L O S T!
OMG, I’m so fucking ready for this!
I started watching Lost about a year ago. Yep, I haz late to the party. I downloaded all of the older episodes and watched them in order, and let me tell you, I haven’t enjoyed television like that in a LONG fucking time. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love me some Entourage and I can finally say I like True Blood (without wanting to wear a bag over my head. Come on. The first season is awful with way too much bad acting), but Lost is an addiction.
The funny thing is, I never expected to like it. I actually avoided it for the first 3 seasons because it looked hammy. Boy, was I ever wrong. Lost is fucking fantastic and it SUCKS that this is the last season. However, I’m still pretty amped. I’m dying to know how this shit is going to get sewn up now that Miss Thing called herself setting off that bomb in the finale. Plus, I’m totally missing Jack, Kate, and Sawyer! My first love, though, was Boone and he’s the only one I ever made an avatar for. Heh.
Ian Somerhalder is fucking FIRE HOT.
Anyway, I just had to come in here and gush…
Gush! Gush! Gush!
I’ve been (and still am) writing a new chapter for one of the fics on the poll list. A hint? It’s not one of the ones in the lead. Sorry! I started it before I put up the poll, so I want to finish. I’m thinking I’ll be done later on today, and the chap will be a whopping 10,000 words, at least. That oughta cut me some slack for taking so long, eh?
Hooray for inspiration and great friends! ^_^
Tuesday, 2 February, 2010 at 7:32
Jack, Kate, and Saywer are love .>) It sucked when they started killing everyone off (CHARLIE! And Mr.Eko!) but the show is still way interesting. I was reading the tv guide interview and “Sun” said they tell the cast as little as possible to keep spoilers from showing up on the internet.
Anyway, hope all is well and have an awesome day 😀
Tuesday, 2 February, 2010 at 7:50
Part of my comment got cut off -.- I mentioned starting last summer (I’m only on season 4…because I’m lazy) but I ruined everything for myself and I can’t wait for tonight. I’ve been reading fanfiction all week to get me even more excited. I finally got to beating the game (“Lost: Via Domus) and the ending for THAT is a total cop-out, which I’m hoping they don’t do. And there’s a few other things I tossed in there, but I really can’t remember, lol 😉
Tuesday, 2 February, 2010 at 17:59
I haven’t seen Lost for the same reason…I thought I wouldn’t like it. So I’m guessing you recommend it? TV has gotten so lousy lately, I didn’t know what shows I could trust so I don’t watch any of the new shows coming out now! I continue with what I’m used to lolz! So I’ve seen that Ian Somerhalder aka hotness on a silver platter but it wasn’t from Lost. Crap. I don’t know where I remember him from. This is going to bother me for the rest of the day until I figure it out *sigh*
P.S. Thanks for working on an update! I already know it will be aweomeness!!
Tuesday, 2 February, 2010 at 18:00
Oh yeah, A Song For Holly is sooooo awesome!
Tuesday, 2 February, 2010 at 18:21
LOL! My bestie is in love w/this show too. She already told me if I call her any time while the show is on, I better be dying or she’ll murder me LOL.
I watched a bit of the 1st season and just couldn’t get into it. Maybe I’ll try it again, IDK.
Tuesday, 2 February, 2010 at 21:04
Yea…. that is a REALLY lovely piccie…. those eyes…. Like the sea after storm. Okay I quoted from The Princess Bride… but it’s true… The sea is so blue after the storm passes. And his chin just begs for nibbles.
Wednesday, 3 February, 2010 at 3:12
Lost is something I’ve never really been able to get into, which is odd because really it’s just a comic book in TV form… I think it’s because I don’t like anything JJ Abrams has ever done (especially Alias, ugh) and I don’t buy the guy from Party of Five as the leader of anything. Hopefully he gives you a good wrap up. I mean, at least he set a definite end and won’t isn’t making it go on forever until it loses steam, like other shows which shall remain House…
Wednesday, 3 February, 2010 at 18:09
OMG, I’m cracking up over here! I love your sense of humor, I swear! Now, in all fairness, I’ve been up all night so everything gets hilarious to me, but for real, that shit was FUNNY! XD
I never thought I could love Lost, either. It was like, how many things can do on this island? o_O But it’s really, really well put together! The twists and turns are outta hand, but what really gets me is how they started killing off main characters. That earned them points with me for boldness, even though some of it made me cry.
The season opener was good, and again, I almost cried. I didn’t realize how much I missed them all until they came back, lol. And oddly, a few of them >.> I couldn’t remember their names until someone said them, lol. I never watched Alias; I couldn’t get past her big jaw, lol.
Wednesday, 3 February, 2010 at 18:10
Isn’t he BOOTIFUL, Nik?! Lawd, I drool over him. He’s an ex-model and I found some of his pics –that boy is gorgeous. He can get the house keys anytime!
Wednesday, 3 February, 2010 at 18:13
Yeah, Lost isn’t for everyone. It caught me at a time when I was having the blahs, so I kinda threw myself in. But it was easy because I downloaded the first 4 seasons and watched about 6 episodes every night until I was caught up and just ended up loving it. The season opener was good, too!
Wednesday, 3 February, 2010 at 18:14
Isn’t that song the shit? It’s old (I used it in Suicide Rain from 2006), but it has a lot of staying power. The beat just kicks ass!
Wednesday, 3 February, 2010 at 18:22
Vampire Diaries. That’s where you saw him, though I don’t watch that. he’s done a few movies, too. One that comes to mind is “The Rules of Engagement” made famous because he and James Van Der Beek share an on-screen kiss. He said he was grossed out afterward -lol. That boy is drop-dead sexy.
As for Lost, the best way to watch it is to download all of the seasons. I watched between 5-7 episodes a night until I was current and it was pretty addictive. Entourage on HBO is really good, too, and very funny. Again, you should download the seasons and watch them one after the other. Really good shit. True Blood and Curb Your Enthusiasm are good, too. Other than that, i don’t deal with much boob tube at all. And thanks for checking out Hikari! I really liked the way that chapter came out, especially after such a long hiatus. I’ll probably do the next chapter right away since it’s on the brain, then I’ll work on With Honor (I started that one already) and Ever After.
Damn. I have a full plate!
Wednesday, 3 February, 2010 at 18:30
I was sad about Charlie and Mr. Eko, too (Mostly Boone, though >.>)! But that’s what makes Lost great. They’re not predictable; no one is safe. The season opener was great, and Sayid! (I probably butchered that) That one hurt my heart, but I was smiling by the end. They’re going into a weird angle with this, though, and what is up with John Lock?! I think I know who he’s supposed to be, but wow. And I love Richard. Do you remember when Sawyer called him “eyeliner”? LOL. I totally missed these guys!
I won’t read Lost fanfic. I dunno, I don’t have the urge. Besides, their fandom, dare I say, is as bad as IY. I visited a Lost comm on LJ and whoa. >.> The flaming and insanity made me back out the door slowly while avoiding contact. LOL.
Thursday, 4 February, 2010 at 0:44
Well, a typical Alias episode was simply this: shit happens, then a cliffhanger. Next episode: cliffhanger is solved in 5 seconds, and another cliffhanger. Which gets solved in 5 seconds… And just repeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Oh, and there were daddy issues in there somewhere too. And her mother’s an enemy spy. And that season ending cliffhanger just got resolved in 2 seconds.
Thursday, 4 February, 2010 at 6:54
Sounds exciting… not. >.>
It never looked like fun to me. I didn’t even know he made that. Other than ST and Lost, I don’t know anything about him. I just know this season better not be a cop out with some nonsensical, philosophy-driven bullshit at the end. I’d be pissed. >.>
Thursday, 4 February, 2010 at 16:32
He also did Felicity, wrote a bad Superman 5 script (though that’s on Jon Peters, not him), Joy Ride, Armageddon…
Saturday, 6 February, 2010 at 7:32
He did Armageddon? I like that! Joy Ride was aight, nothing special. Felicity and Superman >.> No. I hated the superman returns, or whatever. What a piece of shit story. (-____-) He didn’t mess with that one, did he? lol. Most of the complaints I hear on ST is that the whole story revolves around Spock and Kirk is pretty much just THERE. LOL.