Beyond Redemption – Happy Anniversary!

Category “Happy Anniversary!”

And Moar!

Thursday, 10 June, 2010

On Tuesday I got another giftart -yay! This one is a vector chibi from Ayamegusa, and he’s soooo cute that I had to put him aside for a header on Absolution. *dances* I’m also about to order a new commission and a new plushie to commemorate The Neighbor (I swear, that one’s turning out to be a heavy favorite for me.) as well as my 5th year of writing fan-fiction.

Can you even believe that shit?

On June 16th, 2005, I wrote my first fanfic, “Realization of Love”. On June 16th, 2006, I opened Absolution. So, yeah, lots to celebrate. The goal is to do so with 3 new skins for Abi, possibly a new story, new commissioned art, and a new plushie. The latter two probably won’t be ready in time for the 16th, but the others definitely will. Huzzah.

I saw this on dA. The artist’s name is HitokiriSakura2012 and she is amazing.

So, G-mail Sucks…

Tuesday, 23 June, 2009

I like the fact that g-mail collects spam because I get a pound of it everyday. However, it would be nice if they didn’t suck up real mail, too….

This was almost deleted from my spam box today, though it was sent the day of my anniversary.


Isn’t it pretty?? The awesome Lily (Sayuriko) drew it for me and she rox my sox! 😀

*Glomps all over her*

This is SO going to be my inspiration for her birthday fic. Thank you, My Sayu! You’re adored in NY!!!

*Happily prances off to finish writing chapter three*

Protected: Four Years of Being a Grrrl.

Monday, 15 June, 2009

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