Beyond Redemption – Everyday Crap

Category “Everyday Crap”

Motherfuckin’ Hump Day!

Wednesday, 6 May, 2009

It’s hump day and I haven’t posted anything for public consumption in a while, so here -the fuck- we go! 😀

Okay, let’s start by not ignoring the 800 lb. elephant in the room. Some things have gone down at Eternal Destiny recently, and while I won’t get into the details, I’ll just say that my mods and I stand by our decision and the reasons behind it. At the end of the day, ED is my website. Michiko and I built it. I maintain it, I pay for it, and along with the help of a few awesome volunteers, I run it. All that I ask of the members is that they respect the staff and follow site rules. I don’t think that’s unreasonable, therefore, those that can’t seem to do that are not welcome there. It’s really that simple. The End.

Now, onto other stuff! 😀

My friend, Kau, just got back from Japan a few days ago and sent me a bunch of stuff -like a case of Hello Kitty miniature figurines. OMG. They’re so fucking cute! I need to get pics for you guys. Squee. I also got some InuYasha stuff (that I didn’t have!) and a couple of other things that I won’t mention here since it’s an inside joke between us. >.>

Did you know that they have all of these weird-flavored kit kats there? She sent me so many kinds. @_@ Strawberry (Tastes like strong strawberry quik), Soy Sauce (which tastes like maple), Espresso Coffee, Apple, Bean Paste (which tastes kind of nutty), Grape (Tastes like wine. Blech!), Cookie (Totally yummy), Green Tea -it’s wild.  I haven’t tried them all yet, but I have plenty left. I wonder why they don’t sell them here. Maybe it’s because kit kats are not a big deal here. Anyway, it’s been interesting. Thanks, Kau! ^_^

I finally picked up my doujinshi that I ordered. They were $25 per book (I bought 5), and they’re all in Japanese, but the art is awfully cute. I’ve never bothered to buy them before, but I can see why people like them so much. And no, hentai. They’re not porn. 😛 I also put in another order to Notoes for a new doll that will represent one of my fictions. That woman, I tell you, she’s quite the awesome. Very talented, but more importantly, really nice and accommodating. It’s a pleasure buying stuff from her and that’s why I’m a repeat customer.

Work has been kicking my ass, and on top of that, my allergy meds are sucking the life out of me. I’m constantly tired when I take them and it’s been an energy zapper. It has affected my writing, which sucks since I was getting a lot done. I’m off today, so I’ll be here catching up on everything around me. My “aunt” is visiting, too, so that put me in rare form last night. I was far less patient and much bitchier than I normally am, and when you add how I get when I’m tired… Yeah. It was best to just leave me alone. For real. I’m better today, though, and look forward to working on new skins and ordering the prizes for ED’s contest.

Lawd. Kau just told me her car is dead on the side of the road. >.< I need to talk her out of kau-icide. Lata!

No idea who drew this, but it was too nice not to share.


Let’s Shoot the Breeze, Shall We?

Monday, 20 April, 2009

Nope, no password protection with this post. In fact, that feature will be used sparingly, because to be honest, I’m not losing sleep over those that are making it their business to stalk my blog. Whatever nonsense they’re trying to cook up is all for naught. I don’t bother with most of this fandom because too many are embroiled in antics that I deem beneath me, and I certainly don’t throw my hat into the ring for the childish bullying that is “wank”. I write, and I run my sites, and that’s the totality of it. Besides, I’m very accessible if anyone really has something they want to say to me.

Moving on.

Yesterday was gram’s 5th anniversary. I spent most of it watching TV and writing. I was two episodes behind on Jack Bauer, so I watched those, and wow. I’m so ready for tonight’s ep. If you watch and you’re not caught up, I won’t spoil it, but I’ll just say that the ending to last week’s really threw me for a loop. That’s why I love 24 and why that show is still so strong. It’s just amazing; amazing writers and amazing acting. You just don’t get that anymore on TV (or in movies, truth be told).

If you have HBO and you’ve been peeking at “East Bound and Down”, what the fuck happened? That show started off so hilariously, and then, I dunno. Looks like they just want to build you up to tear you down (sorta like fandom. Haha.). The ending of each episode -they’re these hard downers that just kill all of the funny. Sheesh. I’m on the fence about HBO bringing it back for more eps. I mean, am I going to feel horrible when each one ends?? o.O

And while we’re on Home Box Office, Entourage and that ‘train wreck that you can’t help watching’ called True Blood will be back soon. I love Entourage. LOVE IT. Excellent show, and I just adore the boys. True Blood… it’s up in the air. It’s a bad show; no doubt about that. However, Lafayette (the gay one) was fucking fantastic, and with him getting killed at the end of the last season, well, what’s there to go back to? Sookie Stackhouse is the biggest dipshit alive (and that’s something given what we’re exposed to online) and if she’s the lure, I’m ghost. I did love Sam, though, so I may watch for him. Eric (the evil blonde vamp) was a hottie, too, and Good Gravy! They don’t sparkle and they have fangs and -gasp- sunlight will KILL them. *chuckles*

I’m still watching Lost and I still like it. I can see why people abandoned it, though. There are parts in the plot that drag and don’t make a lot of sense -though, that seems to be because they’re leading it somewhere at a later date. But thus far, this season has been good and we’ve gotten a lot more answers about the island. Many main characters have been killed off, which sucks (BOONE!!!), and a few get on my nerves, but I’ll roll with it. After watching all those seasons, I can’t abandon it now.

Oh, and let me just say this real quick:


Next topic: Fanfiction (Cause, you know, that is why we’re here, right?)

I finally added the second chapter to The Edge of Seventeen’s second epilogue. It was supposed to be 2 chaps in total, but it just didn’t work out that way. I had so many bases that I wanted to cover that I ended up with well over 10,000 words and every attempt at shaving it down didn’t work. So, I gave in and posted it as is and decided to complete it with 3 chapters instead. I don’t regret it, and even if many gave up on it, I wanted to finish it for myself (and Irini). I’m also about to polish off the first giftfic I made for Onna (The More Things Change) because she’s Onna! 😛 But also, I was serious when I said that I had plans to end these fictions that only need a chap or two before completion. I want to clean up my library, leaving only the stories that are pretty far from the end. And yup, that means the long-coming conclusion to “Ever After”.

I’ve been working on some new fictions -none are posted yet- and that will remain the case until I’ve written several chapters of each, and I’ve closed several stragglers. None are drabbles, or oneshots. They’re all novellas and full-on Pulp Fiction, which is another reason why I want to hold off on posting them.

On the drabble front, about 8 months back, Chibi gave me -literally- thousands of prompts with the challenge that I write at least 2 per month (mainly yaoi and I/K). Needless to say, I haven’t done that. However, I’m going to start. Sometimes I feel like writing and I don’t want to pick up any of my current stories. At the same time, I don’t want to start anything new -that’s when a drabble comes in. They will all be 1000 words or less and all genres/pairings (not that I write much outside of I/K). Admittedly,  I know many will have a dark nature to them (angst and dark -what I love best!).

Will that be happening soon? Probably not because I’m busy with work and the sites right now, but I may toss a little something out there when my updates are taking too long just to give my lovelies something to snack on while I whip up the main course. 😀 (Remember, folks. IG isn’t a “drabble author”. They’re like pulling teeth most of the time and they’re not what I want to be known for. These would just be an exercise in word count discipline, lol.)

It’s raining and cold here. I actually have on a blanket! But my spirits are high and Selina gave me a great laugh on her LJ (she’s posting Dave Chappelle, Jim Carrey, and Boondocks clips), and best of all, a friend of mine that wanted to pull her work off the net was convinced to let it stay. That, by far, was the greatest news of the day. In the words of Eddie Griffin when he did some stand up about Dr. King and his civil rights demonstrations, “Take back your shit! Don’t march about it!” Allowing people to chase you away from something you enjoy is the height of giving in and it’s unacceptable.

I got another one of my giftarts back from my Kau who commissioned the Samurai pic. I haven’t watermarked it yet, so I can’t post it, but I will be doing that shortly. In the meantime, I’ll dig into the vault.


ED’s Contest Has Kicked Off! Yay!

Wednesday, 15 April, 2009

Click image for details.

Eternal Destiny’s contest has finally jumped of and I’m hoping people will enter so I can give them some prizes! I may even do a participation banner for everyone that enters -a sort of keepsake.

Anyway, things are okay on this end. I was in the ER for about 6 hours on Monday, so that was a lovely slice of fun. 😀 I was having all of these horrible dizzy spells, and on Saturday they got so bad that I couldn’t sit down or lie down without the entire universe spinning before my eyes. Turns out that I have vertigo brought on by fluid in my ear, which was brought on by allergies.

So, I’m taking zyrtec and vertigo meds, which help, but also make me very sleepy. I feel like I’m dragging through the day. @_@ But while I’m coherent, I’ll catch up on everything that I can like posting my contest and doing a teeny bit of writing.

Cheers! 😀

Happy Easter!

Sunday, 12 April, 2009


Hope you’re all enjoying the day with your family and loves ones! ^_^

Protected: Baby’s Looking Torn and Frayed…

Tuesday, 7 April, 2009

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Let the Weekend Begin.

Thursday, 2 April, 2009

Welp, what’s going on with me? I haven’t really been sleeping or eating. I dropped roughly 12 pounds in about a week, and I haven’t slept more than 4 hours in a 24 hour time span in nearly 2 weeks. Needless to say, I’m exhausted and everything is taking its toll.

In general, I’m stressed about different things, and I have a full plate ahead of me with ED and FA site work. Plus, of course, my real job and the fact that the season is kicking in and I’ll be working a lot. Therefore, I need to get my shit together and start sleeping and eating again.

I was looking over my fictions, and holy shit, some haven’t updated in SO long. Writing has become harder, since, unlike some, I don’t want to be cookie cutter, so I put a lot of effort into each story. That energy is draining, and combined with block, I find myself taking forever to update -something I swore I’d never do. I want to improve on that, so I picked up a fic I’m 10 months late in updating. With any luck, I’ll be kissing it goodbye shortly. I’m actually going to try and make that a goal. For every chap of something new, I follow it with something older. Who knows, maybe I’ll make a dent in my WIPs. Expect at least one chap this weekend.

I was watching TV and saw a commercial for Dennis Leary’s show, “Rescue Me”. Apparently, it’s about firefighters. The theme song was one of those instant “I love this” moments, so I downloaded it and you’re hearing it now. Isn’t it fun? I love it. Makes me all bouncy. 😛

I finally posted to LJ. It had been weeks. I barely go in there now just because it’s brimming with smegma, but I do have friends there, so I like to say hello every now and again. However, it will be a while before I post again. *shrugs* Not a lot to say, and other than wanting to know how they’re doing, I have no real reason to be there (other than InuRomp).

My friend is going to Japan in like 2 weeks. I told her to bring me back some IY stuff. Squee.

My nee-chan, Ilsa, is making some giftart for me and sent me a sketch. WOW. That’s all I can say. I think I squee’d so loudly my neighbors heard. It’s not colored yet, so I won’t show it, but the drool factor is significant.

Alright, I’m pretty tired. I’m keeping myself up a while longer in an attempt to go to sleep at a decent hour (with the help of Lunesca). We won’t discuss the fact that I didn’t fall asleep until 12:30 this afternoon. Sigh.


Protected: This Weekend…

Monday, 30 March, 2009

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The Rules of Attraction

Wednesday, 25 March, 2009

So, I finally watched another Ian Solmerhalder film, The Rules of Attraction, and I must say that this one was fucking good. My boy is just a supporting player (though he has a somewhat major role), but his performance was great. That aside, you know who I have a new respect for? James Van Der Beek. Yep, Dawson. I always found that show a colossal turnoff, and he’s completely unattractive to me with a big, damn head, but he pwned his role as Sean Bartman, a fuck-up, wannbe drug dealer. I mean, seriously, I walked away really impressed with his acting.

The film revolves around a bunch of young college students and the insanity that is their lives. There’s everything from drug use to suicide, and just the way I love it, this movie starts dark and ends dark with lots of hilarity and emotion (at certain parts) in between. Every character learns a hard lesson, and there’s lots of nummy angst that an angst queen like me can sink her fangs into. I will be keeping this one for the DVD collection.

Out of a possible 5 Tessaigas, I give this one 4.  😀


The Penning Blues…

Saturday, 21 March, 2009

Welp, I finally posted the next chapter of The Knife of Romance, and needless to say, I’m still not happy with it. Basically, it’s been written for over 2 weeks, maybe three, and I just hated it so much that I refused to publish it. Instead, I wrote and re-wrote, tweaked and cut stuff, but it was no use. I guess it was one of those chapters that just wasn’t going to get any better. I posted it. I’m over it. Blah.

I didn’t get to watch The Rules of Attraction yet. I didn’t have the time. I spent the entire night messing with KOR and was just too tired to start a movie at 6am. However, it may go on the wait list anyway. Danga has been poking me to watch “Behind the Mask” and I downloaded it yesterday, so that will probably come first.

I want to write, but I’m wondering where the words will come from. It’s like I’ve got a bunch of ideas, but when it comes time to execute, they’re a jumbled mess. I even have several new stories that I have to write (gifts/requests) and I’m hoping I can pull them off. Some of my lovelies have been waiting on them for a long time. :( Makes me feel awful.

I stopped cooking again. This is my second night in a row of ordering dominos pizza and sandwiches for my cousin and I. Their sandwiches (the chicken, bacon ranch -though I hold the ranch) are really good despite their “breadiness”. So some of that with a bottle of iced tea should suffice for dinner and maybe give me some energy to complete the other 2 partially written chapters on my desktop (Okay, there’s like 12 of them, but I’m looking at 2!).

I’ll write up a review of Behind the Mask when I’m done. Let’s hope it’s better than The Lost Samaritan.

EDIT: Okay, I started “Behind the Mask”. OMG, I’m so bored. >.< 20 minutes in I paused it and I haven’t picked it back up yet. I will because Danga rec’d it, but lawl. o.O

I also forgot to post a pic. How about some Ian?!


Days of do nothing…

Wednesday, 18 March, 2009

Today is a decidedly lazy day. I finally got the search box off the top of my blog, which was a huge eyesore, and now I’m thoroughly loving my new home. WordPress takes a little getting used to, but it’s worth it to have a little corner of my world that’s not as open as Xanga.

I’ve been writing. Last night I worked on Knife of Romance, and with any luck, I’ll finish revising it today and post it by tonight or tomorrow. It’s not an explosive chapter at all, but a build up to others. This story will be done soon. I know some people look at it and see all of these “avenues” that can be explored, but I don’t. I’ve had the ending in my head for a long, long time, and when I get there, this story will end. I’m not into writing epics anymore (Remember Edge of Seventeen? Never again.) From this point on, if I can’t wrap a story up in 25 chapters (or less), I either won’t do it, or I will butcher it. I never cared for ridiculously long stories, so I’m not going to start churning them out. Hell, I can barely finish anything as it is!

I have a few others on my burner, and I really want to finish Treasure on the Tide, but I can’t say for sure when that will be. TOTT’s next chap is nearly done, so I’m going to try to shove that out after KOR -with any luck.

As usual, fandom is bursting at the seams with wank and asshattery. I’ve been yanked into it, to a degree (aren’t I fucking always? These bitches seriously ride the short bus), but I refuse to get directly involved with that back and forth shit. It’s totally beneath me, and besides, that’s what they want. They get some cheap thrill like two dollar hookers when you indulge their douche-baggery, and I, for one, don’t have time for it. I actually have a JOB and I don’t live in my mom’s basement, nor am I a bored housewife, or whatever these airheads do with their time when they’re not being wanktards. (Then again, when are they ever not being wanktards? Must be interesting to be known for wank and nothing else. How proud they must be.)

On the website front, I’m getting ready to commission more art from Maria-nee-chan, and Eternal Destiny is going to have a contest. It will probably be announced sometime in April. As always, there will be banners and tangible prizes, and the theme is a fun one, so yay. I’m also going to be re-skinning The Boiler Room soon and that should also be fun. (Yup, with custom fanart, of course) It’s still much quieter than ED, but we’ve had a 150 member jump in the past couple of months, so no complaints.

I’m currently downloading Ian Somerhalder films because he’s fucking hot. Yes, I’m being very shallow and I don’t care. 😛 If you don’t know my obsession with Lost yet, well, here is where I tell you that I have an obsession with Lost. My favorite character was Boone, and though he’s not there anymore, I still adore him, or rather, Ian. So I’ve been looking at his filmography and found 3 movies that I want to watch: The Rules of Attraction, The Lost Samaritan, and Pulse. I’ll let y’all know if they were good. Hell, they’ll be good just because he’s in them. Mhmm, I’m biased, too.

