Beyond Redemption – Cliches and Other Chatter…

Cliches and Other Chatter…

The things we laid do not amount to much
Made up of thought balloons and cotton swabs
When present tense gets strangled in the woes
Made of our future foe scenarios

This revolution, baby
Proves who you work for, maybe
Who do you work for, baby?
And does it work for you lately?

-Future Foe Scenarios

I can listen to that song all day -and I have. The band is called Silversun Pickups (Yeah, I know >.>), but the music is stellar. I have them playing on Absolution, so give them a shot. The lyrics to this song, especially, says a lot to me about people I know. I love when a song can do that, put shit in fucking perspective, and this one does it for me. The title alone is wow.

Anyway, short entry. I had a blast at the Coheed signing/acoustic show and Claudio’s voice is just fantastic. Totally love that guy, but I’m also growing a huge appreciation for Travis as well. He’s a real sweetheart. I’m stoked for the concert in May; I hope they come back at the end of the tour like they’ve done in the past. I’d so be there.

I got more chibis! The ones for ED I’m not posting. They’ll show up for the summer skin in June. But I did have my “signature” art redone chibi-style and it put such a huge grin on my face. I made this pink background for my deviant art ID, and of course I watermarked, but you’ll be able to see it well enough. :)

I also got Kau a chibi art that I knew she’d go apeshit for. She has a thing for Kouga/Rin (go fig!), so when you see that pairing in my fics, it’s for her. <.< always. But anyway, I'll give you a peek at her art. It's a wedding piece. 😀

I gave myself a nasty cold on Tuesday, so I’m under the weather. I’ll be indoors, having not accepted any work this weekend for that reason (I hate spreading germs), so I’ll be trying not to get worse and get some writing done for the next few days. I’m really hoping to finish The Neighbor, but I’m not going to push it if it doesn’t cooperate.

And in a WTF? moment, I bought a new mouse cause the old one was old and acting up. Well, this one is super responsive and it’s making me crazy because every little touch has me clicking the wrong thing. Can’t win for fucking losing!

EDIT: Chibi Hikari is on my gallery. He looks so damned cute! Once again, Neo rulez.


    • avatarC.A. says:

      YAY FOR CHIBIS! lol

      Glad that you had fun at the CoCa signing/show. I would find it hard to NOT have fun at something like that.

      Too bad about your cold. Relax, take soem drugs and hopefully it will go away with so much trouble. 😛 And you just need to get used to the new mouse. It can be crazy after having a piece of shit and then getting a bright and shiney new one. lol

      Also… I’m totally feeling this song. As you said, I can possibly listen to this all day (and I probably will). I definitly like it, but I LOVE music in general. My husband cannot fathom why I have SO much music on my computer. XD


      Much love <3 and take care.

    • avatarLa Kau says:

      LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (* ^) It’s my new background. AND yeah I like weird pairing <.<* especially them o.o* I lub rin and kouga (* .) it has caused many issues in the barn but o.o* she has learned not to fight it. (* ^) YOU love them secrety you know you do.


      Thanks again kau. (* ^) Glad you had fun at the Coheed Signing.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      I’m with you, woman! My ex used to marvel at the amount of mp3s I had on my comp. He’d be like, your HD is almost full and it’s all music. xD I can’t function without music. I write to it, work to it, and just need to have it on in general. All my inspiration comes from it, too. All my fics have a song, even if I never say so, but usually I do say so. 😀

      The CoCa signing/acoustic show was wicked cool, I must say. Claudio’s voice is amazing and the entire atmosphere was so fun and friendly. They really treat their fans like hangout buddies and not “fans”. I fucking love that! It was totally worth the cold. Cause it was cold and I got there mad early so I was outside for, like, 4 hours, lol. I need drugs, tho!

      And isn’t that song great? It’s up, so have at it if you didn’t already. I love this group and I just met them a few days ago. I love the way that guys sings and the lyrics are totally cool. Try “The Royal We“, too. God, it’s so good. Panic Switch is probably my fave from them, but I have a good list of awesome ones. Check ’em out!

      <333 Hope the weekend is awesome for ya!! 😀

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      (o*?) *Eyes a kau*

      Look you, I’ve been tryna get wid of them foreva. *o.o* Don’t make me come ova there. This barn is not a dumping ground for odd pairings. (-*?) There must be some form of westwaint, dammit! Will beat them for this humiliation. *-.-* *shakes fist.*

      <.<* But Rin looks cute. Tis all I'm willing to say!

      *Snugs kau then pretends that I didn't.* (o*?)

    • avatarCassie says:

      Thanks so much for that e-mail! Totally made my day!

      Glad you had fun at the coheed signing. That’s one thing I’ve always liked about them, is they’ve always been so down to earth and never let fame go to their heads.

      Sucks about the cold. Have you tried Emergen-C? It’s a vitamin supplement you take in a glass of water. I swear by it.

    • avatarAm says:

      The Hikari chibi looks sooooooooooooooo good on the gallery! I’m really wowed by the header! Neo did an AMAZING job and the colors are just so pretty!! The newer ones are really cute, too ^^ And awwwwww. I’ve only seen Kouga/Rin in your fics, but its cute and the chibis Ayamegusa made of them are adorable! Wow, it sucks that you got so sick (on top of allergies and everything else. God, I hope it eases up on you quickly!). Considering how badly I dressed for the weather I didn’t get AS sick. Then again, I always get colds -.- and I kicked one recently, so that might be why.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Q Cass

      Welcomes!! How do you like it so far?? I have yet to pop my deluxe into the comp, but I will because I want to see the DVD. Woot!

      And shankies! The signing was fantastic. Nicest guys ever, really animated and fun to be around. You never feel like a “fan”. I haven’t tried that supplement, but I’ve seen it in stores. I’m actually feeling better, but I’ve been trying to stay covered up and my achey bones are finally being nice again!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Agreed! neo did the header loads of justice. The colors were so unexpected and out of my norm and they grabbed me right away. Squee. He was going to go on Abi, but with 2 angels skins, a third was a bit much.

      Ayame’s chibis are just to die for. I love the little round me. xD And biker Yasha II is SO cute. They’re “fun” and not trying to be too serious like true art. Really fun distraction. I have a few more coming from her, so stay tuned! Oh, and Kouga/Rin <.< is never, ever for me. lol.

      Ever. >.>

      My sickies are fleeing (thanks!), but I think my rag is on its way and that’s real fun. >.> I’m glad you didn’t get it bad. A tee-shirt? *diez from vicarious cold* I think I got extra sick for you! 😛 Two years ago I was getting sick every week. It was crazy cause that never happened to me before. And summer colds are the worst (not that we’re quite at summer yet).

      Happy Friday! ^_^

    • avatarCassie says:

      I love it so far. I will have a better chance to sit down and really listen on Sunday when I’m off work.

      Also: Boooo to password protected entry! 😛