Beyond Redemption – In Rememberance…

Category “In Rememberance…”

Remembering The Legend…

Wednesday, 5 October, 2011

It’s like hearing that your favorite uncle died…
I miss him already.


Wednesday, 7 September, 2011


We Only Said Goodbye With Words.

Saturday, 23 July, 2011

What a shame…. R.I.P. Amy Winehouse.

Farewell Jessie.

Monday, 18 July, 2011

I lost another friend. She passed away on July 10th, but I found out today, on her birthday. I knew she was sick. She’d been battling cancer for a long time and her last messages to me were grave, yet, as always, still very brave. That’s who she was. The bravest person I’d ever met because she was slowly being ravaged by a disease that didn’t have a cure and still found it in her to greet everyone with a smile and a cheerful word. She was special, and oh, so wonderful.

Her name was JessieAngel and “Pas De Deux“, and later, “Age of Innocence” were her stories. I dedicated AoI to her because she told me that she really enjoyed it. She enjoyed it because it gave her hope that her daughter and husband would have a good life when she was gone and meet someone who will love them and care for them in her stead.

I’m crying and devastated that Jessie’s been called back to God so soon. She would have only been 30 today. I never even got to finish either fic, though I was trying hard to complete Pas De Deux before something happened… I’ll always feel awful for that, but I know she’s still with us in spirit, so I will finish those stories and pray that she’s happy in Heaven.

Rest well, Princess.

Flowers and Bricks and Surprises -Oh My!

Sunday, 29 May, 2011

First, flowers…

Well, now that she’s said it on Facebook, I guess it’s okay to talk about it. The other day a friend of mine passed away. His mother is like my own mother. I call her “Onna” and you’ve seen her name all over my site, I’m sure. Her son, Michael, aka Mikey, left us on the 25th, but I found out a few days later. To say it was devastating is a real understatement. This is someone I’ve talked to and joked with, and to hear something so sudden happen to someone so young throws everything for loop and really makes you question what’s important. He’ll be missed, especially by his Mama who doted on him. It’s a tragedy when a mother has to bury her child. I hope he’s resting peacefully, finally free of all that ailed him. <3 Now, bricks... Do you know what a brick is? Someone I used to know told me they were the stupidest people alive, and this weekend, I can say with absolute certainty that I dealt with a fucking brick. The situation doesn’t warrant more than that -at the moment- but trust me, I was accosted by a blend of stupid that was so potent the shit oughta be bottled. It should be against the law to be such a self-important, delusional dipshit. For real.

Then there are surprises…

Isn’t it funny when people pull stunts and their nonsense gets followed by good karma -for you? This morning while I was working on a site for some friends, my little brother, Danga surprised me with a gift commission for my 6th anniversary next month! He was reading my old story, Fatality, and decided to get a little Yasha portrait done for it (He says I don’t give that fic any love ’cause it has no art and such 😛 But I actually am having art made for it after my next commish is done. But anyway…). It’s super cute, too!

I usually make a new fic for my anni, but I dunno… Should I follow the tradition? I usually give myself a lemon fic for my birthday and a normal fic for my anniversary. I have a story I want to do for myself, but I haven’t started any of it yet. If I can slam down the first chapter, I’ll definitely post it. I even have art/a layout ready for the story -it’s just not written. So, we’ll see.

Okay, time to rest. I pulled an all-nighter, and I actually want to write later on today. I’m working on another old one, and a couple of news ones. The old one is closer to completion, though.

R.I.P. Jeff Conaway

Friday, 27 May, 2011

I loved this guy. Despite all his problems and difficulties, I totally loved him. He’s one of the stars of one of my favorite movies, Grease, and I always had a soft spot for him ’cause he was just so funny -even when he was high. I remember seeing him on celebrity rehab when the “team” he was on was like, “We wanted to toss you out, etc.” He was like, “Well you should have! Why -the fuck- didn’t you?! You know what? Take your fucking show and shove it up your fucking ass!”

I laughed my head off! But it was also sad because you could see that he needed help. It’s just so sad to find out that he’s completely gone from the world. Death sucks. It just does.

…And Another Leaves The Fold.

Saturday, 19 March, 2011

I got a note today from another author that I like and respect. She’s leaving fanfiction and took a minute to tell me and say goodbye. I won’t say her name because this is her private business; she’ll announce it if she chooses to. But I feel awful. Seriously. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve never felt closer to doing that myself these days, or if it’s because anyone “leaving” just feels terrible after having so many people of note die in my life. Not that she’s dying or anything remotely close, but it is the death of something, you know?

In any case, her presence will be missed and I’m glad that anime gave me a chance to meet her, and many other people that I’ve come to like and admire. I guess, for once, the rumors are true. The good authors are walking away. Makes me wonder who’s next, and if that someone is me.

Goodnight, Lady T

Sunday, 26 December, 2010

I’m so stunned. Teena Marie aka Lady T has passed away today and I feel like another part of my mother’s memory has been stolen away. I grew up hearing her play this lovely lady’s music, and even used the song “Out on a Limb” in my story, Pretty Brown Eyes for the Sesshomaru/Rin lemon as a little tribute to my mom. It’s so jarring to hear such sad news, especially when I learned that her daughter found her body -just like me. Another light has dimmed, and once again, we’re powerless to do more than watch it fade out.


RIP Lady T. You’ll be sorely missed.

R.I.P Teddy & Yes, I’m Alive!

Thursday, 14 January, 2010

First, R.I.P. Teddy Pendergrass. My mom loved him and I grew up hearing him croon. It was really sad when he ended up in a wheelchair, but he kept singing, and that’s pretty damned inspirational. So, from mom and me, you were da shit.

The One and Only, Teddy Pendergrass.

The One and Only, Teddy Pendergrass.

In other news, I’ve been pretty busy lately and haven’t had much time to do anything fandom related -and it will probably be that way for a while. Things are changing in IG’s real world that must take priority, but the fictions will still be written and the sites still run the way you expect them to be. Things will be slow, though, so as they say in mass transit: “Expect delays.” xD

With any luck, I should have the OC fiction completed sometime over the weekend, and I’m hoping to start a new story for a dear friend. I actually have a few stories to start, but this one is special, so I’m jumping the line, lol. I just hope I have the opening chapter ready in time -it would suck ass if I didn’t! >.< And speaking of dear friends, we all know how fucking awesome Neo is right? (Of course we do! Just look at my sites!) But she just one-upped herself by sending m the most unique little gift! It's a picture ball, almost like a Xmas tree ornament, but completely unique, completely fantastic, and completely INUYASHA! Yes, yes, I know. Get on with the pics! 100_2450

My layout is stretching that pic a bit.

Jewel shards! xD

Jewel shards! xD

Is that cool, or what? And no one has one. No one. Neo has talent oozing out of her damn pores, lol. I have it hanging above me as part of my IY shrine that I keep over my computer desk. Squee!!!


Okay, that’s really all for now. I’ll be updating as soon as I can, and I’ll hit y’all up again over the weekend. 😀 Now, I shall leave you with a song I discovered off the “Dead Presidents” soundtrack by Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes (Teddy was the lead singer) called “I Miss You”.

Remembering John…

Tuesday, 8 December, 2009

My mother was a Beatles fan, and growing up, I learned to like a few songs myself. Today is the anniversary of John Lennon’s death, so I thought it would be fitting to play my mom’s favorite song from his solo works.

Gone, but not forgotten, John Lennon.

Gone, but not forgotten, John Lennon.