Beyond Redemption – Awesome Friends

Category “Awesome Friends”


Wednesday, 7 August, 2013

You’re lubbed in NY!!!! (´ε` )♡

(I shall give a hint. It’s big, flat, and you can watch it. 0.~)

Squee for Goodies!

Sunday, 23 June, 2013

My Kau made a new video for me! Kind of a commemorative video displaying all of my headers from Absolution -even the stuff you guys haven’t seen yet- and it’s so fun because she used one of my favorite industrial songs.

I don’t know when I’ll post it for you guys (I kinda wanna wait until you’ve seen all of the headers the right way, but who knows. I may crack. XD), but you’ll like it, I think. Totally made my day. I’m all giddy now and I may even write a bit. Woo!

Happy Birthday Grrrls!

Friday, 7 June, 2013

Just a little -big- Happy Birthday to Little Kikyou (I hope she’s loving the flat screen TV that I bought for her)

and Abby-Abbs! Enjoy your day, ladies!

Sweet Kiss

Happy Birthday, Mandy!

Saturday, 18 May, 2013


Hump Day Confessional: Rapid Fire Randomity II

Wednesday, 8 May, 2013

I kinda liked that rapid fire round last time, so it’s getting a second shot.

Today’s Confession…

1. I’ve been sick more times in the past couple of months than I have been in years. UGH.

2. I really, really hate pedophiles, however, I don’t think a fascination with shota or loli should get anyone locked up. “Kids on paper” can’t be harmed or exploited.

3. Marriage doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest.

4. I can’t stand when people ask, “How long will this story be?” like I’d fucking know. If you’re on a timetable, don’t fucking read it. So, unless I say it’s a oneshot, all you need to know is that my longest fic is about 53 chapters and I always said I’d never write another that long. Therefore, it’s safe to assume that whatever I write will be less than 53 chapters. *eyeroll*

5. I really enjoy yaoi. I enjoy it 10 times more than I enjoy shoujo.

6. I dislike when people randomly contact me at fandom-esque websites and strike up a conversation as if we’re friends. It happened for the umpteenth time and I’m annoyed. At least properly introduce yourself and include how you know who I am. If it’s not something you’d do with a stranger on the street, don’t do it on the net. Simple, yes? Same for Twitter and Facebook -DO NOT RANDOMLY FRIEND ME WITHOUT AN INTRO OF SOME SORT.

7. I’m going to see Gatsby on Thursday night (Yes, an advanced screening). Leonardo DiCaprio is a sexy muthafucka and the soundtrack is really good.

8. I randomly decided that I just didn’t feel like going anymore, so I sold my B.A.P. tickets. I’d rather my first k-pop concert be U-KISS, whenever that may be.

9. I’m eating Peanut Butter Cap ‘n Crunch right now. Yum. (And yes, it cuts the roof of the mouth)

10. I’m a proofreader for two scanlation groups under two different names. (And no, I will not tell you which)

11. I think (real) porn is absolutely boring.

12. Despite the wails of desperate fangirls, I don’t find Ryan Gosling attractive. Not even a little. (I did like him in Drive, though)

13. I really like that show, Scandal, because it reminds me of the kind of fanfic I like to write -taboo.

14. I routinely paint my nails pale pink every week, as I dislike all these atrocious, gawdy nail designs.

15. Freshly baked cookies are addictive for me, so I have to be careful with them.


P.S. Gin made a lovely B&W drawing of Kevin for me that I shall giddily hang in my gallery. Big Smile


Sunday, 21 April, 2013

I haven’t been writing. I was supposed to, but I didn’t. I was down. You know why. No need to rehash. The plan is to do some writing today -and the rest of the week. I need something other than RL to occupy my mind. As usual, don’t expect greatness. I had to take an unexpected detour with writing due to being sick, so I feel rusty again. But it’s better than nothing, right?

Kau treated me to some UKISS fanart and I got one finished commission today. I love it. It’s fucking adorable. I’ll post it to my gallery when I get the others so they can go up as a block. I’m very happy with the result thus far. Yay. I’m waiting for two IY arts as well, but one of my artists went MIA on me. Dunno what’s up -this is totally unlike her- but I need to hear from her soon…

UKISS created their first sub-unit (A group within a group) called uBEAT and their first mini album drops tomorrow (Well, today in Korea). Totally excited to hear it because Kevin is being featured as a guest singer and they’re doing some remixes of a few songs from their latest CD, Collage. As usual, I’ll buy the digital copy then a physical one from overseas (I don’t do that for any other group and I never will). I just wish they had gone with a cooler image for this since this CD involves the English speaking members and ‘rappers’ of the group. But… nope. They’re doing the usual Korean, colorful, dorky thing they do. Sigh. But I adore them anyway.

^ Love him.

In other news, came across another art thief on dA. It never ceases to amaze me at how bold these talentless pricks are. But more than that, I just don’t get the stealing and plagiarizing. To me, it sends a simple message:

“I’m a fucking zero, I know it, so this is the only way I can seem like more than a talentless slug in the eyes of people who don’t know any better.”

Seriously, it’s a brand of pathetic that I just can’t relate to. What good is praise that you didn’t earn? In what universe will anyone respect a thief? As someone who has had her fanworks stolen a number of times, it’s a really disgusting, lowlife practice. It shows me that the cunts who stole my work are too stupid and lacking to do something as simple as string a few words together. I have a thousand times more respect for someone who writes a shitty story or makes crappy fanart than the douche-canoe who copies and posts someone else’s shit. Why? Because bad can improve to good and dicks will always be dicks.

Anyway, I’m out.

Kevin Squee~

Friday, 12 April, 2013

Forgot to share my awesome little Kevin giftie that my Rhye-bread made for mah birfday! She knows how much I spaz over him and gave me goodeez!

She’s the bestest! (。´ ‿`♡)

Hehe! <3333

Tuesday, 19 March, 2013

Look what I was given!
Big Smile

The “Thank You” Post

Sunday, 3 March, 2013

So, I always do a ‘day after’ post to thank everyone for remembering my birthday -and here it is!

Big, fat, glomp-y thank yous go out to all my friends and readers who wished me a happy birthday by mail, on Facebook, on deviantART, and at Absolution. I had a good, laid back day and I appreciate the lurve!

Extra special thanks goes out to:

Amber (Am-ski)

And, of course, my Onna-Mom who was also born on March 2nd!

Thank you all so much for the lovely, thoughtful gifts. I appreciate them, but more than that, I appreciate you for being so kind to me through the years and thinking enough of me to give/create so many lovely presents. <33333333333333

For y blog visitors, if you’d like to see some of those gifts, go HERE.
One of my lovely wallpapers (from Neo) are missing, but that’s because you guys haven’t seen that art yet. It will post eventually. 😀

Ciao! Sweet Kiss

OMG, I’m So Sorry!

Sunday, 3 March, 2013

Just a quickie.

I was on Absolution, preparing for the next update and the publishing dates on some stories caught my eye.  OMGosh…

I’M SO SOWWY!  Hit with Ball

Time passes before you realize it, and things that I think “wasn’t that long ago” are actually 2 and 3 years ago (and more). It just never feels that long (Except with the classics. They feel every bit of their length >.>), but everything else… fuck me. I had no idea that If I Want To began in 2011. That’s insane. I didn’t even realize… UGH. Hit with Brick

Well, rest assured that as long as my hands and brain are cooperating, I’m going to keep updating with some expediency for you guys. Yeesh. Just fucking nuts, I swear…

And special birthday thanks to: Kau, Neo, Moniquiu, Rhylee, Maria-nee-chan, and Am-ski for the lovely birthday goodies and all of the people who wished me a HB on Facebook, deviantART, and my inbox! I’ll be uploading wallpapers and a super-squee worthy fanart that Kau commissioned from one of my all-time faves, Sarah-Belle. I definitely think it’s for “If I Want To” so stay tuned. They will be in the gallery some time tonight!