Can Neo Be More Awesome?!
You guys probably don’t know her, but Neo is my good friend and graphic artist. She’s done 95% of all the cool headers you see at Absolution and Eternal Destiny. She’s SUPER talented and can pretty much bring just about all my concepts to life. 😀
Well, she got me a giftie the other day and it was such a nice surprise! We both love Halloween, and since I never dress up Absolution, she got me some awesome giftart for the occasion. So, for the first time, Absolution is all dressed up for the holiday! It will be visible tomorrow, Oct. 1st, and will be up all month. \o/
So make sure you visit the site and the gallery in Oct. The site art is a bit different from the original, and I’ll be posting the artist’s version at Decadence.
Also, I know you guys are waiting for FA to kick off. I admit, I’ve been a little under the weather and busy and haven’t really dug in yet. I did write well into the last chapter of one of my stories, but oddly, it wasn’t on the FA list, nor was it in the poll (It’s not GFE). So, that may be a bonus chapter I throw in if I can finish it in time. But this weekend, BS aside, I’m going to get started.
A few things:
1. Chapters won’t be that long. As y’all know, I have carpal tunnel. If I want to pull off that many chapters in just a month, they can’t be those monster chaps I usually do after a hiatus.
2. They may not be that great. I haven’t written some of these in a long, LONG time. Plus, I just haven’t felt like writing anything in general since August, so you know how that goes. It may be good, it may be passable. Just pray! xD
3. Some stories may not get a chapter. If I’m struggling, I’m going to substitute that story for another. It’s better than chancing the dreaded b-word across the board because I keep trying to mess with one that isn’t cooperating.
That’s about it. Now, the waiting game begins! xD