public in the next few weeks. How it would work is when you come to the site, a menu will drop down asking you for a username and a password. This information would be the same for everyone that visits, however, it is subject to change. Those that get a password/username have to agree that they’re not going to give it out. I have the capability to track visitors by IP address and I am in possession of most of yours. If I start seeing numbers I don’t recognize, I will lock that person out of the site, or if necessary, change the password and username again.

I know, it’s crappy, but I’m sick of these people and I don’t need/want the dumb shit involved with just trying to maintain a place of my own where I feel comfortable and at ease. Most of y’all have my e-mail address, or you can get it from Absolution. If you want to still have access to the site, please mail me with the penname you use for reviews, and when it’s time, you’ll get mail from me with log in info. And yes, the people that will probably be getting in are people that review. Why? Because I know them a bit more personally, and they’re not just lurkers, hanging around for whatever reason.

And yes, I know it will drastically cut down the availability of my fiction. That’s the idea. I’m closing off circulation to the majority of my stories and allowing people in that appreciate my work and respect me on a whole. This is not a move of arrogance; I don’t think my fics are so “awesome” they need exclusivity. This is about not having my shit hijacked by random people.

Again, this is a few weeks off; I want to give my regulars time to get the news and contact me for the login. I’m sorry it even had to come to this, but my hand is being forced.

Happy Friday.

EDIT: I heard back from the person that lifted my likeness and there was an apology with a deletion. (I’m very appreciative of that. I’m not used to people actually stepping up when they’re in the wrong) Turns out, she got the pic from another person, though. Kinda justifies why I need to close my doors, doesn’t it?

EDIT II: I just got a review from an author whose fics I’ve always loved and she’s been gone a LONG while. It gave me pause. Had Abi been closed, she never would have gotten to say hello. Damn. That just messed me all up, lol.


    • avatarSelina says:

      *nods* Yup.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      You know it. *nods with ya*

    • avatarkimakaanna says:

      Well, I vote for you closing the doors. Why? Because this shit is just not worth it. Who needs the drama? The only thing I feel bad about is that you have to go through the extra work to shut Abi down all because of dumb ass people, but it must be done lolz! For all your plans, I’m behind you 100%.

      P.S. For your information, miss, your work IS so awesome that it needs exclusivity! And don’t you forget it! :)

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Kimmy, you crazy! xD

      I’m less mad than I was (not that I was very mad at all, just annoyed), but it’s shaping up to be the right thing to do for no other reason than to just disappear from certain people’s sights altogether. I don’t want to be bothered with all this fuckery anymore. I’ve been writing almost 5 years, and in that time, I’ve grown up a lot and realized what kind of shit I’m dealing with just being in this fandom.

      Now, if I can put on my big Grrrl panties and act like I have some sense (i.e. ignoring assheads and the bullshit they generate) why can’t the rest of these people? *shakes head* And my work is soooo not awesome, girl. I’m just skating by and hoping y’all don’t notice!

    • avatarInu Hanyou Nikkie says:

      Like I had mentioned in my email: It’s a damned if you and damned if you don’t scenario… and one that is just not freaking worth all the dang aggravation and disrespect it causes. Not once have you gone out to chaff others unless they went and dumped itching powder on you first while dancing about jeering.

      If taking away from those who can’t do anything else BUT sit there stewing and wank wank wank wanking or lie lie lie lying all because “Too much ego Kills talent” and raging hard on Jealousies or have full blown screaming-while-lying-on-the-floor-with-fists-pounding-feet-kicking-going-to-keep-it-up-until-they-throw-up-violently-give-me-what-I-want-right-now-now-now-now-or-I’ll-destroy-the-house-and-hurt-you temper tantrums….

      what was I saying… oh yes… short form: these People need other hobbies and careers in their lives… perhaps crafts? cross-word puzzles or fill-it-ins? Volunteering at the hospital? letting elderly, abandoned people know there are people out there who care about them. Rescuing abandoned and abused pets. Being a big brother/sister to a child who needs love in their life and positive encouragement to be so much more. Volunteering time/man power to help those survivors of disasters.

      Or just doing something good/positive without EXPECTING anything back.

      My god! That is quite a fucking scary concept for those who only dwell on your life and in taking you down.

      *giggles* Love the ED Plug!

      I am thrilled that that person owned up to the responsibility of their actions. Very pleased. That one has a good future for them. (I’m referring to their growth as a person/human)

      Any way, whatever the choice is…. I’ll still be right there with you!


    • avatarAm says:

      Like I said before when you were thinking about closing: a Grrrl’s gotta do what a Grrrl’s gotta do. And if it spares you a bunch of stress in the future, then hell yeah, go for it. I’m just glad you’re not leaving altogether (LOL @ Edit #2, though. What a STRUGGLE! xD)

      Buuuuuuut…question (because I’m not sure how this works, and since your blog/site probably logs IPs…): I get onto the internet using wireless connections, and not always the same ones. When I sign onto different connections, would I show up under different IP-addresses?

      Glad that the picture mess was at least cleared. Happy Friday, indeed ^^

    • avatarDangersque says:

      Or, if you’re not leaving the site open to very many people, why not just let those people make accounts? Or would that be more trouble than it’s worth?

    • avatarNeo says:

      well I was wondering when someone would jack a graphic… I’ve had that done to many times to count and yes It pisses one off to no end… I hate to see the doors close, but really if it’s the only way to give you peace then it’s something that you must do… I know of some software call “Image Trapper” but that might not be something you want to do…
      I for one would love to continue to read your stories so I will send you a email soon… either way closing Abi to one username and pass or making accounts.. do what you need to do and if someone needs or wants to get a hold of you they should know where to look to find you…

      tootles IG and have a good weekend.. if you need anything let me know..

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      @ Danga

      Naw, not a good idea. Absolution would have to remain open to the public in order for them to log into their account. That means continuing to give the general public access so my invited guests can get in. Defeats the purpose. If I lock the entire directory, visitors can’t so much as see the homepage without entering the username and password.

      Actually, there is ONE workaround with that. I would have to padlock every story on the site and make it where you need to be registered in order to see them. I’d need to look into that a bit more. I never wanted non-authors to be registered at Abi, though, as it’s my private house, buuuut, we’ll see.

      Darn you, kid bro, for making me think of options! xD

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      @ Neo

      Oh, I’m sure my graphics and art have been stolen before. Particularly the ones you made for me because they’re so lovely. They come into my house as a guest and screencap my headers and shit of that nature -the assheads. My irk was that my likeness was being used without permission. Had it been Yasha art I would have been irked, but not as bent as I am now.

      And you know you’re always gonna have access to my stuff. As if! xD

      What’s Image Trapper? >.> I’m interested!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Ooooh, you use a laptop. Well, I’d have to find a way around that. Like making sure I don’t block you by range. xD

      And Edit #2! I was like, oh man >.> that gives me BIG pause. I’d hate to lock out people that don’t deserve it. I’m looking at alternatives now, and just, sigh. lol. If people with crap intentions would just NEVER COME NEAR MY SHIT all would be awesome. But this is the IY fandom; there’s no such thing as mutual respect.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      “Too much ego Kills talent”

      Nik, I swear, you crack me up!

      BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Hilarious.

      You’re right, though. This is that Catch 22 thing. If I close it up, I weed out a lot of assholes, but I also block some decent people and potential lovelies. Like Jenn, who found me by way of recommendation. If I close, an awesome chick like her doesn’t get in and that sucks. However, if I leave it open, I continue to leave myself open to dumb shit -plagiarism, people stealing my commissioned art for personal use. WTF?

      I could see people messing with me if I messed with them, but I leave everyone alone. I don’t even visit fictions sites outside of the ones I own, and when I do go to, it’s strictly for posting. I don’t read there. I don’t even read the works of people I don’t know anymore -I don’t want to deal with finding out that someone I admire is trashing me. So, again, I leave everyone alone, but somehow dumb shit always finds me. That’s why I don’t want my fics nominated anymore. It’s another way to get away from these fucking people that have nothing better to do than whine about whatever awards they didn’t get. *fucking eyeroll* They can have that shit and all the fleeting fame that goes with it.

      If I can just find the inspiration (and words!) to finish my fics for my small, but loyal, base, I’d be happy with that. I’ve been writing a long time and I don’t intend to do it forever. I really would like to finish what I’ve started and get over this eternal fucking block I’ve had on so many stories. Grrr.

      And I’m glad that person complied, too. It wouldn’t have been cool if she didn’t. But it just goes to show that there are still a few sensible people left in this shithole. So, no decision on how I’m going to handle Abi. The plan IS to close her to outsiders, but how i do it is a bit up in the air. If I can avoid seriously chain-locking, I’d like to, but I don’t know about that. =/

    • avatarkmoaton says:

      I hate that it even has to come to this but I understand you need to do what makes you happy. Wasn’t that the motto for this year: Do you and fuck the rest of them? Well, it should be. Life is too short to let others make you unhappy.

      I also feel you on the pulling away. I’m still at LJ but only to post because there are some people who follow me there. It’s hard watching something you love turn into a shithole. I’m just amazed at how these supposedly “adult” women are acting! It’s sad and sickening.

      Do what you need to do for your peace. You know we are behind you 100%



    • avatarDangersque says:

      No, I meant like how at ED you have to be logged in to see the stories that are rated Provacative or Salacious. Just do that, but for the whole site. You wouldn’t necessarily have to give members posting priveleges, just reading ones. I know it can be done with Windows XP, I’m sure it can be done in whatever scripting language Abi uses.

    • avatarLindsay says:

      I agree with you, especially if you feel the need to close absolution with the public. I know it must be aggravating for people to come into your domain and do this shit. Because you KNOW that they’d be sure to flame you if you were to do the same thing to them. But I know you wouldn’t :). I’ll be sending you an e-mail asap, and I hope you’ll still allow me access to absolution. Hope your in a better mood!!!!! ::long distance hug::

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Thanks, girly! ^_^

      I’m definitely in a better mood than I was that day. I was just irked at the balls of it. Now, taking it on face value (i.e. going by what she said to me), she may not have known that that pic was the actual likeness of a real person, but still. Not cool because if she did get it from her friend, or whoever, that person knows where they got it. That pic in that background is exclusive to my website. And yes, if I used someone’s likeness as my own avatar or whatever, I would expect to hear shit for it and I’d deserve it. But anyway, for now, Abi is still o[en and I had a talk with someone I know who has a really well-rounded sense of opinion. She gave me a LOT of pause about closing shop from the POV of the silent reader -a group that isn’t being represented because, well, they’re silent! LOL. So nothing is happening as of just ye. *hugs*

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Yeah, I figured out what you meant before. You didn’t see my response about going to edit every story on the site? >.< Lawd, there's over 100 and I'm lazy! But it wouldn't block people from lifting my commissioned images. That's as much of a pisser for me as the plagiarism of my stories. With a full on site lock, all they'll see is a white screen and a login menu. Not a single word of text and that's the part I actually like. Turns out, though, I may not be locking it at all thanks to a representative for the silent reading majority.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      You know, you’re right girl. You’re right! I said I was going to do me and worry about the rest later, but it’s harder than we think! I mean, I can say fuck off to critics and wank whores all day, but I feel bad about locking out the silent people who may not review, but don’t walk in stealing my shit, either.

      LJ is a cess pool, and I knew you’d end up seeing that at some point. There’s a reason why I dropped that place completely and now you see why. I always had enemies there. Always. But I went up in there anyway because I fucking could and that’s just the way I am. 😛 However, pissing on them in their own “domain” got boring, as did watching people have 4 and 6 faces. So, I left and have been much happier ever since. These women are pretty damned old to be acting like their teenage daughters, especially the “spinsters” who don’t even have daughters because, quite obviously, no man will touch them. >.>

      But back on topic! I haven’t closed anything yet, but if/when I do, a password will be on the way! Thanks for the encouragement, doll. I hope life is treating you way better! *xoxoxox*

    • avatarMeanha aka LadyWolf says:

      Hey big sis

      Boy I tell ya, People always have to fuck it up for others *sighs* I mean really WTF it’s like beyond dumb now. Every time something goes good here come that one ass-shit to fuck it up. You know I wouldn’t be shock if the haters didn’t get together to do this just so you would have to go there (cut off the site to others) But I past it at this point to damn out of it to care now. I do feel sorry for the ones that will miss out now but whatever, such is life right? You know my info just send me a e-mail (you owe me like how many e-mails now anyway lol) I’ll try to remember the password you’ll give. ya night night.

      PS: People hate on what the can’t be. But who gives shit you’re the one and only InuGrrrl. You know only how to be the best.

    • avatarInu Hanyou Nikkie says:

      You know every time I sell one of those gag-rag mags (ie The Globe, The Enquirer…) I hold fancies of writing up about those Jealous morons. Something like: Once again the Dark Forces of Jealousy and No-Lives-Beyond-Stalking-Inugrrrl have been thwarted.

      “Another assassin attempt to take down the Notorious One ended with her laughing over then walking away from the sticky mess that resulted from the most recent botched attempt. We here at (no name yet) feel that Wil. E Coyote and The Brain have more successes compare to this crowd…… When will they ever learn….?”

      They still are harping on you winning any award aren’t they? Kind of like watching two flies mating… it’s that exciting they way they dwell and ruminate over it. Like reading a sign that says ‘Caution water on road during rain’….

      but SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE over having someone pop in and say Hi to you! A sweet positive note!

      *giggles* Some great sayings/quotes:

      This WTF Moment brought to you by your Fandom
      Well La-de-Fucking-la
      I’m so angry I could piss glue
      Why must this Fandom be surrounded by fucking idiots
      If you had a Life…. You’d stop talking about mine
      BRACE YOURSELF!! There’s a whole lot of ugly coming from a parade of non-stop Stupid

      and my own quote “Boo Fuck-You Hoo” (Inuyasha’s comment in a fic I’m writing.