Beyond Redemption – Changes

Category “Changes”

Shift – Delete – Goodbye – Forever

Thursday, 23 June, 2011

So, I’m cleaning some house. I’ll be leaving FFN by the end of the summer, I’m pretty sure. I don’t update there anymore. IHE 9 was the last chapter I’m willing to post there. I’ve been plagiarized too many times there and I’m done with that cesspool of active and thriving thieves. No one does anything to combat the stealing, so fuck that shit-hole.

The only place my stories will be found is Absolution and Deviant Art, and I only post small things at the latter, with the exception of GFE. Their formatting, despite changes, still sucks, so it’s a hassle to put bigger fics there. (Plus, I’m lazy :P)

In other words, I’m consolidating in a big way. I’ve removed the few stories I had posted at Eternal Destiny and have no intention of posting any more. That site was made for other people to use, not me. If you don’t come to Abi, you don’t read IG, and that will be that until I close shop.

I’m also closing Inu-Verse (The AU archive). The entire time I was making it, and running into mess after mess with putting it together (Technical stuff), that was my instinct telling me that I didn’t want another responsibility (because that had never happened before). I should have listened. And since it’s just a few months old, and isn’t going to displace many people, now is the time to be done with it.

I guess you can say I’m making my presence smaller and smaller until I’m gone. Or, you can say that until I call it quits, I really want to be surrounded by my true “lovelies” and supporters and I’m cutting off all the other bullshit. I think I’ve given back enough to the fandom that has abused me for a good portion of my stint and now it’s all about me and what makes me happy.

And it’s about time, honestly.

Eternal Destiny is my offspring, so it will stand until its no longer useful to anyone. Absolution will remain open until I’ve told my last IY tale. Then, it may just stand as an archive of who IG used to be. We’ll see how I feel when the time comes.

And while I’m here, I want to give a quick, but huge, thanks to everyone who’s been reviewing at the site and encouraging me to continue. I appreciate that you’re unselfish enough to take a minute to say a kind line or two about the work. As you can see, it’s been motivational. I may even take some update requests if you mention them in your comments. ^^

Aight. I’m out.

Some Severances.

Tuesday, 3 August, 2010

So, I said I’d be writing and I haven’t. I’ve had some shady personal shit going on, plus I’ve been consuming manga like a mad chick, so I just haven’t been writing when I said I would. Sorry. The plan is to start rectifying that today, but I don’t know when I’ll actually post. In other words, I don’t know how long this is gonna take. I have the list ready of fics that won’t be finished, so when you start seeing PERMANENT HIATUS in summaries, you’ll know which ones they are. To those people that may feel jipped by that, apologies. I never intend to start something and walk away, but sometimes the heart just dies, and when that happens, nothing good will come from continuing…

Anyway, I hope you stick around for the ones that will get an ending, and huge thank yous to the people that have left reviews, e-mails, and notes thru Absolution & lately expressing how much you enjoy the stories and want updates. If you only knew how you guys are the only thing motivating me to finish the fics that aren’t being cut. lol. I may not be posting to anymore, though. If/when that happens, I will leave a/ns letting readers there know if the story will be continued at Absolution.

Onto another severance. I deaded my facebook account (the acct is still there due to Eternal Destiny’s page, which is connected. But otherwise, that account is no more.) and deleted my twitter account. My instant messenger under InuGrrrl is also dead, as is the e-mail address attached to it. Goodie page is also dead (Am and Kimmy, you’ll always have the hook up. LOL.)

In brighter news, I met a new artist who does cute manga style art. I wanted to try him out (I always love having new artists to commission) and asked him to make a chibi patterned after me. She is adorable. I totally love her because she’s just a simple little picture of cuteness. I’ve since passed her onto Neo for her magic touch and can’t wait to see what she does with her. In the meantime, tho, I’m planning my next chibi project for him. Probably something with Yasha since he and I will still be together a while longer.

This week is also Kau’s birfday! 😀 (Not that it would matter to y’all. lol.) But she’s my sister and has been there with me no matter what it is, no matter when or where. She cannot, and would not, ever be replaced, and since she’s been bugging me for the longest about a certain pairing, I’m going to do it for her. I don’t think it’s going up on Absolution *hides from her* but I’m really going to try to do a little oneshot or drabble for her. I have no idea about what -I may just let her choose the plot- but I’m gonna do it now before it never happens. Annnnnd she makes these cake balls. Hard to explain, but they’re like cake lollipops (google it) and she’s sending me a box of them tomorrow in almond and pistachio. *Faints from the suga rush*

Now that you’re caught up, I’m out.

EDIT: My doll for The Neighbor is finally finished and he’s awesome. My nee-chan drew the face for me and Notoes did ‘what she do’ and he looks great. I waited ages for him, so I’m really happy with the result. Pics will be in the gallery shortly. Yay!

Changes to Redemption.

Wednesday, 5 May, 2010

So, a long time ago (over a year and some change now), I had a xanga blog that I used. I had the comments shut off (ever since some douchebags from that fiction site were showing up trying to get their 15 minutes), and it mainly housed the happenings with my fandom life: Writing, whatever BS I was dealing with, etc. But when I erected this blog, I put that one out to pasture, and at present, I only use Xanga to house the AMVs I received as gifts.

A week ago, or so, I opened new forums. As I said previously, I had them before, but due to unwanted visitors, I closed them. (See a pattern here yet?) But I now use different forums with much better security and I’m quite happy there. 😀 But anyway, the point is, Redemption isn’t going to have much personal stuff in it anymore. It’s about to become the “Xanga” blog I used to have. I’ll mainly be using it to update visitors about stories and my websites. If you got used to hearing about all the other shit with me, and want to continue to see it, then you’ll have to join the forums. Otherwise, this will be strictly about the fics and sites. It will still be open to comments (that I’ll answer), though.

And while we’re on writing…

Sorry there hasn’t been any updates. I’ve had a lot going on and my mind just isn’t there yet. Plus, I had a little incident involving my sites that pissed me off, so I really haven’t been in a writing mood. I’ve also been sporadically shutting my personal archive down. Pretty much whenever I see fit. Sorry if that’s been screwing you up on a reading level, but I have my reasons. My hope is that I’ll get in an author mindset soon, and hopefully y’all will stick it out with me like you have in the past. But if you don’t, what can I do? I can’t give you what I don’t have, and somehow, I doubt giving you a super short, and possibly shitty, chapter would be appreciated after such a long wait. So bear with me.

Later for now.