Beyond Redemption – Commissions

Category “Commissions”

Still Around, Just Busy.

Thursday, 23 August, 2012

I’m busy -really busy- with some other stuff right now. I’m also under the weather, but I’m still around and I hope to start posting when things calm down for me. I also forgot to do my confessional this week -sorry- but I’ll remember next week. In great news, I got back one of my coolest IY arts to date and just approved the sketch for another. So whenever I can finish these updates, I’ll have some pretties for you guys.

Thanks for dropping by the site and leaving such encouraging reviews and e-mails. I’m slow on responding right now (see above), but I appreciate it because you guys remind me that I really do have a reason to write -you. <3

Until soon!

My Birthday Art is Finished!

Tuesday, 3 July, 2012

The anniversary art Kau ordered for me from Fanasy is finally finished! It’s cute, too.  Well Done

I will probably make it a skin, so I don’t want to say too much, but I’ll share the concept -which will be a dead giveaway, lol. Though I’m totally alternate universe with my Human Yasha, I still love Hanyou Yasha and always will. He is where my love for InuYasha began and he’ll always have a special place in my heart. To me, the two characters are one and the same, even if I choose to bring a different side of him to life. For me, they will always be “As One”.

So, that’s all the clues for today. Hopefully, you’ll like the art! 😀

It’s IG’s Birfday! ^___^

Saturday, 16 June, 2012

Today InuGrrrl turned 7 years old. Gasp! It’s been that long, eh? Well, trust, it feels like it. >.> I’ve accomplished quite a bit for a hobbyist writer and I’ve definitely dealt with my fair share of assholes along the way. But God don’t like ugly, and those who knowingly engage in the bullying/stalking/harassment of others, particularly people they don’t even know, cyber or otherwise, eventually get what they deserve. So I brush them bitches off mah shoulda and keep doin’ IG.

I’m still trying to achieve a miracle update of some sort, and if I can get it posted by midnight, I’ll at least be able to say that I posted something on my anniversary. *fingers crossed* If I don’t, well, life happens and nothing will fall apart if I don’t update today, know what I mean? But I am working on it, definitely.

Anyway, kau made a cute little gag pic for me. 😛

Okay, it’s 1am and I’m actually sleepy. I’m gonna crash and get up early to tackle this thing. I’d say I’m past the halfway point (this update will be a little long), and if I get up early and really put my head into it, I just might complete something…

Oh, and there’ll be a new skin in a few hours, too. ^___^

EDIT 12:30PM:
My anniversary art is ready (It’s awesome), but the skin is not, so you won’t be seeing that one today. However, you WILL be seeing another shortly. ^^

EDIT II: Welp, I did it. I managed to update before midnight and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. There’s a new skin up, too, though you may have seen it before because Absolution was being a brat and leaked the skin weeks early. *grumble* But that’s okay, there are more of those where that came from, so expect some with the upcoming chapters. If you’d like to see the full, original art for my surfer boys, I’ll be posting it in the story art category at Decadence shortly, so check it out and thanks for 7 years of fuckery! ^__________^


Sunday, 8 April, 2012

Yesterday I got my newest art back. The first is for Age of Innocence and it’s sooooooooo cute. It’s going to be a header (I’m making the skin now) and I think you guys will love it. The cute just KILLS. Then, I got back another art for If I Want To. This one is of the MBC as well, looking to cool for the room. I guess that means those two stories will need updates soon, huh? 😛

So, let’s do a count! This is a list of all the stories that have new art that you guys haven’t seen yet:

If I Want To
Age of Innocence
Knife of Romance
Edge of Seventeen
The Neighbor
Suicide Rain

Quite a few, huh? Some of them I’ve had for months. I like to unveil things with an update. So, at least you know that when I do update, you’ll be getting a visual treat. And I’m not even done. I still have art I plan to have made for a few other stories. When I retire from fanfic, I’ll probably arrange a section of my gallery for all the story art in order (since I’d like to get at least 1 piece per story). Hm. I may do that this weekend… *ponders*

Anyway, it’s times like this when I’m really grateful to the shitheads of this fandom who pretty much forced me to carve my own place in the IY world. I’ve never been happier having my own house. <3 I'm also in a writing mood, so I'll be working on multiple chapters --and a lil something for Linds, whose birthday is coming up. She has two favorite stories, so one of them will see an update for sure. ^_______^ I haven't started working on the new plot I mentioned the other day. I don't want to start on that until I've updated other things, and who knows, I may not write it for this fandom at all. It really depends on how people receive my works in the next few weeks. I don't see a point in unveiling more new stuff if I should be moving away from the IY universe and working on my new fandom. But anymewho, hope you guys have a great Easter Sunday!

Remember months ago when I was telling you guys about Teen Top and that cutie, Chunji? Yeah… Chunji… Mmm….

And, of course, my eternal boo, Kevin. <3


Monday, 12 March, 2012

Quick Update: Just got the new art back for The Neighbor, and holy-fuck-me, it’s WHIP. ASS. You guys are gonna love it, srsly, and it goes great with the scene I’m writing. Can’t wait to show it to y’all. <3 And MPR will be done soon. I did some overhaul on what I had. I just didn't like it. I'm not 100% happy with this chapter, but it's a lot better than what I originally had. >.> And with it, you’ll see the new art. Yay. So, I’m going back to it now, but I had to share my excitement. Fans of the spider and the butterfly are in for such a lil treat! \(^o^\)

Fiction is Still Not Ready, But

Wednesday, 22 February, 2012

The new skin is. Yay! \o/

Like I said, it’s a scene from an older, completed fiction. The original art (and you wanna see it. It’s awfully pretty), will post on the same day as the skin (at my gallery). My awesome Neo even made a really cute wallpaper for me with the art, so I’m giddy. I won’t be posting the wallie, though. At least not without a heavy watermark, since that was a personal goodie for me. <333 I'm still waiting for more art, including the Knife of Romance scene. So I probably won’t even begin work on the next chapter until that piece is ready. You guys have been with that story for a long time and deserve some eye candy (and no, no one is nude. Perverts. lol.)
There are only a few chapters left to that one. I had some other places I was thinking of taking the plot, but I think I may cut it short in favor of completion.

Anymewho, you won’t see this skin right away because I want you to see two others first. But you will definitely see it soon along with more updates. The Neighbor >.> is being difficult. Apologies in advance, but these next 2 chapters really will be short. Like, 3000 words short. They’re the last on the original list, and while I did say that I reserve the right to skip anything that gives me a headache, I don’t want to do that with these two, especially the problem child. I get TONS of inquiries about that fucking story and I cringe at the thought of all the lovelies who will be disappointed by not seeing some kind of update on it, even if it’s not a great update…

So, bear with me a bit longer. Something will appear by Friday, hell or high water, greatness or suckage.


Friday, 10 February, 2012

I just got one of my new arts back, and HOLY SHIT, you guys are gonna go nuts. It’s SO gorgeous that even I’m surprised! It’s a scene from an older, completed story that was pretty popular (and many of you still like it today). It deserved more art, and wow, you guys are really going to love it.

I’m sending it off to my guru, Neo, now to create the skin header. The original art will be posted sometime after the skin is up. Then I’ll just wait for you girls to roll yer tongues back into yer faces. Srsly, they look THAT good. <3 In fiction news, I admit that my hands are bothering me more now. Carpal tunnel is a writer's worse nightmare. That's all I'm saying. >_< It's only been a couple of continuous updates and my hands are already giving me shit. However, I refuse to stop while I have some inspiration. The two always seem to coincide, but I'd rather keep writing and take a break afterward. So, wish me luck with my painkillers. In actual story news, I'm about 2000 words into my next update. Because my hands are really bugging me now, it may not be as long as my last update. If I feel that my stopping point can't be short (cause it doesn't work with what I'm doing), the update may take a bit longer due to the hands. But the good news is that, officially, there's just 3 updates left to FA month, so I'll probably still make my deadline. Go me! And my birthday is coming on March 2nd! (Onna's, too) \o/ If you've been with me since the start, you know I usually write myself a little PWP giftie. Not sure if I'll do it this year, but I'll try. If it's not a PWP, at the very least, it will be a new novella (cause I have a wealth of unwritten plots). But dammit, I'm giving myself something!

Last, but always first, big thanks to everyone who’s been reviewing. I’m answering as much as I can when my hands don’t ache, but I’m definitely reading them and wholly appreciate the effort. You guys will not be forgotten when the time comes. <3 Wait for the art! ^____^

Small Delay

Wednesday, 8 February, 2012

I was building a new website for a friend, so I didn’t get any writing done. The next on the list for an update, well, I hate this story. I really do, and it hates me right back, which speaks to its lack of updates all this time. I feel obligated to write it, but Jesus, I hate this fucking story. Every time I think I have a handle on it and know where it should go, it just disappears and I’m at square one. Urgh. This story is just difficult and really makes writing a lot less fun. >_>

Okay, TBH, no writing is fun right now, but I’m still going to do it, chips fall where they may. No new skin with this update, but there will still be some new art for it, and an older, popular (completed) story is getting a new skin in the very near future. I’ll give you a teensy hint: The “brothers” are looking lovely! 😛


EDIT: I’m fucking shocked. This chapter isn’t killing me (yet). I’m actually halfway through it! \o/ Remember, my chapters won’t be long anymore (even after FA Month. I think shorter, and hopefully, more frequent chapters will help production). But with any luck, there’ll be an update tonight or early tomorrow. *moonwalks*

The Neighbor
Money. Power. Respect.
The Knife of Romance
Last Exit to Eden
If I Want To
In His Eyes
The Girlfriend Experience (Honorary)

And isn’t he pretty? Makeup to die for! His name is Andy Sixx, lead singer of Black Veil Brides. I like one of his songs, “The Legacy”. The only issue is that every song sounds like it was meant to be an “anthem”, ya know? >.> He also looks like Nikki Sixx and Paul Stanley had a baby… (I guess you can see who is influences are, lol). But still a cutie!

Bringing in 2012 Right!

Tuesday, 3 January, 2012

SQUEE!! (Had to get that out!)

My very awesome g-artist, Neo, made a new layout for my main site (Go see!) using the art you see now, which was created by Sarah-Belle, who is just amazing. I came to her with almost no references, just a concept, and based on just my words, she was able to pull this pretty out of her hat and it’s exactly what I wanted. How cool is that? Then Neo, being the guru that she is, came up with my tattoo (makes me wanna get it for real!).

I haz so happy!
(Yes, it’s the little things that bring me the greatest joy.)

Of course, Absolution will have a layout and that’s where you’ll get to see the full art, and it’s really awesome. I’m so happy with it! <333 I'm working on updates and hope to have a couple for you guys by the weekend. I was feeling a little sick today (due to my new condition) and didn't get much done. But I'm working on it, and as stated before, turning over a new leaf. New site, new artwork, new chapters, and I'm getting rid of the old. I cut a few people off (and still doing so). They're not really friends anymore, so I'm done there. Life is too short and I wanna have my fun, not worry about who's mad at me this time and why, especially when I’m always going out of my way for people. But, what can ya do? Nothing. I just don’t care anymore; too many real life worries, ya know?

Anymewho! Gonna post my daily poll at Deviant Art, shower, then write a bit more before bed.


Fanart, Fanfic, and Personal Shit.

Sunday, 9 October, 2011

I just got 4 commissions back and they’re just AWESOME. 3 of them are chibis -one for Eternal Destiny, one for Absolution, and one for my Kau. I won’t be showing Abi’s or ED’s yet, but you can see Kau’s giftie at Decadence, my art gallery. The others will “debut” at some point, though ED’s wait may be a bit longer. But it’s so darn cute that it will be worth it. ^___^

My “Belle” finished the art for IG [dot] Net, so it’s just a matter of getting it on the domain (courtesy of the fantabulous Neo). But wait until you guys see the full art. HOLY SHIT. To say she nailed it nicely is a complete understatement. Every time she makes me something new I end up having a new favorite art! But wait until you see the goodies you haven’t seen yet. Yeah, visiting Absolution will become a LOT more fun. xD

And in stressful news, I have this plant. I’ve had this plant since my mother died. It was a little stem in a jar of water and she said she was going to plant it. That day never came, so in tribute of her, I planted it and for all these years it has grown until it’s almost like a palm tree. But in the last couple of years I’ve had trouble with it. Leaves dying, bad roots -so I replanted with premium soil, a much bigger pot, the works. Well, that made it worse. It was practically dying, then it got better, started to stand, then took several turns for the worse. So, Kau and I are trying to find ways to save it, but it’s stressful as hell.

I’ve had this plant for many years, so seeing it die will really break me up. It’s part of my mom, you know? So, I’m stressed, upset, a lotta shit. It’s part of why I haven’t really dug into writing lately. It’s not the sole reason, I haven’t felt like picking up my pen since, well… I have almost no inspiration to write these days and I hate that. I really do because it used to be a form of release. Now, it’s not, and when I felt the bug to write again and I was excited about it, the enthusiasm died a bad death. Sigh.

Point is, I’ll do my best to get this show on the road post haste, but no guarantees that it will be any good.

EDIT: We found out the name/species of the plant (It was a mystery), and got sound advice on how to nurse it. Keep your fingers crossed that I can make it feel better, and thus, make myself feel better…