Friday, 20 February, 2015
Not sure how many of my lovelies are still around -because I’ve been on a hella hiatus- but for those who are, you can expect to hear something from me soon. My birthday is coming up, and I always try to update on that day, so this time is no exception. Please don’t expect awesomeness because you’re not gonna get it. lol. Hey, just being honest! I haven’t written shit in ages, so I’m rusty and nothing will feel right, but it’s better than never writing for you guys again, right?
And it’s fucking FREEZING in New York. Fuck me, it’s insane. So I’m probably keeping my ass home all weekend, and with that time, I will concentrate on putting an update together… or two. Let’s play it by ear. I don’t want to make any promises Can’t say which story it will be, either. Most likely whatever doesn’t give me a headache, but I’ll do my best under the circumstances. You guys will get to see a new skin, too, since there are a few that you haven’t seen yet. 0.~
P.S. Have you guys been watching Empire? Hot damn that show is my shit!
Thursday, 23 October, 2014
It’s been a long while since I’ve updated my blog. Life has been happening, so yeah. Anyway, a few things:
I’m going under the knife in a few weeks, so I’ve been busy with stuff related to that. No, I will not share my personal business with anyone, here or in private. I’m only saying it now because there’s been reasons for my absence and disinterest in writing, aside from just having other interests in general.
I’m changing servers soon, so for a couple of days, my site (and ED) will be offline. This will probably happen over this weekend. I hate my server now, and if I’m going to get shit service, I’d rather do so from a cheaper place. No one wants to pay a lot for crap.
I don’t know if I’ll be writing again on a regular basis. I think I want to, so I rule nothing out, but regular updates may take a while. I’ve had a little itch to throw up a chapter or two, and I may scratch it soon, but I won’t be fully off hiatus until I’m done with my medical shit. And even then, I’m really effing rusty, so don’t expect much and you won’t be disappointed.
I owe EVERYONE mail. My inbox is full, and I’m aware of it, but there hasn’t been a lot of time and I haven’t been in great spirits, so don’t think I’m ignoring anyone specifically. I haven’t written ANYONE back yet. I will, but I don’t have a date/timeframe. Sorry about that. But thanks for giving a shit. When many things are fucked all at once, it’s nice to know that I can open some mail and have something to smile about. <3
Ciao, bellas!
Side Note: Looks like the winners of the fics you guys are dying to see completed are:
…and because it's a personal fave, The Knife of Romance.
Mind you, this list guarantees nothing. They are simply the ones I will consider most before I close up shop for good. Other fics lower in the polls may still get love simply because I like them. So, we'll see what happens. 0.~
Sunday, 13 April, 2014
I’ll tell you what you probably figured out already. I’m not going to make my self-imposed April deadline for FA Month. Sorry. I’m taking my time because I’m not risking my hands anymore. So, while it will be a bit longer than 2 weeks, they are coming. I plan to make the promised 5 what I update first. Afterward, I’ll be updating random stories (Whatever gives me the least amount of trouble).
Now, about the wishlist. I’m allowing my regular reviewers to put in their .02 on what gets some completion love. I’ll do so via poll after FA Month is over and each person will get three choices. Choose wisely. The ones that garner the most votes -in addition to my personal faves- will be what gets considered when I start updating “with purpose”.
Ciao bellas!
Saturday, 12 April, 2014
I’m a firm believer in not blindsiding people. That shit is uncool, so here is the warning. I won’t be writing much longer. I don’t really have it in me anymore, and frankly, I don’t think many of you really want to read this shit anyway, so why waste my time and injure my hands? I have other interests, and while I will still write, it won’t be for this fandom.
That said, it won’t be an abrupt departure. I’m going to work hard to end some of the ‘fan faves’ -and my own faves- because I want to give my active readers a little something before I go for their years of support. Once I put the cap on my IY pen, I won’t be using the InuGrrrl name anymore (at least not for writing), but I’ll still be around. My friends are my friends wherever I go.
To those who are inactive at Absolution, you’re getting deleted. No more access if you’re not R+Ring because you’re just taking up space. I know who logs in and who doesn’t, who reviews and who doesn’t, and you can expect your deletion soon. If you’ve insulted my hard work with a shitty rating or review, you’re getting deleted. No one is immune to the rules of my site, so please don’t think you’re safe to do as you please. I don’t have any fucks left to give and you can kick fucking rocks.
To those who have -and still do- actively show support for my work, thank you very much. I still write because of you and I’ll do my best to give you some conclusions. But I won’t lie to you. Several fics will never be completed, but I’ll try hard to finish the ones I know you truly like (I judge that by reviews, if you’re curious).
That’s it. Later.
Thursday, 20 March, 2014
Finally upgraded my gallery. It needed it and I didn’t have to close anything. Well, I closed Absolution briefly last night. But yeah, it seems to be all good. Now to see about writing something. Arrrrrgh. lol.
Thursday, 16 January, 2014
Let me say this and clear things up. While I absolutely will lock or delete an account that doesn’t comply with the visiting and reviewing rules, that rarely happens to longtime reviewers.
If you’ve been with me a long time and have reviewed to the point that I instantly recognize your name (I have a good memory), you don’t really have much to worry about unless you disappear for a year or something. Rare is the day that I will zero out a long-standing reader. New readers? Yeah, you guys are in constant danger until you establish yourself at the site.
But it seems that Absolution is messing with some people. When they log in, they’re not finding their name and stuff like that. If you’ve been with me for a long time, don’t assume I deleted you if you have login issues. Shoot me some mail and find out for sure. This happened today with someone who’s been with me for ages, and while I sent a link to her bio page, showing her that her account never went anywhere, it’s up in the air as to whether or not she even saw it, which sucks. So no assuming, folks. Get the facts.
Sunday, 23 June, 2013
My Kau made a new video for me! Kind of a commemorative video displaying all of my headers from Absolution -even the stuff you guys haven’t seen yet- and it’s so fun because she used one of my favorite industrial songs.
I don’t know when I’ll post it for you guys (I kinda wanna wait until you’ve seen all of the headers the right way, but who knows. I may crack. XD), but you’ll like it, I think. Totally made my day. I’m all giddy now and I may even write a bit. Woo!
Wednesday, 29 May, 2013
No, I don’t have any updates ready yet. Let’s just get that off the table now.
The last few days have been spent updating Absolution. You probably didn’t really notice it because I was working internally and only shut it down for a few minutes at a time. It wasn’t fun at all. Now that it’s fixed, I can tell ya what went down. Basically, her software was old and she was starting to spit out random error messages, which isn’t cool.
She needed an upgrade, so I had to do a lot to make it happen, because when I did finally update her software, just about everything that could go wrong went wrong. I won’t get into any tech details -I don’t share that stuff- but I will say that trial and error sucks! But finally, she’s fully updated, secure, and no more random errors or incorrect data numbers. (I deleted several stories that used to be in the archive -not mine- and she wasn’t updating the changes in the reviews. There was about 3oo more than there should have been, but now the numbers are fully accurate and shit is fucking peachy. (ɔ˘з˘)ɔ
In two weeks I turn 8 years old. I’d like to update in time for my anniversary, but we’ll see what happens. There will definitely be a new layout posted with some badass Yasha art (look forward to it!) and I treated myself to the gift of moar Kevin Woo art because >.> I love UKISS. This time, it’s chibi art and it looks fucking adoooorable. I’ll post all my goodies on D-Day (June 16th). Until then, let’s all cross our fingers that you Grrrl’s brain will get out of tech mode and get back into story mode! ✌(-‿-)✌
Monday, 11 March, 2013
This weekend was busier than expected, so no writing at all. Hope to change that today. This DST shit is annoying as fuck. It really throws me off my already wacky sleeping patterns. So, right now (2:10pm) , I’m super tired because I keep waking up at 7am no matter how late I stay up! Shit… by the time I actually have to do work stuff in the afternoon, I’m exhausted like I’ve been toiling all day. lol.
Anyway… Hopefully I’ll have something ready to post soon (Remember, no more long chapters) and there may be times when the site is shut down -still working under the hood. For now, I’m debating a nap cause Mondays suck.
Kevvie and Hoon-Bunny. <3
Friday, 8 March, 2013
So, I’m here to fangirl again! U-KISS’ new video came out last night, and fuck me, it’s so good. I hated the concept pics for the album, Collage, but they made up for it with the video. That dance. WAH! I’m such a fanatic about them. Can you tell?
Kevin is gorgeous. (Yes, yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that jazz, but I think he’s beautiful and I don’t say that about many guys -unless he’s InuYasha XD). I go into a fangirl-fucking-frenzy when I watch them perform, so trust, I downloaded that video immediately and have been raping it ever since!
Needless to say, your Grrrl is in a great mood!
God, I love them.
Okay, in other news…
There may be a few times when you visit Absolution and it will be closed. Don’t worry; I’m not punishing anyone! I’m working on some techie stuff. I wanted to finish it yesterday (You may have noticed a few times when it was shutdown), but that didn’t happen, so I’ll be doing more today. Probably. Maybe.
Also, I’ll be doing some writing today. I don’t know if I’ll update this weekend, but that is the goal. (With a little luck, that will be the reality as well!) There will be new art soon, too. I ordered a birthday gift for myself from the awesomely talented Sarah-Belle, and I’ve already approved the sketch. It’s fucking amazing. I loved it immediately. She hit the mark so well; I didn’t even need to ask for adjustments. I’m so happy! \o/ I also updated the gallery with some stuff from my birthday and the original art from Fanasy of the Human and the Hanyou (“As One”). Speaking of, I should be doing some art with her and one other special person very soon, so expect more IY goodies at the site shortly!