Beyond Redemption – HAPPY LOVE DAY, LOVELIES!


Happy Valentine’s Day!!

I hope you’re with the ones you love, and if there is no significant other, I hope there’s plenty of chocolate, comfort food, and DVDs! πŸ˜€

From me to you: Godiva Chocolate! ^_^

From me to you: Godiva Chocolate! ^_^

I’ve been MIA a little, but you guys know about the recent turmoil. Well, here’s a quick update before we get on to other stuffs! That punk is still in her classes and I’m not sure what the status is with his parents, or rather, mother. We’ve made it pretty plain that we do intent to press charges against him if this continues. We also let the school know that we will make a BIG FUCKING DEAL if they attempt to change her class because of him. That, to me, makes zero fucking sense. You don’t remove the victim when there’s a complaint. That’s the most asinine shit ever. You remove the fucking problem, you know? That’s like punishing the victim a second time. Is she supposed to have her school life turned upside down because he’s a lunatic? How about kicking him out? That’s the issue with schools today. Too much coddling goes on with the bad kids at the expense of the good ones.

Anyway, school is out for a week and she’s spending time over here, so that’s why I’ve been MIA. I’ve been doing a lot of talking with her and making sure she understands that we will never be mad at her in this kind of situation. She’s 18, but a very, very sheltered 18. This is extremely scary and weird for her, so being here (a good distance from home) makes her feel like her old self. So, there ya have it. Hence why I’m not around, and won’t be around all that much in the next few days.

On to the writing!

Hikari is giving me grief. I don’t know why this happens, but it does, lol. I’ll be on a roll for 3-4 chaps, then BAM! It starts stalling and not wanting to come to me. Urgh. I’ve been forcing it a little and I’m trying not to. It’s like I know what I need to write, but getting it out is just not happening the way it should. Sigh.

I also tried updating Danga’s fic (Last Exit to Eden). Another no go. That story hates me, it really does. I think I know the reason why there have been just 3 updates in about 3 years. >.> It doesn’t come to me AT ALL and every chapter has been forced. And sometimes, when I look back at old chaps I hated, I can find something about them I liked, or at least find a way to improve it, but not that one. That story doesn’t like me <.< and the feeling is getting mutual! I also looked at Everything You Want and I dunno where my plot for that story went, lol. Okay, I admit I didn’t really have one. It was a “break up to makeup” fic that should have been done in 3 chapters. Of course, it wasn’t, so now I’m trying to think of where I want to go with it. Fuck. LOL.

I haven’t started anything else, except With Honor, which I put down when the Hikari bug struck, so I may be picking that up again to try and get back into it. It’s an interesting story for me because it’s told in Yasha’s POV, so that’s always hard. Don’t be shocked if chapters are a bit slow in coming. Also, each chap will be under 3500 words. I want to start keeping my word on short chapters. It’s better for my hands (Hikari got 25,000 words in about a week. I won’t discuss what that means for my hands, lol.)

I almost started a new oneshot. I wanted it for V-day (it’s not V-day themed, though. I think fics themed for holidays are corny, and I’ll NEVER understand what possessed me to do the Xmas parties!), but it was smutty and cute. Alas, it’s not written, but it will be at some point. πŸ˜€

Movie Review Time!

The Masters of Horror Present: John Carpenter’s Cigarette Burns

I’ve gotten my hands on about 17 horror movies I haven’t seen yet, so me and the kid will be checking those out over her winter recess. Last night, though, I watched “Cigarette Burns”, which is part of the Masters of Horror collection and directed by the one and only, John Carpenter. Needless to say, it freaked me out.

Now, I haven’t seen all of his work, but he made Halloween, so I’ll always watch his horror stuffs. It’s only an hour long, but he used more gore in this short than everything he put in Halloween. Though, that scene in Last House on the Left is somewhat comparable –somewhat.

The premise is that a guy who hunts down rare films is hired by this old rich guy (I forget his name, but he was in Blade -the vampire elder that Stephen Dorf stuck out in the sun) to find this infamous French film that’s been banned and supposedly taken underground. They say it no longer exists, but the old guy is sure that it does.

The thing with the film is that it was only shown in theaters once and some killing riot went on, so the movie was seized by the gov’t and now it’s infamous and sought after. You never see the complete film at any point, but you see parts of it, and it’s creepy, and once you find out the film’s origins it’s even more creepy, especially when you figure out what the old man has chained in his hidden room. ::shudders::

The guy who’s looking for the film is also from the Blade saga (Part 2), and he has his own demons. Apparently, at some point, he and his girl were junkies and a few bad things happened. He also owns an “Angelika Film Center” type of movie house that he was able to purchase with money from her father, who won’t leave him alone. But that’s really background stuff, more or less, that will have a bit of closure by the end.

I don’t want to give away anything else, but it’s worth an hour of your time and available upon request. 0.~

Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give Cigarette Burns a 3.5. If you want a good, horror quickie, I say, give it a shot.

The Emerald Forest

This movie is old and I stumbled on it by accident on Encore, or something. The premise is that a man (Powers Boothe -I think that’s the coolest name, lol.) moves his family ( a wife and young son) to the rain forest of Brazil where his company is building a massive dam to encourage development. While they weren’t paying attention, the kid is playing in the forest and wanders away and is kidnapped by the leader of a tribe who ends up raising him. For 10 years after that, the father keeps going back into the forest to find him and every year he comes up empty. Then, Eureka! He finds him, though he nearly dies doing so.

Okay, this is based on a true story, and in both instances, it’s just not happy. The thought of having your child stolen, and then having him choose to stay with the people that stole him is horrible. And yeah, you also start getting beat over the head with environmental messages, but for me, the heart of the story is that these people stole his son and turned him into one of them to the point that he doesn’t understand or accept his true culture in any way. (This won’t sound PC at all, but I don’t think there’s anything mystical and aw-inspiring about being raised by a bunch of naked people with mating rituals that involve bashing your intended in the head with a stick.)

But it’s fairly obvious that the message of the movie is this:

Modern Man: Bad.

Indigenous People: Good (despite the fact that they stole and brainwashed someone’s child).

And admittedly, killing off entire sections of rain forest is bad. They also show where a bunch of the women from the son’s tribe (including his wife) are stolen and forced into prostitution -also bad- but I’m glad they pointed out that it was done by a rival tribe that was working for the bad, modern Brazilians, not just making the Americans look awful.

All in all, the movie is sad and I walked away feeling only slightly okay with it because of the ending. It proves, once again, about a parent’s love and the lengths they’ll go to for their children. Otherwise, I wouldn’t watch this again.

Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give The Emerald Forest 2.5. mainly because the guy that plays his son is adorable with the biggest, bluest eyes I’ve ever seen and because a parent’s love conquers all!

I’ll be back with more reviews as soon as I soak up some films! ^_^

Okie dokes, I’m gonna skidaddle, and hopefully, I’ll have an update of some-damn-thing for y’all soon. Oh! And many, many thanks to everyone who has been coming to the house lately and dropping reviews! I feel special, especially since some of them are from people I hadn’t met before. Thank you! πŸ˜€ I appreciate the support for the fics/writing. It always motivates me when I know people are reading and want to see more!

And if you’re in the Goodie Squad, it’s been updated!

Ciao, Bellas!

EDIT: Happy Birthday to my kid brother, Danga! He was born on my Mama’s birthday, Feb. 15th, but since I only post one birthday on that day, I had to stick him in here! πŸ˜€



    • avatarSelina says:

      Happy Valentine’s Day!

      *snarfs the Godiva and gives you messy chocolate smooches*

      I don’t know what to say about your cousin, other than I’m sorry, and I hope the right thing is done. I will say, however, that more often than not, the victim is indeed the one who ends up having to change his/her life all around while the aggressor is treated with less hostility than he/she deserves. That’s the system for ya. I hope that’s not what happens with your Cuzzie. *hugs*

      By the way. OMG, I effing love this song. Smashing Pumpkins for the win.

    • avatarMeanha aka LadyWolf says:

      Happy she’s doing well. Happy V-day! big sis!!!! May you have many more. I would say more but gotta run!

      Lov ya!!!

    • avatarAm says:

      Mmmmm…Godiva! I had me some of their chocolate-dipped strawberries today. They were awesome. Happy Valentine’s Day, Grrrl!!!

      Oh man though Dx I feel bad for your cousin. Its weird that they didn’t remove him. What he did should be grounds for suspension at least…and expulsion at best. He threatened her life! And he gets a slap on the wrist for it?? That’s crazy. The fact that they wanna inconvenience her, is even crazier. But…Hopefully he won’t give her any more trouble and thank God for that break! Its good that she has you to show her a good time and help her forget about that psycho.

      LOL @ the writing struggles! And Emerald Forest sounds like something that’s happening NOW. I remember reading in the news a while back about this American guy whose son got kidnapped and eventually adopted by Brazilians, and now they’re fighting him about getting custody back since he was raised with them and has a family and stuff. What a scary weird case of history (sorta) repeating o.o !

      Anyway, have fun with the cuzzie and enjoy the day! Wishing lots of roses, chocolates, and pewter-eyed dark haired hotties (aka human yasha-esque mens) your way ^^

      By the way…I’m lovin’ the “Old Skool Latin” player!! You’ve got the legit old stuff we jam to at gatherings. πŸ˜‰


    • avatarNeo says:

      happy V-day.. I hope you are staying warm with all the snow you are getting… Sorry to hear about your cuz still having to deal with the “psycho” and I would be all over that school in a heart beat –she should have to do a thing to change, unless she wants too..
      As far as updates take your time… we can all wait — we just like a update now and then to see if you are still livin’ Gotta run… we have school tomorrow, unless it snows more… and I now have a puppy to train.. yeah (<_<) so it's potty time… I so don't want to freeze my @$$ off.. tootles!!

    • avatarLindsay says:

      Happy Valentines Day! Hope you had a good one! I hope everything gets worked out for your cuz. I can’t imagine how scary that must be for her, but its good that you’re letting her now how cared for she is. And as always…can’t wait for updates! lol

    • avatarNeo says:

      Happy V-day… glad to see you are doing good… I was wondering since you have had big snows there.. Glad your cuz is doing good and is staying with you for a bit.. I hate to hear that they are not doing much about her “problem”
      As far as updates take it easy we can wait…. as long as you update once in awhile on if you are still living. LOL!!
      well talk to you later… tootles!!!

    • avatarkimakaanna says:

      Happy V Day to you too! Whew! I caught you before midnight! I’ve been booted from MY laptop by my sister so here I am now!

    • avatarkimakaanna says:

      Okay so apparently I didn’t make the midnight deadline but whatever.
      I read that β€œThe most precious gift we can offer others is our presence.” So here I am.

      On to my scolding. *breathes deeply* What did I tell you? I said NOT to over work your hands! I am very grateful for the Hikari updates but not at the expense of your hands, grrrl. Just take it slowly. A little everyday or however your writing method goes. I hope your hands are feeling okay. Those appendages are precious gifts, you know. You have to treat ’em with care :)

      Onto your cousin. I’m glad you had a talk with her. Everyone needs a reminder that they’re not alone. (Too bad I always miss that memo lol).

      Thank you for the movie reviews! I will be checking those out :) Oh and guess what? I don’t start class again until March 29 and I decided to take on a Japanese language course! Now, I can read your stories and KNOW what the foreign words mean without the translation πŸ˜‰ Among those classes I have English 102, Math 103, and some Arts and whatever thing (because I changed my major to English).

      Last thing, remember to be easy on your hands, umm…Powers Boothe IS a cool name…and just be cool. Have fun hanging with you cousin!

    • avatarLiz says:

      Hey Sistah. I know you been having drama. I did finally get the chance to send you an email. Hugs to you, little cuz and anybody else up there that needs one. That whole situation is just plain fucked. I don’t know what else to say but that. As for the fiction updates? Well, I already told you that for me fandom is like pulling teeth right now. I dunno why. Just is. *shrugs* I told Nikkie earlier that I need to stop shirking my Mod duties and get my ass back to ED. Maybe that would bring me back around. >.> I’ll get there. You know I will.

      I never heard of those movies before. I watch Taken last night with Liam Neeson (sp?). Awesome flick. I watched P.S. I Love You the other night. BTW, don’t watch that when Aunt Flo comes to visit. >.> Bad combo. Real bad. LMAO I don’t really do chick flicks, but that one’s a keeper. Gerard Butler. Enough said. πŸ˜› Brian had me watching American Pie’s The Naked Mile and the one right before that … the Band Camp one. Can’t remember the name but it was fuckin’ hilarious. Sometimes you just need some mindless perverted comedy to make it all good, ya know? Heh Let’s see. Watched Zombieland recently, too. OMG Another hilarious movie. I am not much into zombie movies AT ALL, but this was a fun movie to watch. Not an, “OMG, that was awesome,” kinda movie, but fun just the same. Watched a few Asian films as well. Brian really likes his Asian martial arts movies and I have to say that I’ve come to enjoy them myself. Dragon Dynasty, I think it’s called, produces some really good Asian flicks.

      Damn, I’m rambling. Anyway, you got mail. Hit me up when you get a minute.


    • avatarkmoaton says:

      Happy love day to you! I hope everything went nice for you. I’m glad you are there for little cuz because she needs the support. I agree with you about the schools coddling the bad kids. That’s because most adminstration today are wimps when it comes to disipline. It’s sad but so true. Stand strong for your cuz and I know you won’t let them back you down!!

    • avatarNeo says:

      well I see you have my multi-post.. sorry the first one didn’t post on my end at all for me.. so I waited for the next day to post again.. so if I sound like a dork that this why.. seen your post for your mama… I hope your day went fine, since you had someone with you this time…

      tootles grrrl!!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      HAPPY V-DAY, GIRL! πŸ˜€

      Isn’t Godiva the snarfable?! I get some every valentine’s day. Total must -and I’m not even into chocolate like that!

      Thanks for the well wishes and sympathy. She’s hanging in there and having fun with the video games and movies. I’m super-heated over the whole thing, though. (You know why) So we’ll see how it plays out and if I’ll have to go in there guns blazing ’cause we’re so not gonna let this shit just ride.

      You caught the playlist before the Spanish one! “Zero” is the best SP song EVA. “Disarm” is a close second -they’re both on Abi if you get a hankering. πŸ˜€

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      @Kid Sissy

      Happy V-Day!! I hope you and the boyfriend had a good day and did something fun!
      And I still owe you mail. I’m gonna work on that.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:



      That’s so fucking cute. Arigatou! xD

      It’s totally going in the gallery. I love the font for the valentine’s day part. It reminds me that I need to add more fonts to my photoshop.
      I had these lollipops from the that were made of milk chocolate and shaped like hearts and these white chocolate mocha-filled things. It’s when you have some of their shit that you understand why some people are enslaved to chocolate, lol.

      I’m still annoyed with the school’s non-activity. That’s why there are going to be some confrontations next week when school resumes. We’re not willing to just accept his “apology” on this or that his mother took his cell phone. I mean, what the fuck does that mean? He’s still around her everyday, trying to talk to her and that pisses me off. They act like they want to see our faces, so I’m going to make it a point that they do.

      The Emerald Forest was >.> I try not to give up spoilers when I do reviews, but it just pissed me off. I get a little sick of movies that portray westerners as completely backward in their thinking and natives like these pure, wonderful beings who just want to live off the land and take care of their families. Many of those tribes are barbaric and brutal, particularly to their women and do shit that is just unthinkable in a civilized culture. Yes, it’s not PC to say so, but it’s true! And I don’t mean just Brazil -I mean all over the world where there are still tribes living like that in the modern age. Then, the child-stealing. That really infuriated me because he never does get his son back. He stays with those people and marries and it just irked me. >.> I hope that man gets custody (not that there should be a custody fight when the child was STOLEN.).

      And I knew you’d like the Old Skool Latin! I had actually said aloud, “Am is gonna get a kick out of that.” LOL. Those songs are personal favorites. I’m a HUGE Thalia fan, too, so I may make a player just for her. I’ve even seen all of her soap operas. My favorite is Maria la del Barrio. Then Maria Mercedes, Marimar, and Rosalinda bringing up the rear. I don’t think I finished that one, though. I’d like to get them on DVD. (And nope, I don’t fluently understand Spanish, but I understand some and actually took classes with this guy from Spain just to understand her when she spoke. Now that’s dedication! :P)

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Happy Luv Day, woman! xD

      Hope it was fun for y’all. πŸ˜€ The snow blasted us but good, but lucky me only had to go out in it once. I didn’t think we’d get hit that hard, but we still lucked out. Upstate is like a white wasteland. They got as much as 12 inches or more. ::shudders::

      You have a new puppy?! OMG, you so have to post pics! I had a puppy a few years ago, but quickly learned that I wasn’t a dog person. >.> I can’t deal with the walking and the smell. But cats? I love cute cats like my Papoose. Though they’re sneaky and bad.(-___-)

      The psycho is on hold for now with winter recess, but we’ll see how that plays out. I’m certainly going to be vocal about the whole thing if they don’t intend to do anything. Fucking asinine policies…

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Happy Luv Day!! Hope yours was awesome with the hubby. :)

      Things were pretty cool here. Watched a couple of movies, stuffed our faces with junk -mhmm, typical V-day! And she’d doing great over here -makes me glad I only had to drag my ass to work once since she came. I want her to have a good time before she goes back.
      And updates soon! πŸ˜€

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Girl, you’re hilarious! Happy Luv Day!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      LMAO. You’re nuts. πŸ˜›

      I did jack my hands, but not too badly. I can still type, but I have to go slow. I type fast, usually, but the speed puts a lot of pressure on my fingers and that makes my nerves get all mad. If I go at a snail’s pace, it’s a lot better. However, I do need to rest them at this point.
      Thanks for caring. *hugs*

      Cuzzie did need to know that she wasn’t alone and I need to do that more. She fears our temper, but I’ve been hammering it home that it’s not HER that we’re pissed with. Hopefully, she gets that now. ::shakes fist::

      Oooooh, you’re taking Japanese classes. Coolies! πŸ˜€ I don’t use a lot of it, just a few basic things and manga/anime driven dialect. Otherwise, I stick to English, but taking formal classes will be fun, especially if you’re really into it. I don’t envy you with math class. Math and me is like math and Kagome. >.> But I hope the classes are interesting and fun (nothing worse than fighting to stay awake).

      And more movie reviews are coming since I watched two more. One of them is going to get slammed, though. >.>

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Happy Luve Day, girl! πŸ˜€

      I hope it was sweet for you and tha hubster and did he serenade ya?? (I still remember that on Twit. :P)

      I agree 100% They are wimps when it comes to discipline. Since when is it cool to let the inmates run the asylum? If a kid is being a little punk (especially in light of recent happenings at several schools) and making threats, why are they standing around holding their dicks? DO something about him before we do. Grrr. But we intend to make our voices heard and our faces seen because the teachers all agree with us. They don’t think she should be removed, so that leaves it with the principle. If he can’t seem to understand what’s right, then we’re prepared to go beyond him. Hmph.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Yesh, I got it. πŸ˜€ And since when do you sound like a dork? Crazy woman! lol. Redemption has a bad habit of stopping some posts at the spam folder. I have no idea why, so if you post and it doesn’t show up, that could be it. It doesn’t usually make entire posts vanish, but it’s been known to spam some and cut off a few before the end. Grrr.

      Mama’s birthday went really well (Thanks for asking). Better than recent years, so I was glad for that. I even made a cake. πŸ˜€

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      @ Sistah Gurl!



      Mail soon, and thanks so much for the card. *HUGS* Yesterday was a good day for me, if you can believe that. I didn’t get down at all and that’s the first time in a LONG time. Thanks for the movie recs! I was never much into American Pie, but both you and Danga rec’d Zombieland so I’m going to get my hands on that. I saw P.S. I Love You. That shit is sad. >.< I don't like Dracula 2000, though. lol. (Your ass just has a thing for highlanders! xD)

      I used to watch Kung Fu movies years ago. Super old Shaw Brothers shit and they're STILL fun! Look up The Five Deadly Venoms, The Crippled Avengers, and The Kid with the Golden Arms. FUN! FUN! FUN! I have them on DVD.

      Get to ED when you get to it. :) Nikkie holds shit down, so don't worry yourself to death. However, it would help in getting you into fandom a bit more IF you even want that. Moving away from this stuff isn’t a bad idea, ya know? If you get the spark to read, come read, if not, there’s always Dracula 2000! xD

      Mail soon! <333333333