Beyond Redemption – Hump Day Stuffus!

Hump Day Stuffus!

Semi-productive week. I did a little writing, but nothing is ready for posting yet. Something will (hopefully) get put on Absolution soon. I was vegging a bit yesterday. I watch the show 24 and had been recording it for about 7 episodes, so I watched them all in one sitting. OMG. Such a great, great show. I absolutely love Jack Bauer, and the fact that Keifer Sutherland is really Canadian just makes me giggle because he’s so hardcore American in that show. But yeah, excellent TV stuffs, and two events this season brought me to tears, so definitely a show to watch if you don’t. It’s really well-written.

I also watched LOST, and I have to say, for there to be just a few episodes left, I don’t feel like much of anything is being solved. In other words, it’s looking like the last episode of The Sopranos, and if you saw that awful shit, then you know the kind of disappointment I’m setting up for. >.> I hope I’m wrong.

I got my art back for The Neighbor, and FUCK ME, Maria really worked it out, lol. He looks good enough to lick. Repeatedly. She just never disappoints; she captured what I wanted perfectly. I’m hoping to have one of Neo’s sweet headers up soon. And speaking of art, I ordered a chibi for Onna (Inuyashaloverr) and it’s so fucking cute. Okay, I asked Ayamegusa to do a chibi version of this pic:

And look what she came up with!

I thought that was the cutest shit eva! I love her chibis; so kawaii and unique! And yes, he’s pole dancing! πŸ˜€

So yeah, not a lot going on. I caught up with some dear friends, been reading contest entries at ED, and other ED-related stuff. Typical week, I guess. πŸ˜›

Oh, and here’s another reason why Kau is da shyt! Look what she’s mailed me!

She ordered a whole crop of kit kats from Japan and is sending me a ton. Squee! I’m still miffed about the fact that they get all the cool flavors and all we get is chocolate, though. >.>

Hope everyone is well. I haven’t chatted with some of y’all in a while and I hope you’re doing okay. I know it’s crunch time with a lot of y’all for school. GOOD LUCK! I hope finals and stuff are everything you want them to be. :)

Okay, I’m gonna hit the hay -it’s like, 3am. >.<


    • avatarLiz says:

      Awww, that’s so cute! But, and you know the Mistress has to have her say, that first pic is FUCKING HAWT! Since I acquired a new appreciation for Sess via inucest fics … heh … I’ve said it before, gonna say it again. He is one dayum fine piece of demon ass. YUM Wow. I’d love to be that fuckin’ pole right about now.

      *eyes piccie again with perverted glint in eye*

      She got you some of those before, didn’t she? They have all kinds of weird flavors and shit over there, don’t they?

      I still need to finish responding to your other email. You know, the one from like emails ago? >.> I’ll get to it. Promise.


    • avatarLa Kau says:

      (* ^) mooos <.<* Show more self control then I did. I'll give you a preview One was interesting and another one was X_X* I gagged and the rest were DELICIOUS!

      o.o* Well if you stanp my oass to go back (* o) I can explore why they have better flavors. (^_^)* Will wait for eternity.

      ^___^* BUT ANYWAY Hope you enjoy (* o) stick in the fridge when you recieve it.

    • avatarCassie says:

      Ha! Those KitKats look awesome!

      Hope you’re doing well. Can’t wait until you post some new stuff πŸ˜›

      I love love love the new Coheed CD. I need to listen a few more times but none of the songs seem quite as “epic” to me as some of their power ballads (Welcome Home is the first that comes to mind).

      I never got into Lost or 24. I more of a House, Grey’s Anatomy, Glee (guilty pleasure), kind of girl. I’ve heard Lost is great though.

      Have a good one!

    • avatarAm says:

      Lmao!!! Sessh-chibi pole dancing w/ that little smirk on his face? How CUUUUUUUUTTTEEEE *squeezes* And the kit-kats look yummy! But why DO they get all the good flavors?? The only place I know to find cool candy is Crocker Barrel and that’s all the way in CT. Its a breakfast place but there’s this store-front w/ old-school candies like moon pies but in a bunch of different flavors like mint, peanut butter (and peanut butter + chocolate anything is my kryptonite), banana, etc. The “royal milk tea” kit-kats sound good! And Maple kit-kats o.o kind of intriguing!

      My brother loooooooves 24, but I couldn’t get into it (granted, I never sat through a whole episode) and Lost -.- I’M Lost. I think I’m just gonna wait until it ends before I finish, but w/ the way the series has been packed w/ mysteries, ending it on a vague note would be pretty dumb.

      Anyway, Happy Hump Day!!

      *squeezes Sessh some more* xD All these vector chibis are just so adorable!

    • avatarkimakaanna says:

      Hey, grrrl! Sorry I’ve been MIA but I’m back now :) Let’s see test one (in Japn) was..different. Given that the class average was a low C, and I got a 92, I wouldn’t say that it was too bad! I was pretty disappointed with it at first because I just knew what my sister would say–and my assumption was right. “Only a 92?” she says. Then she’ll go on into how she made the Dean’s List (well the thing that is equivalent to that) at her college and how she just aced a test with extra points and everything. She really makes me feel like shit and I do think it’s intentional. I told my mom about the test and I suppose she was happy about it. I just can’t shake the feeling that if it was Jackie’s test, she would do a fucking backflip. Maybe she really is okay with it. I know it’s not the best, but I’d like to think I make her proud too.

      Speaking of my mom, her 45th b-day was on Tuesday, the 20th and since Tuesday’s and Thursday’s are my Japn class days, I didn’t see much of her at all. Out of our whole family, only a hand full of people remembered and half those people weren’t even family; they were coworkers. Her bum of a boyfriend didn’t remember (but let’s not get into her choice of companionship..if you can even call it that), Jackie, Miss Perfect herself, didn’t remember (Mom and Jackie haven’t been talking anyways). I had to TELL her that it was mom’s birthday and she said she forgot. I wasn’t any better. I barely got to see her but I sent her some e-cards and ordered a pizza that said Happy Birthday in sausage while I was at school. Who knew that Pizza Hut could do that? It did cost a hell of a lot more lolz but it was the least I could do. I’ve been thinking about buying her a season of Desperate Housewives on box set. She loves that show…I don’t know why!

      Well, I guess I’m done rambling πŸ˜‰ My math class is going fine. I swear that my instructor smokes a blunt before every class! There is no way in hell to be THAT laid back lolz. Just Kidding but he is pretty cool. Anywho, good luck on the Neighbor. I can’t wait to see what happens πŸ˜‰

      P.S. Do you have a ‘muse?’ I’ve been trying to ‘find’ mine because I’ve been seriously slacking and I want to write but I don’t want to force it, you know? Well, oyasuminasai, grrrl-chan (lol). Oh and that chibi’s pole dancing? Did it just get hot in here, or what?! It’s so cute and the original pic is fire itself.

    • avatarkimakaanna says:

      Hmm…I have a strange desire for a KitKat bar. To the store, I go!!

    • avatarDangersque says:

      That… is a lot of Kit Kats… Keifer playing a convincing American isn’t that shocking. Most of our movies and TV come from down south, so we’re pretty inundated with American culture. Now, Hugh Laurie being British, that threw me.

    • avatarNeo says:

      love the chibie… that is one hot one of sessy… you picked a good one to do.. as you can see I’m up at 3 am and lets just say I need to find that store with the kitkat’s.. man grrrl you get all the good stuff… and I hate how they have all the flavors… (>_<)

      well I better get things around for L's birthday I hate having two parties, but I guess that's what I get for having a family that can't share.. I swear I will be happier after this Saturday is over… for the last two weekends nothing but parties… and now bad weather to boot on Friday… I need a room to hide in and not come out for awhile..

      Happy hump day.. I hope to talk to you more this weekend… after I unbury myself in a homemade cake…

    • avatarLindsay says:

      Wowwww Kau must really love you! πŸ˜€ I hope you enjoy your treats! Love the fan art btw, I’ve been debating on another one since I got pretties for my birth-a-day! (I gots prismacolor pencils and Markers! SO EXCITED!). Never watched 24 or Lost, I think I watched some of Lost once and got so confused that I never bothered trying again…I was talking to my mom about it and she pretty much said the same thing-“I don’t watch it, I never know whats going on!”. Sorry I’ve been MIA lately, school is an @$$ kicker and I just got over a stomach virus(yay fun for me…). Hope you’re having a good Faux Friday!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      SISTAH! ^_^

      Isn’t chibi Sess a lil’ cutie? She really does them so well. But yeah, I knew big Sess would be doing it for ya, lol. Even I like that one. I think Sesshomaru is gorgeous, but my heart is with Yasha. No one can make me turn away from him, especially when he’s human. But if I had to choose a second, it’s Sess, def.

      < .< Watches the perv glint. And you remembered!! Yeah, she got my some of that before when she went to Japan. This time she ordered them. They should be here today -that's a pic of them before they were mailed. I The green tea ones are so damn goooood. >.< Hope the weeks been good to ya! *HUGS*

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      (o*?) You a kau.

      >.> Which was the nasty ones?? I saw my green teeeeeea. *^.^* I can’t wait to eat those. NOM NOM.

      (-*?) Will not stamp pass, tho. *Beats you for asking*

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Cass! ^_^

      I’m glad you like Coheed’s new tunes. It’s quite the awesome CD, but you’re right. They don’t have a hugely epic on, but The Broken and This Shattered Symphony come awfully close. Welcome Home will always be huge, but I admit that I’m tired of hearing it. They’re pretty much forced to play it at every show, and since I’ve seen them about 11 times now, it gets old. I’m really hoping they play Shattered Symphony when I see them in May.

      24, now that is epic, lol. What a great, great show and I don’t say that lightly. Shows like that don’t usually grab me at all, so trust when I say that Jack Bauer is fucking amazing, believe it! Lost is great, too, but really confusing if you don’t watch from the very first episode.

      I should get my candy in hand today. >.> I’m gonna binge!!!

      Happy Thursday!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      AMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! ONE! 111!!!! πŸ˜›

      I knew you’d like Chibi Sess, lol. He’s so cute and fat -I wanna squeeze his head off and make it go pop. xD

      And yeah, why do they get the cool shit and we just get chocolate, which I’m not a big fan of?! The green tea kit kat is out of this world, seriously. I haven’t had the milk tea, but they sound good. Maple >.> we’ll see. I’m not a huge fan of maple syrup, so…

      I’ve heard of Cracker Barrel but have never been. Now you got me wanting to go!! You know who makes awesome shit? The little homemade candy shop in Coney down the street from Nathans -the one that sells the candy and carmel apples and the marshmallows dipped in caramel and nuts. OMG. >.> I’m trying to go there next month to get Kau a bunch of shit. Their homemade fudge is O.O

      You totally need to watch 24! Your brother’s right! πŸ˜› Best show ever, and this season? Lawd. It made me cry twice, so imagine. I taped about 7 episodes and watched them all at once. Talk about having me boo-hooing and that never happens with that show. But I was just so happy for him, then wham. They rip the rug from under his feet and I’m just wailing. lol. And Lost >.> I’m really getting that Sopranos feeling here and I’ll be pissed. I really will. I will say that they showed Michael again, but not his son. <.< I smell plot holes… But the son is still alive, and not on the island, so I dunno, but they need to touch up on that. -.- I think I’ve run out of Chibi ideas! Well, no, there’s still another story I’d like to do. But that may be for real art, though Chibis would be sooo cute. I’ll flip a coin! xD Happy Thursday!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      KIMMY! *hugs*

      I was wondering where ya been at. CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 92!!! Are you effin’ kidding me?? You did wonderfully. I can’t even believe you’re doubting that. o.O This is Japanese, a completely new language and you pounded out a 92 and anyone who thinks that’s not a greats core is out of their heads. For real. I’m fucking proud of you!! *squeezes*

      You know, when I was younger my gram was that way. She’d compare us to cousins, friends, whomever she thought was doing better than we were academically and it’s a really shitty feeling, I know. But you know what? You can only be you. 92 is great score for something that’s entirely new to you and you have NOTHING to feel bad about AT ALL. So Jackie says she would have gotten a better score. So what. That’s her and you’re you and you should be happy with what you’ve achieved because I know there are several people who took that test who wishes they scored as high.

      HB to your Mama, by the way. How shitty that no one really remembered her birthday. Her boyfriend not remembering is fucking retarded and he ought be put on the curb. Your sister, too. How do you forget your mom’s birthday? I can’t fathom that at all. But isn’t it funny how the one that feels left out is the one that always remembers the little things? Heh. You’re awesome -don’t let anyone tell you different! I used to watch Desperate Housewives, too, and my ex gave me season one. I never opened it >.> along with all the Sex & the City box sets he gave me. I have so many unopened DVDs…

      But, I digress!

      I have a muse for my dark stories. My normal ones, I brainstorm to music. That’s why I love finding new tunes; helps me write. With dark fics I turn to musey. She helps me figure out what I want to do and how to convey it. I haven’t posted a new chapter to The Neighbor in almost a month (Can’t believe it’s been that effin long!), so I’m trying to get that up and going. >.< take your time with writing. That’s the best advice I can give. Don’t write if you’re not feeling it. You’ll only hate it <.< like I do all the time, lol. Happy Thursday, girly!!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Damn, Kim! Now I want one! πŸ˜›

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      *attacks him cause he’s Danga*

      Those are a lot of kit kats and I’m gonna eat ’em! πŸ˜€

      When you say “down south” I have to laugh. That means something totally different here. We northerners think of country folk when we hear that. xD Who is Hugh Laurie? I wanna marry Jack Bauer -even though he’s short. lol.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      How are ya holding up?? You’ve been run through the gauntlet, woman! >..> Yes, I have forsaken ED and everyone else!) I haven’t gotten my Jap candy yet, but I’m ready for that green tea. SOOO GOOOD. x____x

      Happy almost Friday! πŸ˜€

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      @Neo: Fucking redemp just cut off half my reply. Son of a bitch…

      Well, I had asked about the party and said I hope you endure the inlaws. Then I asked what you thought of the art for the neighbor. I forget what else, but damn. *kicks stupid blog*

    • avatarDangersque says:

      Hugh Laurie is the guy who plays House…

      And yes, I’m aware of what ‘down south’ means to an American… But New York is still down south to me. Well, southwest…

    • avatarAm says:

      Eh…Cracker Barrel’s not all that great xD The storefront is cute, but the actual breakfast is pretty mediocre. I’m only speaking for the one in CT, which I think is the closest at about 2-3 hrs away. Every time I go its shitty. My pancakes come out burnt, the bacon is limp, or they put weird stuff in their meat loaf (like olives -.- I haaaaaaaaaaaate olives in anything but oil form). The only thing that’s REALLY good are their biscuits, gravy, and their homemade maple syrup (but you already say you’re not a big fan of that, lol). Its an alright place to eat if you’re driving down south and wanna stop for breakfast (I passed about a million Cracker Barrel’s and Waffle House’s on my way to North Carolina), but don’t go out of your way for it. My parents and family love it, but it is NOT worth that long ass drive…across state lines no less -.-

      LOL @ the chibis! For some reason I just pictured one for Neighbor and it cracked me up. I don’t think Kagome would be AS intimidated by him as one of those adorable, pudgy little guys. xD

    • avatarMeanha aka Ladywolf says:

      Hey big sis1!

      Hey you hey you…..Give me break give me a break….break me off piece of THAT KIT-KAT BAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. You been enjoying 24 my brother loves that show it gets deeper every season. I don’t know about lost it’s too much going on and I haven’t seen it in 4ever. Hey I was going over some of AMVs. And I found this one that made me think of Hikari a bit. Can you comment it? YouTube has been putting my amv they move back up one by one. It’s odd but cool lol. Anyway the song just made see Inuyasha from hikari in my mind.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      I didn’t know you had a birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I totally must update for you. <3

      24 is GREAT, so is Lost, but yeah, if you don't start from the very beginning, you're lost -literally. lol. I started in the middle of season one, but by then it was up to season 4. So I downloaded all of the episodes and watched them in order and got hooked. Such a great show, but the ending is looking like we'll still have questions and that just sucks.

      I'm glad you're feeling better. I've been getting stupid acid reflux (Blame the pepsi) so I know what feeling icky is like. I'll try to get something posted over the weekend -that's the hope. πŸ˜€

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      @ Danga

      Oh…. House. I thought he was English or something other than American. Down South has other meanings, too…

      *Prepares the jungle room cause it’s been a while since Danga’s last visit*


    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      LMAO @ neighbor Chibi! Kagome would be too busy snugging him to be intimidated! Can you imagine that? He’d probably have a little mean face, too. LOL. CUUUUUTE!!! (Stop giving me ideas! :P)

      Cracker Barrel doesn’t sound that great. And olives on anything is disgusting. *shudders* I like iHop to a degree, and Denny’s is okay, too, provided it’s not a southern, racist Denny’s. LOL. I’d like to go to a waffle house, though! That sounds like fun. I’d love to get the one with ice cream and stuff on it. Those look like they rawk. They have such things here, but they don’t taste so good. Maybe the waffle house will do it right.

    • avatarSelina says:

      *hugs her senseless just because I can*

      I love the Chibi Sess. >.> The model ain’t bad, either. πŸ˜›

      I’m sending the writing fairy up there to sprinkle some dust on you. She’s been hanging outside my office window for weeks now, and I just don’t have time for the hoe. She was pretty pissed with my dismissal and shat all over my windowsill. Now what kind of fairy does that?

      Here, you deal with her; hopefully she’ll be kinder to you. Send her back when she’s in a better mood.

      *steals her Kit-Kats and runs*

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Kid Sissy!!

      Oh man, the video is gone. I got this message:

      This video contains content from WMG and Sony Music Entertainment, one or more of whom have blocked it on copyright grounds.

      What a pain in butt. :( What was the video about? And how the heck are you?! It’s been a little minute. Let me tell you, those kit-kats wereSO GOOD. I only have a few left. >.< Like I needed all that sugar, lol. But gee-fucking-whiz. The maple ones are to die for. So are the green tea. The royal milk tea tastes like earl gray tea. If you ever had that, then you know it's a weird flavor. πŸ˜›

      You should try storing your videos on Xanga. That's where I put the ones you and Skye made for me. They can be viewed with no hassle (or killing of my bandwidth!) and it would be better than dealing with youtube. Their shit doesn't even work on the Opera browser. I have to use Safari. *grumbles*

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      She’s been hanging outside my office window for weeks now, and I just don’t have time for the hoe.

      LOL. You stooooopid! xD Shit, I need that hoe! I’ve been messing with the forum for days with code and stuff and neglecting everything. But now that it’s all finished (until I find more add ons), my head is getting back to where it’s supposed to be. I want to do The Neighbor, but I have a feeling it won’t be that. :( (I’ll take what I can get, tho!)

      Mail sometime today! <3333

      *Trips her and gets my $2.20 per pack kit-kats back*
      (Can you fucking believe that????)

    • avatarMeanha aka Ladywolf says:

      It’s showing for me so it should show for you. It most be something else. It’s better for you to see it. So I’m going to post it on your Myspace and upload it to another site too.

      Girl I knew you were going to eat them kit-kats like water lol. I have to get my hands on some. Yeah I’m going to up load them on other sites anyway.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      @ Kid Sis

      I clicked directly on the link you posted -twice- but I keep getting th same message, so I’m not sure what’s wrong. But yeah, send it to myspace so I can check it out. I still have a few kit-kats left, but I don’t wanna eat the cause then they’ll be gooooone. LOL.