Beyond Redemption – TV I Love!

Category “TV I Love!”

Hump Day Stuffus!

Wednesday, 21 April, 2010

Semi-productive week. I did a little writing, but nothing is ready for posting yet. Something will (hopefully) get put on Absolution soon. I was vegging a bit yesterday. I watch the show 24 and had been recording it for about 7 episodes, so I watched them all in one sitting. OMG. Such a great, great show. I absolutely love Jack Bauer, and the fact that Keifer Sutherland is really Canadian just makes me giggle because he’s so hardcore American in that show. But yeah, excellent TV stuffs, and two events this season brought me to tears, so definitely a show to watch if you don’t. It’s really well-written.

I also watched LOST, and I have to say, for there to be just a few episodes left, I don’t feel like much of anything is being solved. In other words, it’s looking like the last episode of The Sopranos, and if you saw that awful shit, then you know the kind of disappointment I’m setting up for. >.> I hope I’m wrong.

I got my art back for The Neighbor, and FUCK ME, Maria really worked it out, lol. He looks good enough to lick. Repeatedly. She just never disappoints; she captured what I wanted perfectly. I’m hoping to have one of Neo’s sweet headers up soon. And speaking of art, I ordered a chibi for Onna (Inuyashaloverr) and it’s so fucking cute. Okay, I asked Ayamegusa to do a chibi version of this pic:

And look what she came up with!

I thought that was the cutest shit eva! I love her chibis; so kawaii and unique! And yes, he’s pole dancing! 😀

So yeah, not a lot going on. I caught up with some dear friends, been reading contest entries at ED, and other ED-related stuff. Typical week, I guess. 😛

Oh, and here’s another reason why Kau is da shyt! Look what she’s mailed me!

She ordered a whole crop of kit kats from Japan and is sending me a ton. Squee! I’m still miffed about the fact that they get all the cool flavors and all we get is chocolate, though. >.>

Hope everyone is well. I haven’t chatted with some of y’all in a while and I hope you’re doing okay. I know it’s crunch time with a lot of y’all for school. GOOD LUCK! I hope finals and stuff are everything you want them to be. :)

Okay, I’m gonna hit the hay -it’s like, 3am. >.<

L O S T!

Tuesday, 2 February, 2010

OMG, I’m so fucking ready for this!

I started watching Lost about a year ago. Yep, I haz late to the party. I downloaded all of the older episodes and watched them in order, and let me tell you, I haven’t enjoyed television like that in a LONG fucking time. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love me some Entourage and I can finally say I like True Blood (without wanting to wear a bag over my head. Come on. The first season is awful with way too much bad acting), but Lost is an addiction.

The funny thing is, I never expected to like it. I actually avoided it for the first 3 seasons because it looked hammy. Boy, was I ever wrong. Lost is fucking fantastic and it SUCKS that this is the last season. :( However, I’m still pretty amped. I’m dying to know how this shit is going to get sewn up now that Miss Thing called herself setting off that bomb in the finale. Plus, I’m totally missing Jack, Kate, and Sawyer! My first love, though, was Boone and he’s the only one I ever made an avatar for. Heh.


Ian Somerhalder is fucking FIRE HOT.

Anyway, I just had to come in here and gush…

Gush! Gush! Gush!

I’ve been (and still am) writing a new chapter for one of the fics on the poll list. A hint? It’s not one of the ones in the lead. Sorry! I started it before I put up the poll, so I want to finish. I’m thinking I’ll be done later on today, and the chap will be a whopping 10,000 words, at least. That oughta cut me some slack for taking so long, eh?

Hooray for inspiration and great friends! ^_^