Beyond Redemption – Victory is Mine! ^_____^

Victory is Mine! ^_____^

It took several days, but i finished Neo’s birthday fic on time! Woot! It’s called Can You Keep A Secret? and it’s yaoi-ish with a nice twist that I haven’t done before. If you usually shy away from my boylove, you may wanna check this one out anyway. It’s funny, and pervy, and cute if I do say so myself. 😀 It’s also almost 12,000 words long. Yipes! I haven’t written as much as I’m doing now in years (and i don’t mean like how I went on that big tear with The Neighbor, but generally updating all fics and making new ones). It’s fun and I hope I can keep it up for a long while!

Today, after work and such, I’m going to work on the new Money. Power. Respect. skin and try to make another header on my own (I made this MPR one. I’m not that great with graphics -still learning- but I like how it turned out. Almost like a mini version of the full art). I also got the sketch last night for my next one and WOW. The art is going to look better than the fucking fic it was made for! LOL. It’s for a super early story that needs an overhaul, but I always liked the concept of the story and thought it deserved some pretty art -and boy, is it gonna be pretty! ^________________^

I’m also going to work on Nutella’s oneshot. I want to see if I can get at least half of it done this week along with the end of Pas De Deux. But I’m not going to rush. These massive chapters lately (Like Secret and Pas) take a toll, so I’m going to write leisurely.

And I got another pretty yesterday!! I met the coolest g-artist on dA named Moniquiu who makes these amazing wallies (Seriously, go see her stuff. She has IY and VK wallies to die for!). I’ve mentioned her before because she honored my request to do a Human Yasha one a couple of weeks back.

Well, she started reading the fics I have posted (the smut-shots xD) and really liked them, including Playing The Angel and she made a wallie for it. I was so surprised and gushy! 😀 She used one of my favorite human arts, too, and it’s awesome. You can see the full version here. But I’ll post a smaller one now.

I say yes! 😛